
House of the Celestial

The Crown of Star. A mighty artifact that symbolizes the Divine Federations might across the galaxies. Gone. Missing. The Colony Planets region is on the brink of disaster after the uprising in the Federation. Meanwhile on a distant planet, millions of light years away from the Federation, a young woman awakens a power meant only for the chosen. Now begins her journey of self-discovery and growth as she learns the truth behind her otherworldly power and how it connects to the mystery of the Universe.

Daniel_Orions · ファンタジー
42 Chs


 Yesh Institute

Sterling residency

Howard area, Chicago

Terra, Gaea Solar system

Milky way Galaxy, Charlie Quadrant

Neutral Free Zone

January 15th 2019

 Samantha Mccoy was born and raised in a small suburban town in New York State, the kind of place where nothing happened. An Idyllic place. Sam's Dad and Aunt Stella were the only families she had and it was enough for her. Sam didn't remember much about her childhood with her Father, just the camping trips where he taught her lots of things. Her fondest memories were of them stargazing into the night. The stories her Father would tell her about the stars, about constellations, and lots of other ridiculous things that she would find entertaining. There was one about visitors from the stars visiting earth a millennium ago-bringing with them their culture and knowledge for the benefit of mankind. Sam remembered a lot of fascinating stories he would make up. She would then make up her own story, stories that he would encourage her to sketch down in her sketchbook. And then the accident when she turned ten when father took her camping to celebrate her birthday. That was when everything would change for her...

"Samantha! Samantha!...." The voices whispered her name within the darkness as she was drowning, the car was being pulled by the current. Father was having a hard time with the seatbelts, trying to undo the one on her, water spilling inside the car. It all happened so fast, the car chase, the explosions, the shooting, and then the accident that got them run over. And then there was darkness, a calm peace where the pain was gone. Where nothing mattered. And then she awoke in an Intensive care unit in some hospital downtown in Chicago. No idea how she got there from all the way in New york. Sam had been in a coma for three days, with no initial memories at first of what had happened. Ever since then, her life had become strange...or more like a nightmare. First was the strange colors that she would see around people that others couldn't see. Colors that emitted a melody that allowed her to perceive the emotions of people. Then came anxiety attacks that felt like Sam was dying. She didn't understand what was going on with her or why she had been left alone with no one to explain what was going on. If it hadn't been for her Aunt Stella... She would have ended up all alone. She had been there for everything. Dad's funeral...the hospital appointments, the psych evaluations that amounted to nothing. And then she became Sam's Guardian. Not just her Aunt anymore but the only family Sam had left...Voices...she could hear them whispering within the darkness...

"Samantha! Wake me up. Wake me up."

"She is the Ashayet. The one to free us from the darkness,"

"But can she.." Something whispered within the darkness. Something tugged on her... Her eyes opened, staring at the ceilings of Henry's bedroom. Her body felt hot and sore, her bones heavy like gravity was pulling her down. Henry was laid down on the bed beside her, breathing heavily. Thank God. He was alive...ugh! Her head was bombarded with lots of images.. memories of her time camping with Dad...memories that she did not recognize. The pain...she bit her tongue to deal with the mental pain. Luckily the physical pain was enough to drive out the other pain in her head, enough to give me clarity. She got up from the bed. She needed her pills this instant. When she got close to the stairs, she began to hear voices, and people talking. Henry and her weren't alone. And then she remembered the strange boy. How could she forget? They had just been attacked by actual monsters. She slowly climbed down the stairs, trying to take a look at who was in the living room. The boy-he looked so young that she assumed he was a boy but he was probably older than her- was talking to a girl. Sam's mouth dropped open staring at the girl. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. She was super gorgeous and tall, with dark skin with russet-colored hair stripped with some pink dye in some areas. Her eyes were golden green, her face was kind of symmetrically perfect with a slender nose, and plump lips. The only downside was how cold her eyes looked. She wore the same military outfit as the boy along with silver gloves that covered her hands. But what drew Sam to her was that she couldn't see any color from her. Not just colors...no melody...Nothing...no emotions...nothing came off from her. It was jarring and relaxing staring at her.

".....Just finished speaking with Rosa. They've secured the building and moved the doctor's body," The girl said. The boy nodded, sitting on one of the chairs in the living room like he owned the place. Sam stared at the living room, noticing that the hole that was once there in the ceiling and the floor was gone. Like none of the fights ever happened. Sam's attention went back to the girl, wondering who she was and where she came from.

[I can feel you staring.] 

Sam jumped up startled at the voice inside her head. What the hell... She... The girl was looking at Sam across the living room, aware of her presence.

"So you're awake." The boy said. His wounds from the fight with the monster were all gone and he looked quite perfect, well except for the torn bits in his uniform.

"You're still here...you're real," Sam said. "I wasn't hallucinating...I'm not crazy-"

"No, you're not. No more than what it says here." The boy waved a document at Sam. Sam gasped realizing that it was her files from Dr.Dingle's office...Wait, Dr.Dingle...So she was dead. Her legs shook and she knew that she needed to sit down before she fell on her butt.

"Are you ok, " The girl said, eyeing the boy as Sam sat on the staircase. "I know you've had a tough night..." Tough night...Sam wanted to scream but something stopped her. The anxiety that had begun to build up was gone. All that was in her head had become silent. For some reason, she was able to take all that feeling..all the chaos and store it somewhere else. Her whole life has been crazy. This was nothing new.

[I see.]

"Are you speaking to me in my mind?" Sam asked the question like it was no big deal.

"Yes...I'm sorry I shouldn't have-"

"It's no problem," Sam said. She turned to the strangers standing in Henry's living room which was not busted anymore. Who were these people? What the hell was going on? The boy cleared his throat and came forward to Sam. He knelt in front of her with a grin.

"I remember you." He said. " We met at that gala, not long ago." Sam couldn't believe he remembered her. She felt her cheeks go red at the memory of when they met. He had been the only one who understood her painting. And she had been the only one capable of seeing him then. She remembered the crazy look Henry had given her after he had left.

"Yeah... I uh.. thought you weren't real. That I made you up." Sam said. "You are real, aren't you." She stared at both of them. They gave each other a look before turning to me with a slight grin.

"Yeah, We're real." He said. "The name's Leon Haravok"

"And I'm Emily. Emily Legens." The girl said coolly. Everything about her demeanor seemed to be quiet or maybe somber. Sam couldn't read her well because she couldn't see any color with her. Unlike the boy, whose color seemed to flash bright yellow.

"Here, You happened to drop this," Leon returned the shard that Sam had used to stab the Abomination in the back. Leon wondered where she had gotten a soul shard, though he had some suspicion. Sam took it from her, feeling the strange object in her hand. She had gotten it from Dr. Dingle's office, having no idea why she had been drawn to it.

"So, Sam-"

"You know my name." Sam was surprised to hear her name come out of the boy's mouth.

"Yeah..your name's right here in these papers," Leon said. "You were a patient of Dr.Dingle.."

"She's dead," Sam said. " She's dead and I ran away...I couldn't save her. And...this thing...I don't know why....but I took it from her.... from her...." Leon and Emily stared at each other and then Leon nodded. She didn't like it when they looked at each other with a familiarity that kind of made her envious.

"We know." He said. "We've been to her office. There was nothing you could have done to save her, Sam. And that thing... it's a soul shard." Sam froze, not understanding what he was saying.

"What do you mean," Sam said. "Dr.Dingle's soul-"

"A remnant of it. Left after her death," Leon said. There was more to it, but Leon decided not to say more about it. Leon saw the look of confusion on Sam's face and couldn't help but feel pity for the girl. 

"I don't understand what's going on," Sam said.

"Listen carefully to me Sam," Leon said. "Dr. Dingle was a recruiter, a recruiter for an organization known as Golden Dawn. Her job was to screen for potential Mystics."

"What... I don't understand." Sam said. What the hell was a Golden Dawn and what the hell was a Mystic? "Dr. Dingle was recommended to me by-"

"Your School, Yesh University is a front used by Golden Dawn," Emily said. 

 "What the hell are you guys trying to say" Sam turned to them. Leon sighed and just like that, dragged the couch towards her and sat on it.

 "How do I explain this...You saw that thing that I fought. You remember it, right." Leon said.

"Yeah," I said. "It's really hard to forget the monster that was trying to kill me,"

"Well, that was an Abomination. A Beast type Abomination." Leon said. "It's a creature infected with sickness from the Infernal plane."

"An Infernal plane," Sam said, taking her time to ponder the meaning of his words. Was he speaking of another plane of existence...No....No way. No fucking way. Her anxiety level was rising but she did her best to maintain a calm image. She decided not to show how weak and pathetic she was. Leon smiled at her like he could sense the truth within her.

"I was half expecting you to start freaking out," He said. "But you show greater composure than that friend of yours." 

"I am freaking out," She said. "I just don't want you to know how weak and fragile I am."

"It doesn't seem to me that you're weak," Emily said quietly. She had been watching Sam as Leon explained the situation. "According to what Leon told me, you were able to deal the Abomination a blow. Most humans would not have had the guts to do what you did."

"At least the sane ones" Leon muttered with a wild grin. He got a shove in the ribs from Emily.

"You killed it. You...You did things that were not supposed to be possible." Sam said. "Wait...tell me you're not an alien, sent from outer space to hunt monsters," Sam remembered the stories Dad told her as a kid. Looking at Leon, remembering the way he had glowed and fought, he looked like those characters that she normally read about in comics. Everything about him….no….Everything about them seemed ethereal.

"Well, we're not from this planet, if that's what you mean," Leon said with a strange smile. "But we prefer to refer to ourselves as Offworlders. Does that scare you that we're not humans?"

"What do you mean," Sam said. Of course, she was scared. What kind of question was that? Emily cleared her throat and put her hand on Leon's shoulder.

"It's complicated. Not enough time to explain it all. Short story, Leon and I are Pleiadians, one of the Nine known Universal races in existence." Emily said. "We're members of a holy military organization known as the Starlight Order whose job it is to protect all life-forms from mystical and dimensional threats like the Abomination."

"They call us Paladins-"

"Paladins..like the twelve fictional knights from legends.." Sam said. Or more like Holy Knights seen in fantasy comics.

"Not a legend. And not fictional." Leon said. "We, Paladins, deal with otherworldly threats that originate from outside our universe."

"So you guys are monster hunters," Sam said. It was just like the stories Dad told her about. Stories that she read in her fantasy comics and manga... "So...That thing that you fought...was a-"

"A Beast Abomination. There are various kinds of Abomination," Leon said. "Not everyone can see them but you did. Which makes you a Mystic. You can see through the Grey."

"Mystic? Grey?... What's that?" Sam asked. There were a lot of questions running through her head.

"The Grey is a natural force field barrier that separates the mundane state of this planet from the Mystical Hidden World. Think of it like a curtain that makes it hard for humans to observe or perceive the existence of monsters." Emily said.

"But as a Mystic you were able to see through the veil and peer into the truth of your world," Leon said.

"What about your kind," Sam said. "Pleiadians"

"Our kind is not affected by the Grey," Leon said. "To be honest, We're immune to the effects of the Grey because we're born with the ability to see right through it."

"And the Grey is something that mostly belongs to this planet," Emily answered also.

"I see," Sam said. She felt like she got what they were saying. "And I'm able to see right through it...Wait but Henry could see the Abomination."

"Probably has to do with your presence around him," Leon said. My presence brought Henry within the Grey. These were the typical things that she had read about in her graphic novels. Did a part of her know that deep down the world was not the way it appeared to be? Was she too accepting of this surrealness as reality because it would make life better for her? She didn't know.

"Your Internal Senses must be so sharp that it must have influenced his," Emily said.

"Internal Sense," Sam said.

"Internal sense is what makes you see through the Grey." Emily simply explained it.

"So my senses opened Henry's senses," Sam whispered. It made sense cause Henry hadn't been able to see Leon in the Art show when she had met him. And if Henry couldn't see him, that means...

"So you can make yourself invisible to the human eye," Sam said. "Just like the monsters of this Hidden world you talked about,"

"Yeah," Emily said. Ok...that..kind of sounds cool. Could she do that too? Wait..is that why she could see the colors and the...

"What about the colors," Sam said. " I...I sometimes see colors coming off people...and sometimes I can.."

"Feel the emotions associated with those colors," Emily said.

"Yeah..is that normal," Sam asked. "Is that something you guys can do?"

"Yes and no," Leon said. Sam felt her chest tighten. "The colors you see are auras... the color of one's Odic force. With one's Internal sight, it's natural to see the aura of living beings. But the emotions that come with it... that's a unique skill only certain people possess."

"It means you have a Sensory ability of some sort, Samantha," Emily said with an empty expression. "You can perceive stimulus data that comes with the aura. Though I have to say, I've never heard of a Regular mystic having such ability"

"Very Impressive," Leon said which got him a glare from Emily.

"I wouldn't call it impressive," Sam said standing up from the stairs. Her ass was killing her from sitting too long on the hard floor, and she needed to stand on her feet.

"Yes..my bad. I suppose you wouldn't. Not with the noises and all those extra feelings that aren't yours." Leon said.

"Yeah," Sam said, turning to Emily. She could tell that she understood what she meant. She could speak to Sam in her mind, which meant that she could probably read minds. So she was a telepath. Able to read the minds of others. It was probably worse for her than it was for Sam. Sam dealt with emotions and feelings, not the Inner voices of people. In a way, it felt nice to meet a kindred person. Someone who probably went through the same shit she went through.

"It's not as shitty as you think," Emily said. Huh, strange to have someone else in her head. She could feel a strange sensation that she figured came from her.

"I know the irony in me asking, but can you not read my thoughts please," Sam said.

"Sorry, it's kind of hard not to," Emily said. Which was true. Though Sam was unaware, the power behind her Sensory ability made it so possible for Emily to easily read her thoughts, like an open book.

"Though with this revelation, it's hard to believe you're just human," Leon said.

"What do you mean not human?" Sam said. A lot of information had just been dumped on her. She thought about all those expositions in stories. This felt just like that. If all these were true and she was not losing her mind...then what does that make her? Was she even human... According to them her gift of empathy wasn't something that a human should be capable of.

"What am I then?" Sam asked each of them, desperate for any kind of answer.

"That's something we would like to know too," Leon said. "According to the files Dr.Dingle had of you, there's not much to go on."

"What! That I'm crazy and para-"

"Samantha Mccoy shows signs of being Od-sensitive and an excellent participant in the Mystical Program. Though she may bear signs of traumatic ordeals, this is a result of not understanding the basis of her reality." Leon said. There was more information about her status as a 1-0-9 but Leon decided not to bombard Sam with too much information.

"Mystical Program," Sam said. Did Dr.Dingle recruit her for this program? Was that why the school had recommended Sam to her? To see if she was a good fit for the program. Wait...They said the school was a front for some kind of organization.

"Dr. Dingle...Was she a Paladin like you two?" Sam said

"Dr. Dingle worked for Golden Dawn," Leon said. "It's an organization responsible for covering up the truth about the Hidden world of this planet. They're the reason why humans never hear about the supernatural. Yesh Institution and its university are a front they use to interact with the human public," So her school was a font for some magical organization.

"And she was recruiting me for this program because I'm a Mystic," Sam said thinking of the doctor.

"It's a lot but just know that it seems you met the requirements for the program," Emily said.

"She says here that she believes the pills you take, restrict your ability to use your Internal Senses. It hinders your ability to feel the emotions of others while also hindering your physical abilities. She wanted to try and coax you out of it." Leon muttered. "Where's the pill?" Sam took it out of her pocket and with an impressive quick motion, he had the pill bottle in his hands. Sam was surprised at how fast he was. Leon sniffed the pill and groaned at it.

"Fuck. It stinks. Can't believe you take this shit," Leon said. "Where did you get it from?"

"They're herbal pills. My Aunt Stella makes them for me...." Sam realized immediately how foolish she had been for most of her life. The Doctors could not evaluate what kind of disorder she had because she had none. And yet, Stella had come up with a pill that helped to take away the pain of her affliction. Again...Her head was hit with images of Father and her during their camping trips, images with lots of implications that she didn't even want to reconsider. She could feel herself sweating. She didn't know if it was from her anxiety or if it had become too hot in the room. All She could do was rest her face on her right arm as something dawned on her.

"I was never normal was I?" Sam asked, but more to herself than to the other two. Her head was suffering from a splitting pain that came out of nowhere. It was making it hard for her to breathe.

"What is normal," Leon said with a sneer. "Normality depends on one's viewpoint therefore in our eyes that makes you normal," Sam's head snapped up to stare at Leon, her breathing becoming a little bit normal as the pain in her head subsided a little. All she could think of was what Leon had said.

"Whether or not you're normal, it's quite clear you're not safe here anymore, Samantha," Emily said. "That Greater beast came right here and from what Leon told me about what happened...it seems you were the target."

"Me...Why would a monster be after me," Sam said.

"I don't know," Leon said. "A lot of things don't make sense but...You can't stay here anymore Sam. You have to come back to the Yesh Academy with us."

"Wait...You mean I have to leave...but I have classes tomorrow...I mean this morning." Sam said looking at the time. It was early in the morning, past midnight.

"Forget about them. You want answers...You can get your answers- all of it when you meet Adonis and Phoebe Yesh." Leon said. Phoebe Yesh... Sam knew that name. That was the name of her university's chancellor. Leon jumped off the couch, vibes of excitement were coming from him. "Right now, staying out here can put your life in danger. And I don't think that I could be there to save you all the time." He was right of course. Sam was in danger. If more of those Abominations were to come for her, she would be dead. For now, the smart thing for her to do would be to follow them and meet this Adonis. But...what about Henry? Sam sensed his presence like it was just second nature to her. Standing on top of the stairs was Henry. And he was fuming.

"You're not going anywhere without me" was what was written all over his face and the colors that came off him.


 While the couples argued back and forth over whether the human male would come with them, Leon began to study Samantha Mccoy. He still remembered the way she had used the soul shard and used it to stab the Abomination. Without any training or knowledge about the Odyllic. He remembered the look on her face when she confronted the Abomination. A part of her had been afraid. But she had fought through it. Some part of him did think that she might have some connection with the Fallen star. Did he feel guilt that he might be trying to use her? Leon couldn't answer truthfully. She was brave though, He'll give her that. She had handled the truth a lot easier than he thought. He had never had the chance to reveal the truth to someone who had no clue before, so Leon wasn't the type to explain things to her. Adonis could. That was his area of expertise. Speaking of Adonis and Phoebe...Why were they interested in recruiting the girl for the Mystical program? And did they know that she would become a target for the Abomination? Leon wouldn't put it past those crazy couples. Anything was possible when it came to them. His mind went to his pocket, where the Adamant coin Vuelo gave him. It had led Leon to her but something was telling him there was more to the coin. Sam and the human's whispering came to a halt, Sam sighing like she was done with the argument. What did she see in him? Leon wondered. In the end, it was decided that the human was to come with them. Actually, Leon got a message from Rosa in his zodiak that he should bring the human along since he had been exposed to the Grey. But he didn't mention that part to Sam.

"Can we drop by my Dorm, please," Sam said as Henry came climbing down the stairs with a bag. "I need to pack some stuff for myself."

"Sure. Yesh University is our destination after all." Emily said as she pulled out the Exodus device. She twisted it and the whitish light spilled out from the device and covered us. We appeared right inside the University, in the middle of the Arts and Music wing of the building.

"Wow! That was weird." Sam said. She had on a grin though she looked a little bit greenish. Wrapping through space for the first time can be a trip. Sure enough, Henry puked his gut out right there. Pathetic. That was Leon's opinion of him. "So I was wondering, what do my school and the Yesh academy have to do with each other? There has to be some kind of connection,"

"Yesh University and the Yesh Research Institute are just a front for the Yesh Academy," Leon said. "Your university is a base used by Golden Dawn to scout among the humans that are Od-sensitive like you and recruit them." 

"Those chosen are then transferred to Yesh Academy where they are trained to master their mystic abilities," Emily said.

"How come I've never heard of this," Henry said.

"Because it's a secret, idiot," Leon said, eyeing him.

"Uh..Ok. My dorm isn't far from here." Sam said. She turned to Henry, giving him a look. "Be nice and behave."

"I'm coming with you," Leon said.

"Wait...why-" Henry began but Emily interrupted him.

"We'll meet you guys by the Registration building." She said pulling Henry with her towards the direction of the Register's office. It didn't take them long to get to the dorm building, which was on the left side of the Arts and Music building. They came across no one on their way, since everyone was probably asleep right now. It was early in the morning, which Leon hadn't noticed. He was kind of familiar with the school as it was a place his Mother used to bring him to as a kid. Was it a coincidence that Sam happened to attend the same school his Mother had attended back when she was still in Terra? It makes sense. Most Mystic attended Yesh University before they got scouted and bought into Yesh Academy. Leon was quite aware that had he been raised as a Terran by his mother, he would have also attended this school and the Yesh academy and gone straight to Golden Dawn as a Guardian, but instead his Mother had insisted on raising him within the Federation as the proud heir to the Haravok family of the House of Leo.

"So what's a Guardian exactly," Sam asked as she opened the door to her room. 

"Guardians are warriors/ protectors of the Golden Dawn charged with protecting the mundane world from the Hidden world," Leon said. Sam gave Leon a look that told him he had only confused her more. Shit. Maybe Adonis and Phoebe could explain more of it to her. Leon followed her inside the room. The first area was the living room outfitted with a stylish couch and furniture, a TV scooped on the wall with an attached kitchen.

"Looks nice. Where's your roommate." Leon wondered.

"She's gone. Probably in her boyfriend's dorm." Sam said thinking of Aria. Although she had known her since the first semester of her Freshman year, she hadn't made any effort to get to know her roommate. Actually, Sam hadn't made any effort to make friends just like how she never had any friends in high school. She had focused all her time on Henry while preferring to be alone.

"Not a friend of yours, I take it," Leon said. Sam turned reddish, getting rid of her jacket and walking away from Leon. He had read her like she was an open book. Leon followed her into her room, a smile on his face as he checked it out. Her room was fitted with posters of unique-looking characters. Clothes and books were all over the bed. He could tell that she hadn't been here in a while. Probably holed up in that Moron's place. Leon picked up a book, raising his eyebrows at the title.

"Tower of Fate," Leon said. "What's this?"

"It's a manga book," Sam muttered as she took out a bag from her closet. Leon had noticed the way her body had changed once they entered the room. Like she was uncomfortable being here. She began to hurriedly dump clothes in them. Leon flipped through the pages, put off by the black and white though the art style did intrigue him.

"You read this nonsense," Leon said

"Used to." She said, "It was a hobby of mine."

"So you're a fan of the fantasy," Leon said, dropping the book. 

"Strangely enough they helped me through a tough time," Sam said. "And for situations like this."

"You do know that real life is not like what Jax goes through," Leo said. "The true world out there is not black and white the way he thinks."

"Aha! How did you know the main character's name is Jax." She said, Crap...She caught him. Leon smiled at her pacing around the medium-sized room. "Did you just read the whole book right now?"

"I may be capable of speed-reading," Leon said. His eyes caught a book by her desk. A sketchbook with sketches of...him. Hmm. Interesting."Is that what I think it is.." Sam gasped as she realized what he was talking about.

"No... you're not supposed to see.." Sam went for the book but Leon snatched it away before she could hide it. He dosed through the sketches, amazed at how she was able to capture him with just a stroke of a pencil.

"I always knew I was beautiful...but this is amazing," Leon said. "You're talented. A genius. To be able to capture me so perfectly" He turned to look at the mirror, acting like he was mesmerized by himself. He then threw a grin at Sam, who couldn't help but blush at his shamelessness.

"Don..don't ki..d..d yourself." Sam stammered, grabbing the book from me. She envied the way he was able to be confident in seeing his image. Sam had always had this anxiety about her body image. One of the many things she hated about herself. "That's the most arrogant thing I've ever heard before. Who do you think you are?"

"Leonard Haravok," Leon said. If she was a member of the Federation or the hidden world of this planet, Sam would know what his name meant. But alas she wasn't so all Sam could do was just stare at him. "I'm confident, not arrogant, and besides I found arrogant people to be a tad annoying if you ask me." Huh...What do we have here? Leon picked up a ring from the desk, a look of disgust on his face. He still didn't like the idea of her with that ugly human.

"Are you guys serious," Leon said with the ring in his hand. Sam grabbed it out of his hand, that small moment that their hands touched sent her blood rushing up her head.

"That's...none of your business," Sam said. He raised his eyebrows at her. Sam stared away from him, unable to stand his looks anymore. That was when Sam's eyes fell on the familiar rug that covered her room's floor. Memories....sharp memories of that night... Memories that Sam was trying hard to forget sprang up. Sam froze staring at the rug. Of course, Leon noticed the change that had happened to Sam. From the beginning of when they had entered the room, Leon had noticed how Sam's body had tensed up being inside it. How her eyes avoided looking in certain directions, but he hadn't said anything about it. Most likely this room held some kind of major trauma for her that she was trying her best to forget.

"Sam, are you ok?" Leon snapped his fingers at her. She didn't blink. He could feel the heat coming off her. Weird. He traced a line of sweat across her forehead, her heart was beating irregularly. He placed his hands on her shoulder... at least he tried to. But then her body glowed a bright green, and then a wave of energy burst out of her body, sending Leon flying through the door of the room. Leon's body bounced on the floor of the living room before he took control of it, and levitated in the air. He coughed, spitting out blood from his mouth. He had used a Reinforcement technique to beef up his defense, and yet, the Odic release from her had damaged him. How was this possible? To be able to release that amount of energy like it was nothing. No human could do that. Leon floated towards Sam and found her lying down on the floor. Her body was pulsating with energy, steam was coming off her body. Damn it. Leon recognized what was happening. An Awakening. It was the only explanation. But to be sure, Leon examined her body first, and that was when he found it. The Mark. The seal that designated her as more than being human. Leon swore, grabbing the bag Sam had prepared, and mentally sent an S.O.S to Emily of the situation, hoping to the gods that she got it. He rushed to her side, grabbing hold of her and carrying her in both his arms.

"It's gonna be ok," Leon promised her. "You're gonna be alright." Leon had to get her to Adonis, real quick. He gently held her and with his Flash technique, he got out of the room and hurried to Emily as quickly as possible. He had to get her to Adonis before the excessive energy within her exploded, killing her from the inside.