
How I Discover Something Vital


"Are you retarded? I said the body's gone!"

"I heard it loud and clear." Nick hissed. "I just can't believe you two couldn't take care of a dead person."

"Hey! Why did you leave everything to us if you think you could've done a better job?" Trevor asked.

"I'm not saying I could've done a better job but I wouldn't have lost a dead body."

"Can you people stop?!" I yelled. They were fighting over the dead body of a person I killed. I had to take some responsibility.

"J, are you okay?" Kat rushed to me. I hadn't expected such gentleness from her.

"No, I'm not! How can I be when my friends are at each other's throats and that too because of me?"

"It's not your fault," Dominic argued. "It was their job."

"We didn't apply for it! Trevor and I could've taken care of Jane, you should've stayed with the body if you're so sure you wouldn't have lost it." Kat barked.

"I guess I should have." Nick barked back.