
Houka vs Huguel

The Zombo country There were two very smart boys for their age, one was Huguel a leader of the South Jacaré favela the other a sarcastic and manipulative student named Houka who wanted to see war between your school, when these two ticking time bombs meet, the Zerk world as a whole may be lost.

PlayerOliver · 現実
29 Chs


Unfortunately, this is a possible consequence of the intense struggles Nikkoman went through. Fighting dangerous criminals like Gabino and Brenner Souka took a lot out of him, and he was tired and hurt. His determination, skills, and courage helped him face these challenges, but unfortunately, his body didn't make it to the end.

Nikkoman's death was a painful loss for the city of Zombo and its citizens. He had fought tirelessly for justice and their safety, and his absence left a void in the heart of the community.

The citizens of Zombo united in mourning and honoring Nikkoman, remembering his accomplishments and sacrifices for the city. His name became synonymous with courage and heroism, inspiring others to follow in his footsteps and protect the city against evil.

Despite his tragic death, Nikkoman's legacy lived on and would continue to inspire the upholding of justice and peace in the city of Zombo.