
House of The Dragon - Greenseer

Aerion Rivers, a bastard from the riverlands is sent on a fate defying missions with visions from the future. The weirwoods sung to him, beasts falling to his will as we read about the Greenseer in the Dance.

Stingleese · テレビ
22 Chs


The morning air was biting cold, he's been here since the crack of dawn. His mind was racing anxiously, and though eyebags still stubbornly remained he could feel eager excitement pulsing through him. 

He had packed his stuff yesterday noon. After all he was leaving today, an odd pang of longing burning through him at the thought.

He eyed the Redkeep gates, guards walking past, their armour clanking. Servants bustling into the castle murmuring between themselves and the sound of the city washing over him. 

People rushing through the streets, markets opening and smallfolk going to work. Nearby Lords were talking to servants, planning their departure from the city. 

But he noticed when she arrived, a small group of people splitting before her. The familiar bald kingsguard following behind. She was wearing dark riding leathers, scales running across her shoulders and down her forearms. 

She spotted him, gracing him a small upturn of her lips before she turned to her Kingsguard, quickly exchanging words with the old man. 

Aerions attention switched as a stable hand approached the Princess, two horses following behind him as he clutched the reins gently. 

The Princess nodded and spoke to the man, the stable hand rushing away at her words. 

Aerions eyes flicked back to the rushing stable hand only to find he was now bringing over a third horse, leaving it by the Princess who was running her gloved hands gently over its neck. 

Aerion approached slowly, his footsteps eager but nervous. His large dark cloak wrapped around his shoulders. A gift from his most recent nameday, his uncle was very generous. 

A dark leather belt wrapped tightly around his middle, his sword sheath jolting as he walked, a dagger hidden at the small of his back underneath the cloak. 

"Princess" he greeted, the excitement peeking through his attempt at composure as he bowed his head. The silver haired teenager smirked as she, in a smooth movement climbed atop a black horse. 

"Ser" she said back as she nodded towards the brown horse, Aerion nodded and in his own smooth movement gently got onto the saddle. 

The Kingsguard was already atop his horse, one hand on the reins and the other resting upon the hilt of the sword, always prepared. 

Princess Rhaenyra started to ride, the horse trotting towards the gate at a controlled speed. Aerion followed further behind, his eyes running across the city.

They passed the gates, the guards nodding them through. The bald Kingsguard quickly rode to the right of the Princess, Aerion following behind as they started to ride through the busy streets of the city.

Smallfolk gasping and waving at the princess, shouting out towards The Realms Delight with joy on their faces. Aerion could barely understand it, why did they hold so much love for her?

He eyed the loyalty in the men, women and children's eyes and couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable as he followed behind the princess, making their way to the looming dragonpit.

They eventually got there, passing through the gates with ease. Aerion got a few odd and suspicious looks from the Dragon keepers, but was able to follow behind the Princess nonetheless.

He got off his horse smoothly, excitement coursing through him as he looked at the massive dragonpit. He rubbed his hands down his cloak as if cleaning them, preparing himself. 

The princess eyed him with amusement, quickly calling out to him. "Aerion" grabbing his attention from the looming pit. Aerions dark purple eyes met with her own bright lilac ones, something always…perplexed her about his eyes. 

They were oddly familiar. 

She shook her head clear of the pointless thoughts as the younger boy approached, about the same height as her. 

"Come on" she beckoned as she started to walk into the pit, the dragon keepers bowing their heads at her. Aerion followed behind diligently, the Kingsguard eyeing them both. 

He took several deep breaths, his hands almost trembling as he clasped his hands in front of him to stop them. His eyes widened when he entered, the sheer size of the place breathtaking.

Bright torches lit the walls, large caves dug deep into the earth by the far wall of the pit. His eyes were wide and locked onto the caves, there must have been at least 8 separate caves, all huge, and so dark he couldn't see what lay beneath. 

"Syrax, aōha āeksio brōzas!" Rhaenyra exclaimed, her words sending a shiver down Aerions spine as he swallowed. The air seemed to thicken in anticipation, as the muted sound of rocks scraping and crashing filled his ears.

His wide eyes locked onto the furthest cave to the left, the sound coming from there. He saw a shifting in the shadows, the sounds growing louder. 

With awe he watched as a yellow snout poked through the darkness, the torchlight flickering making the scales seem golden. More and more of the gorgeous dragon made itself known, its head alone was almost the size of a horse.

Rhaenyra steadily started to approach, taking off her gloves. The dragon revealed itself in its entirety. Slowly at the sight of its master, its head dropping, letting Rhaenyra run her hands across its face.

Aerion just watched, wide eyed frozen to the spot. Memories that weren't his of riding dragons, seeing the dragons from afar, none of them compared to the real thing. 

Rhaenyra turned her head, eyeing him with a smirk. "You're not trembling already, are you?" Rhaenyra's voice held a playful lilt, but there was a challenge in her eyes.

Aerion didn't really process what she said as his eyes remained fixed in the dragon. 

"Gods" he muttered more to himself, the sound carrying through the pits easily. Rhaenyra was amused, as an idea sowed into her mind.

"Do you want to touch her?" She asked, her eyes fixed on the young knight, who after a mere moment of hesitation nodded. "Don't be afraid" she warned as her head turned back to Syrax.

"Issa raqiros, gaomagon daor zūgagon" she muttered to Syrax.

Aerion steadily, carefully walked over to the pair. His heart racing, adrenaline pumping as he took deep breaths. He was trying to calm himself, he was not afraid, but gods his heart just wouldn't slow. 

He slowed once he was within a horse's length with the dragon, his steps still steady but slower. His eyes met with the slitted blue eyes of the dragon. 

His hand slowly reached out on its own accord. 

He couldn't hear the shifting of the dragon, the flickering flames of the torches, the shifting fabrics nor the faint bustle of the city. 

He could only hear two distinct thuds, his own heartbeat and then something else. Not in sync not yet, but one day, one day they will.

His hand pressed against the hot scales, the dragon shifting-

Then he wasn't there anymore, he was now in a cave he turned around. Confusion and excitement running through him. His eyes caught a faint silhouette, a dragon bigger than Syrax staring at him.

Its eyes are a dark purple, a long brutal scar running down its side. It scales black, blending in almost seamlessly with the shadows of the cave. 

He took a step forward as if under a spell.

-under his touch, the warmth radiating from the dragon like a campfire. He blinked, his eyes flickering around his surroundings. Not even a second had passed, his hand still gently pressed against the dragon.

He turned his head, meeting eyes with Rhaenyra. The Princess seemed focused on him, his eyes flicked back to the dragon. "She's beautiful" he said softly, his tone filled with awe, a hint of confusion still rushing through him. 

Rhaenyra smiled, her mind racing as she thought of something. Nerves almost catching a hold of her, the feeling strange, almost alien.

"Do you want to ride her?" The words slipped out before Rhaenyra could stop them. She hesitated, fingers tightening slightly on the reins. She had never had anyone but Daemon this close to Syrax. 

Aerions hand froze, his eyes flicking to her, wide and awe struck. "Really?" He asked, his voice soft and breathless.

Rhaenyra nodded, not sure if she would come to regret this. But Alicent had never wanted to, her father never wanted to, her M-Mother never liked dragons and Uncle Daemon had his own dragon. 

Aerion took a deep breath, almost shaky at her confirmation. His eyes flicked up to the saddle, as he clenched his jaw, trying to ground himself.

Rhaenyra eyed the saddle, her head turning to Aerion for a moment. Her eyes flicked to the ropes on the side of the dragon as she started to climb up with practised ease. Sitting on the saddle, quickly chaining herself down. 

Her eyes flicked to Aerions form with a hint of challenge in her eyes. The younger knight picking up in it quickly, his hands nervously wrapping around the ropes. 

He took a deep breath before he pulled, his body scaling the dragon with relative ease. Settling on the saddle, a couple feet back from Rhaenyra. Said Princess turned her head looking over him. 

"Move back" she said with a gesture of her head. Aerion did, sliding back slightly a purposely upturned piece of thick leather stopping him after a couple of inches. "Now chain yourself in" she commanded as she gestured to the thin chains.

He did, his eyes flicking up occasionally to see Rhaenyra watching critically, giving tips as he took a while to finally lock himself into the saddle. 

He looked up, Rhaenyra was back to facing forward her platinum hair running down her back. 

"Soves!" She exclaimed, Aerions eyes widening as the dragon jolted underneath him before it with a flap of its wings sent them through the dragon pits large entrance. 

Another flap of her wings sent them dozens of metres into the sky, Aerions breathing shallow as he eyed the ground below in awe.

Another flap of her wings sent them even further into the sky, Aerion felt a grin tugging at his lips as the wind rushed past his face. In moments they were so far above the city that the Red Keep looked the size of a normal house. 

He looked back up, the clouds greeting him, his hands spread as the air pulled at him desperately. His grin stretched his face as a laugh burst from him, the sound lost to the roaring wind. 

His hands gripped the chains tighter as they soared through the clouds, a thrill coursing through his veins that even his dreams had never captured.

Rhaenyras head turned, her own face split into a grin, the look on the young knight's face only spurring on her own joy. Syrax sensing the joy through the bond they shared, released a trill that reverberated through her body. 

Aerion just laughed, Syrax suddenly pulling upwards, sending them crashing through the clouds. Rhaenyra groaned in annoyance as her hair got wet, Aerion however kept laughing. 

This felt right, everything about this felt so right!

His dreams couldn't compare, nothing could compare! 

Rhaenyra turned back, a laugh bursting from her own lips at the look on his face. This is what she wanted to do with Alicent, but she felt no regret at bringing Aerion up first. 


Eventually they got to the ground, Syrax landing back into the dragonpit with a thud. Rhaenyra easily untying herself and sliding down Syrax, Aerion followed behind though he nearly tripped when he hit the floor.

He just grinned as he recovered his balance, his hair windswept, cheeks flushed and teeth gleaming. Rhaenyra on the other hand was far more composed though a large smile still remained on her face as she stared at the knight.

His eyes flicked to the outside of the dragonpit, he would have to prepare to go home. No doubt the procession would be ready to leave within the next few hours.

But not even that could dull his joy, though his grin did drop as took a deep breath, trying to compose himself. 

"You're departing today?" Rhaenyra asked, though she already knew the answer. Aerion nodding only cemented it, her own smile dropped as she eyed the knight who was trying to calm down. 

"Do you know when you'll be back?" She asked curiously, her eyes fixed on the knight. Though she had already asked this question, she was hoping he'd change his answer. 

"When the next big tourney happens, I'll be back" he said resolutely, his eyes flicking back to the Princess. He wouldn't only show up for the tourney though. 

She eyed him for a moment, then her eyes flicked down to her hands, her rings reflecting the flickering torch light. "Don't forget" she commanded as she fidgeted with her jewellery.

Aerion nodded, he didn't think it would be possible to forget her and this city. He blinked when her open palm suddenly shot out, a silver plain ring in her hands. "Here" she said. Aerion eyes flicking up to her in confusion 

"Take it" she said, her tone serious. Gently he grabbed it from her palm. It was a plain silver ring with a small engraved three headed dragon you could faintly see when the light hit it. "To make sure you don't forget"

"I won't" he promised, his eyes flicking to her fingers. This was one of her rings, his fist clenched around the jewellery. "Thank you" he softly said, his dark purple eyes meeting her lilac ones.


Thoughts? I loved writing this chapter, though I hated the first half