
The Last Training

Lorek couldn't believe his eyes. There, standing in front of him, were his parents. It had been months since he had seen them, and the shock of their unexpected arrival hit him like a bolt of lightning.

For a moment, he simply stared at them, his mouth hanging open in disbelief. They looked older for some reason, he chuckled at that thought. They were more tired than he remembered, but their faces were the same, etched with lines of worry and care.

As they stepped forward, their arms open wide, he felt a jolt of emotion surge through him. It was as if he was seeing them for the first time, and he couldn't believe how much he had missed them.

His heart raced as they embraced him. Their warmth and familiarity was washing over him like a tidal wave. For a moment, all the pain, worries and loneliness of the past months faded away and he felt a sense of belonging that he had never known before.

As he looked up at them, his eyes were teary and his parents were already crying. He chuckled again as he parted with them.

"I thought you wouldn't be back this year" He said softly as he took a seat.

His parents looked at each other and smiled, as his father smiled and said, "We finished our work fast and rushed to see our little boy."

He slouched in his chair, arms crossed tightly over his chest as he scowled at his parents. "I am not little anymore," he grumbled.

His mother laughed as she came closer and sat beside him. "You will be our little boy no matter how old you are."

He couldn't help but smile.


The sun rose slowly over the horizon, casting a sickly orange glow across the ruined sector. The air was thick with mist and the scent of decay, as if the ground itself was rotting away beneath their feet.

People shuffled along the streets, huddled in tattered clothing and casting wary glances at each other, completing their daily tasks as usual. The sound of gunfire echoed in the distance. Guess the creatures are on a run today, a constant reminder of the dangers lurking just beyond the crumbling boundary.

As the morning light spread across the sector, it revealed a landscape of destruction and despair. It was nothing new to Lue, however she might be missing all this after a few days. After all, they will live and study in the Silver domain.

She wondered what else was left in Mr Kael's training program. Lue was the first to land on the grassy field, followed by Beric and Eve and then Lorek and Ayaan.

The five of them gathered waiting for Mr Kael to show up, dressed in athletic gear, ready for their final training session. They looked determined and focused, knowing that this was their last chance to hone their skills before the big event.

Together, these five people made a diverse group, each with their own unique strengths and abilities. But they shared a common goal: to give their all in this final training session, so that they could perform at a very high level at their upcoming event.

Mr Kael came marching in like always, gave a motivational speech and brought five knives with him.

"Ayaan, come forth"

Ayaan strided towards Mr Kael and stopped right in front of him.

Mr Kael picked one of the knives from the five and handed it to Ayaan. "This knife is called Recon Giant Bowie"

An admirable blade length of 11.5 inches of anodized AUS-6 stainless steel, corrosion-resistant coating, and an aggressive-looking sawback on the backside of the blade. As if that was not enough to deem this knife lethal, it has a partially smooth, partially serrated edge on the front side of the blade and a rubber handle. Ayaan looked it with admiration as he went back to his position.


He picked up another knife. "This one should suit you."

Eve grabbed the knife. "It's smaller than what Ayaan has" She muttered

"Yes!" Mr Kael looked at her and continued, "It is called Ontario. In its entirety, the knife is 10.75 inches in length. The black oxide finished blade and the black plastic handle were designed for close combat in the hands."

Eve nodded her head as she stumbled back to her position.

"Lue Solane!"

"Yes sir!" Lue said.

Others held back their laughs.

"Why her full name?" Ayaan whispered.

Eve smiled, "Extra Love"

It is my pleasure to hand over Benchmade Nimravus to you. This drop-point utility blade knife is one of the best choices when deciding on a knife that can perform a wide range of tactical applications, and remain sharp thereafter." He looked at her, "Take good care of it."

She nodded and hurried back to her position.

"Lorek! I give you the Gerber Mark"

This knife demonstrates longevity as well as sturdiness. It also exceed the expectations of a combat knife that is designed to pierce and penetrate an opponent in combat.

"Beric!" the last knife. "This knife suits your style the KA-BAR"

A well-known knife with 20-degree edge angles and a leather handle.

The sun was shining brightly when the small group of trainees were ready for their knife combat training session. They knew that this was going to be a grueling and intense workout, but they were ready for the challenge.

Mr Kael warned them again that these were not toys and that they needed to be careful.

"Today, we're going to work on close combat," he said, his voice firm and commanding. "We'll start with the basics, and then move on to some more advanced techniques."

The trainees lined up in front of him, their knives at the ready. The instructor demonstrated a few basic strikes and parries, showing them how to move their bodies and their blades in tandem. Then he paired them up and let them practice.

The sound of metal clashing against metal filled the air as the trainees sparred with each other, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze. They moved quickly and fluidly, darting in and out of range, trying to get the upper hand.

As the session progressed, the instructor pushed them harder, forcing them to fight faster and more aggressively. He barked out commands, demanding that they move with precision and accuracy.

"Block! Parry! Strike!" he shouted, his voice echoing off the walls of the warehouse. "Don't give up ground! Keep moving!"

The trainees were sweating and panting by the time he gave them a break. They had bruises and scratches on their arms and legs, but they knew that they had learned valuable skills that could one day save their lives.

"Alright! Time for the next round! Follow me!" Mr Kael ordered.

"Whhhhhaaaaatt? Another one?" Eve groaned.

Beric remarked, "I am dead, no more please!"

"No complaints! Whoever is last will run five laps." Mr Kael smiled.

Beric and Eve stood straight in their place as they heard him say that and rushed towards him.

He gathered all five of them on the other part of the ground, their eyes scanning the array of sharp, deadly knives in their hands. Mr Kael strode in front of them, his voice low and menacing.

"Why is he matching his voice to the atmosphere?" Lorek remarked

"Welcome again," he growled. "This time we will be working on precision and accuracy. But first, let us warm up our bodies and minds."

The students took their positions, holding a knife tightly in their hands. They closed their eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the blade in their hands and the smoothness of the handle.

"Focus," Mr Kael intoned. "Picture your target in your mind's eye. See it clearly, feel it, know it."

As the students opened their eyes, Mr Kael began to pace around them, calling out instructions.

"Step forward with your left foot, pivot on your right. Raise your arm and aim for the center of the target."

The students followed his lead, feeling their bodies moving fluidly as they threw knives at the target. Some missed, clattering against the sturdy wood with a sharp sound. Others hit their mark, embedding themselves deep into the center of the target.

"Well done," the instructor said, nodding approvingly. "But we must strive for perfection. Let us try again."

And so the students continued to practice, honing their skills with each throw. They felt their bodies growing stronger, their minds more focused. They lost track of time as they immersed themselves in the art of knife throwing. They listened to the rustling of grass beneath their feet and the soft thud of knives hitting the target.

Finally, as the sun began to dip below the horizon, Mr Kael called a halt to the training session.

"Excellent work, my students," he said, his voice tinged with pride. "Remember, knife throwing is not just about strength or skill. It is about discipline, focus, and respect for the art. Carry these lessons with you always, and you will never fail to hit your target."

"Finallyyy!" Ayaan stretched his body as he groaned in pain right after, "it hurts!"

Beric sighed as he said, "Can you believe it? Just a few more days and we will be gone?"

Lorek scoffed, "My parents came back but I need to go now. That sucks."

"WHHHHAATTTT?" Eve exclaimed. "They came back? and you are telling that now?"

Lorek looked at her. "I forgot!"

"Let me give you the honour to taste my fists," Eve rolled up her invisible sleeves as Lue grabbed her by the waist.

"There there!" She patted her head.

"They came back yesterday, and today I didn't get time" he shrugged.

Ayaan halted and smiled at all of them. "Well, time to depart it seems. See you all on our final day at Vistancia."

All of them waved goodbye to each other as they parted.

Deep into that darkness peering, long they stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.