
Houka vs Huguel

The Zombo country There were two very smart boys for their age, one was Huguel a leader of the South Jacaré favela the other a sarcastic and manipulative student named Houka who wanted to see war between your school, when these two ticking time bombs meet, the Zerk world as a whole may be lost.

PlayerOliver · 現実
29 Chs


Meanwhile, Houka and Huguel go to their new prison mate Brenner Souka to convince him to join them in killing Nikkoman. Brenner Souka accepted right away. Houka and Huguel knew they needed help if they wanted to get revenge on Nikkoman. When they heard about mob leader Brenner Souka, they knew they had found the perfect partner for their plans.

They went to Brenner Souka's cell and offered him a deal: if he joined them to take revenge on Nikkoman, they would help him escape prison and be free to run the mafia gang.

Brenner Souka, a cold and calculating man, realized that this was a good deal. He accepted Houka and Huguel's offer immediately, seeing it as an opportunity to eliminate the biggest obstacle in his quest for power.

Together, the three devised a detailed plan to assassinate Nikkoman. Houka and Huguel would use their skills and knowledge from when they were the leaders of a group of criminal students to infiltrate the city of Nikkoman and prepare the attack.

Brenner Souka would coordinate the attack with his gang, supplying weapons and ammunition to ensure victory. With the plan in place, they left for Nikkoman, ready to put their plans into action.

However, this would all end in failure, once again bringing disastrous consequences for Houka.