
The Blacks II

(Aerion's POV)

"What are you doing?" Rhaenyra asked as she walked into my chambers

I looked at her, "What?" 

"What you did back there." She said with a frown, "What you plan to do." 

It was a bit after that entire meeting, Jace and Baela were about to get prepared to depart to the Vale. I had told them to be easy and not fly too close to the Crownlands. Hopefully no harm comes to them.

"I don't know what you're speaking of, my love." I said as I picked up my cup of wine

"You're putting yourself on the frontlines, acting as if you'll be the one spearheading this entire war campaign." Rhaenyra said as she stood in front of me, "I did not grant you leave for that, Aerion. This is the same as years ago when you wanted to leave for the Stepstones. You commit yourself to danger, for what you think is for the sake of our Family. You really want to be out there, setting the land ablaze on Vermithor, Aerion?" 

"It doesn't matter what I want." I said as I looked at her, "I'm here, awaiting your order, Your Grace." 

She stood there, wearing a dark red dress, her hair tied in a single braid. She looked beautiful, more ethereal than usual. I had no idea that in a time of war, I was getting distracted by how beautiful she was. She was above life itself to me, I didn't deserve such a woman. A Goddess incarnate. I always look at her like she's the most beautiful woman in the world, which she is, but when it's a time near conflict, I look at her more closely, etching her features in my memory. 

"Aerion." She walked up to me, "I...." 

"I understand your feelings, Rhaenyra." I said as I patted her cheek, "You must not think of me as a Husband, not now at least. I am your best chance at winning this War, my love." 

"I am speaking as your Queen, Aerion." She said seriously, "You are my most valued asset.....I.....I can't have you take the entire burden of War on your shoulders..." 

"A dragon cannot be restrained, love." I said with a smile, "That is why I sent Jace and Baela. Keeping them cooped up would be the wrong Idea. It is risky to have them alone out there, but Vhagar is not fast enough to catch up when they run. I..." 

"I know." She said softly, "Gods....I'm so nervous..." 

She looked down shaking her head as she placed her hand on my chest. 

I nodded, "I understand." I said, "But this is it, Rhaenyra." 

She looked at me, "What is?" 

"Your Father." I said seriously, "Your Father betrothed me to you for one reason and one reason only; to protect you. If I sit around doing nothing, letting them gain power and do as they please....I...I'll be spitting in his memory. I must not allow them...they.....they took your Throne, Rhaenyra. They usurped you. They placed your brother on it, something he must not have wanted. I.....cannot sit by.....and watch as they tarnish the legacy of our House...if it can be avoided, so be it. But....if can't...Fire will burn and Blood will be shed.....You know that." 

"I know..." She turned around and walked towards the fireplace, "F-Father told me that you would die for me....that you would do anything to protect me....I was skeptical when he told me...when Joff was born....He...Aerion, that's the last thing I want..." 

"Death is constant in this world, Rhaenyra." I said with a grim tone, "Even your Father, a King, was unable to avoid it. But before it took him, he told me.....that a Targaryen needs to sit the Throne. This is bigger than all of us. He chose you, Rhaenyra." 

"What if he was wrong....?" She looked at me with a concerned look on her face, "What if I'm not the one he thought of....?" 

"If not you, then Jaecaerys....." I said looking down, "Or his child with Baela.....or their children....it doesn't matter, Viserys chose you. It is a Targaryen with your blood, not anyone else's. I saw it, Rhaenyra...the Cold, the Dark. If it is possible for me to end this War as quickly as possible, without much casualties on our side.....then is better for you and your reign to prepare everyone. It doesn't matter if I am lost, that's what I was born for." 

"Aerion." She started, "I don't care for all of that, I need you by my side. If I am to take the throne, I need you by my side, to help me lead, to help me prepare the Realm for what you say is coming!" 

"I'm a Knight, Rhaenyra." I told her, "A Knight. Leading isn't in my blood, I....I don't know much of it...I wouldn't know what to do with half the power that the throne gives you. All I know is fighting and dragon riding. That's all I'm good for and that's all I'll be known for. You will be etched in the History books, as Queen. That is all. Me? I don't even know if I'll be remembered. And I'm okay with that. But all that matters is that I honor your Father's memory and fight for what is rightfully yours." 

"I.....I don't want to lose you because of a reckless action, Aerion, that is all." Rhaenyra said, "All of this....I...." 

I walked over to her and placed my hands on her shoulders, "My Queen." I said, "I ask leave to take flight whenever necessary. I will fight for you, for your Heir, for your Throne. Anything to protect my Family." 

She looked at me, a bit of tears in her eyes, "Aerion...." She said with a shaky voice, "Y-You're a fool....I can't just let you do as you please, you know?" 

"I love you." I said as I leaned down and kissed her forehead, "With everything. Just know that everything I do is for you. Every action I take in this war is to get you back on that Throne. I vow that I will not do anything that'll insult your Father's memory. No innocent blood will be spilled, no innocent homes will be razed. Any and all enemies that oppose you will be crushed, You have my word, Your Grace. Rhaenyra, this is it, you can't ignore it now. It's about who makes the first move....." 

"I-I....I know...." She sniffed, "Everyone talks about how magnificent you are, how Mighty Aerion Targaryen is.....but every time you pick your swords up, I worry. It matters not if the result is always you winning.....I can't help but worry..." 

"I am glad that you care." I said as I patted her cheek once again, "My love, you are beautiful..." 

"I'll fight for you till the end." 


"Jace, Baela." I said as I walked over to the entrance of the dragonmont, "A word." 

They were in their riding gear, ready to depart when I caught up to them. I saw the Princess Rhaenys up ahead, getting ready to resume her patrols. 

"Yes?" Jace said

I stopped in front of them, the two of them were looking up at me, "Okay.." I sighed, "This is serious, you both know that." 

"Yes." Jace nodded, "War has been declared. My Mother's throne was taken and by extent, my inheritance. We have to do something about it." 

I nodded, "Yes, but nothing stupid." I told him, "As your King-Consort, I order the two of you to not engage any enemies unless absolutely necessary. And to not engage in dragon combat against Vhagar should you encounter Aemond Targaryen. Do I make myself clear?" 

They both looked at each other, reluctant to respond. 

I cleared my throat, "I'll ask again, do I make myself clear?" I said as I raised my eyebrow, "This isn't some little trip around the Realm the two of you are doing. You're entrusted with a serious task and the fact that I suggested you two go there is because I trust you." 

"To be fair...." Jace said as he flicked some hair out of his face, smiling slightly, "I am the Prince and Heir, should I really-" 

"This isn't time for jokes." I cut him off, "I'm dead serious here. How do you think I would feel if something happened to you, Jaecaerys? My Wife's Firstborn, the first of her children she loved? And Baela? My beloved sister? I would be devastated. Not only because you two are my Family, because the two of you are the Future of this Realm. Yes, you are next in line, Jace. But so will your children be....so keep that in mind. You aren't married yet, so live long enough to give me a niece or nephew, you fool." 

Baela smiled slightly, "Told you." She chuckled as she nudged him

"Okay fine." Jace cleared his throat, "We will do as you say, Aerion." 

I looked at Baela with a raised eyebrow. 

"Yes, Brother." She said with a nod, "We'll do as you say." 

"Good." I said, "Now, Jace, go ahead. I need to speak privately with Baela." 

Jace frowned, "Okay...." 

He turned around and walked away as I looked at Baela. 

"Did I do something?" She asked

I sighed and placed my hand on her shoulder, "No." I said with a sigh, "Listen, kid. I need to speak to you about something." 

"What?" She asked

"Our Father." I said as I looked past her and towards the platform where Jace and Rhaenys were standing, "I don't trust him." 

She frowned, "W-What do you mean?" 

"Harrenhal will be near your patrols." I told her, "Tell me, who are you loyal to? Him? Or Rhaenyra?" 

"A-Aerion, Rhaenyra is the Queen. Of course, I'm loyal to-" She started

"If he reaches out to you, do not listen to him." I told her, "This isn't me being petty with him, I legitimately do not trust what he's doing." 

"He's building an army for Rhaenyra." She said, "If you didn't trust him, why even let him do it?" 

"A Host will definitely be useful should this War be taken to that point." I said truthfully, "If Daemon wishes to use it for the wrong reasons, I will step in and take it from him. But in the meantime, we let him do as he please. But Sister, I am serious here. Give me your word that as long as you're in the Vale, you do not interact with him." 

Baela nodded, "Y-Yes..." She said softly, "Okay then..." 

I leaned in and kissed her on the forehead, "Good." I said with a smile, "Just know one thing, my dear. I love you and I always have. Be safe." 

"You plan to fight, don't you?" She asked with a concerned frown, "You want to take all the fighting yourself....why?" 

"You know why." I told her

"If you do that, you'll leave Dragonstone unattended to a dragon attack." She said, "Is that wise?" 

"Normally, yes." I said as I stepped back, "But I have a plan. It's a foolish one and something I know Rhaenyra would not like." 

She tilted her head, "What is it?" 

I looked at her, "Rhaena." I told her

She widened her eyes, "Y-You can't be serious...." She said, "No way you're going to....Aerion, you're insane." 

I nodded, "Maybe." I said, "But it's worth a shot. She's stronger than any of you give her credit for. And well...." 

"I think the Old Lady is overdue for her second rider."