
HOTD: Echoes of Extinction

The dead began to rise and Japan was thrown into total chaos. As these monsters begin terrorizing a high school, the once-familiar halls of William's high school transform into a harrowing battleground for survival. The contagion spreads rapidly, turning students and teachers alike into relentless, flesh-hungry zombies. In the chaos that ensues, William must navigate the now perilous corridors, relying on his quick wit and survival instincts. Haunted by the memories of his former classmates turned into monstrous threats, William must confront the harsh realities of the new world. With each passing day, he learns that the true test of survival goes beyond evading the undead – it demands adaptation, trust, and sometimes the sacrifice of one's humanity. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Author Note: Well I'll do the classic author stick which is saying English isn't my first language lol. (Well it's true) This is also of mashup of a bunch of anime but HOTD is the focus at the moment. Also the first arc is pretty slow since it's slice of life.

Ste1nzzz · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

Chapter 19

The sun beat down on the bustling orientation hall, its warmth eclipsed only by the annoyance radiating from me. 

A senior boasted about "setting up" the Kyudo booth, his voice an off-key arrow piercing the excited chatter. 

He hadn't even touched anything; Sawa and I had meticulously made the booth showcasing our club's spirit.

"Chill, Will," Sawa chuckled, her grip surprisingly firm as she held my arm. "He doesn't deserve those arrows. Look at our booth, it's looking fantastic."

I glanced at our haven, the simple elegance of calligraphy scrolls and polished bows whispering tales of discipline and focus. Even with that blowhard's claims, it exuded a quiet brilliance.

"Yeah, well," I grumbled, relaxing slightly. "Easy for you to say, Sawa. Not everyone gets their ego stroked over basic tasks."

Sawa winked, her smile teasing. "He wouldn't know basic from masterful if it hit him like a stray arrow. Remember who consistently outscores him at every tournament?"

A begrudging smile tugged at my lips. Sawa was right. The national championship trophy gleamed just behind our display, a silent testament to her skill. "Fine, fine," I conceded. "Maybe even amateurs like us can manage something decent."

She snorted, her eyes dancing with playful challenge. "Amateurs who happen to be the Kyudo club's secret weapons, maybe. Don't forget, I still hold the record for most bullseyes in a row."

I smirked, accepting the gauntlet. "Challenge accepted, Sawa. But don't cry when I beat you in our mini-archery challenge later."

As we wrapped up the booth preparations, Sawa's energetic voice rang out, "Alright, team! Great job! Let's head back to the dorms and get ready for the grand entrance of the new students!"

With our shared goal in mind, we made our way back to the dorms, ready to make the welcoming event a success.

Back at the dorms, we met up with Saeko and the excitement buzzed through the air as we donned our chosen outfits for the occasion. Sawa, always the fashion enthusiast, added a few accessories to her ensemble, while Saeko maintained her composed and elegant appearance.

"Will, do I look okay?" Sawa twirled, showcasing her chosen attire.

"Absolutely stunning," I replied with a smile, earning an appreciative grin from Sawa.

Saeko, on the other hand, simply nodded, her confidence emanating from within. "Let's head to to the gym."

With newfound enthusiasm, we headed back to the school grounds, ready to greet the new students with a warm and inviting atmosphere.

As we entered the gym, the atmosphere buzzed with anticipation. Students lined up, chatting excitedly while waiting for the principal's speech to commence. I found myself struggling to stay awake as the principal began his lengthy monologue.

Sawa, noticing my struggle, smacked me on the head, her eyes narrowing disapprovingly. "Stay awake, Will. This is important."

Rubbing my head, I shot her an apologetic look, silently grateful for the wake-up call. Meanwhile, Saeko observed our antics with a subtle, amused smile, her gaze flitting between us as she listened to the principal's words.

The principal concluded his speech with a flourish, leaving the students to disperse to their respective classrooms. As I made my way to our class, I noticed Saya approaching.

"Hey, Will!" she greeted me with a bright smile.

"Hey, Saya!" I replied, gesturing toward my friends. "This is Sawa and Saeko."

Saya exchanged pleasantries, but a subtle tension hung in the air as if an invisible boundary had been drawn. Unbeknownst to me, Saya and Sawa engaged in a brief moment of silent sizing up, their eyes subtly meeting and assessing each other, creating an unspoken understanding between them.

As we strolled to class, a comfortable silence settled between us. Saya, however, seemed unable to maintain it for long. "So," she began, her voice tinged with amusement, "tell me more about these two intriguing companions of yours, Will."

Sawa chimed in before I could answer, her usual cheerfulness tinged with a playful jab. "Don't worry, we won't bite... much."

Saeko remained silent, her expression unreadable, but I felt her watchful gaze fixed on Saya.

Saya chuckled, the sound devoid of genuine warmth. "I wouldn't doubt it," she replied, her eyes locking with Sawa's for a fleeting moment. "But I was more curious about the dynamic, shall we say."

Sawa returned the gaze, her smile turning sharper. "Dynamic? We keep Will grounded, and he, in turn, provides endless entertainment with his... shall we say, unique approach to academics."

A faint smirk played on Saya's lips. "Academically challenged, huh? Sounds charming in its own way."

I felt a pang of annoyance at her condescending tone. "Hey!" I interjected, "I may not be a genius like you, but I have my strengths."

Saeko finally spoke, her voice low and measured. "True, Will. We all have our strengths and weaknesses."

Her words seemed to carry more weight than intended, momentarily silencing both Saya and Sawa. 

As we walked, Sawa chimed in, her voice buzzing with curiosity, 

"So Saya, Will mentioned you two go way back, childhood friends even?"

Saya's smile widened, radiating a practiced warmth. "Oh yes, he was basically my knight and shining armor." she replied, a hint of possessiveness creeping into her tone. 

"I even met his grandparents in the States - such lovely people."

"Except Grandpa." Will mumbled under his breath, earning a playful swat from Saya.

Sawa's smile faltered for a fleeting moment, a pang of something akin to jealousy flickering in her eyes. She and Will had established a close bond during his time in Japan, but Saya's casual mention of long-held connections hinted at a deeper history.

Suddenly, Saya whipped out a Tupperware container from her bag. "Speaking of grandma" she said, a hint of triumph in her voice, "I've made some of your favorite pie. I know you miss your grandma's cooking"

Will's eyes lit up as he eagerly accepted the treat. 

"Saya, you're the best!" he exclaimed, taking a generous bite. Unbeknownst to him, Saya's gaze darted towards Saeko, a silent declaration of victory playing out behind her playful facade.

The conversation shifted to past adventures, Saya recounting trips abroad with Will, while Sawa reminisced about their recent outing at the mall.

Each story elicited a different reaction from Will, a loving smile for Saya's tales, a comfortable laugh for Sawa's anecdotes. This subtle shift in his demeanor didn't escape Saya's notice.

Just as Saeko began to ask Will to spar with her after class, Saya, seemingly out of nowhere, squeezed him in a tight hug from behind, nearly causing the pie to tumble to the ground. "Will," she purred, "how about we explore that new mall everyone's raving about? I hear they have that fantastic camping gear you've been eyeing."

My eyes widened with excitement. "Really? You're serious? Let's go after club orientation! I finally saved up enough!"

Saya's smile stretched wider as she continued to nuzzle Will from behind, seemingly basking in her perceived dominance. 

This display of affection, however, was short-lived. In a swift, almost silent move, Saeko gracefully reached out and gently separated the two, her expression unreadable.

Saya met Saeko's gaze, a silent battle of wills unfolding between them. It was a subtle exchange, unnoticed by Will, but the tension crackled in the air. This seemingly innocent competition had just escalated, and Will, oblivious as ever, found himself caught in the middle, a prize in a game he didn't even realize he was playing.

As the bell rings, signaling the start of classes, Sawa grins, "Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Takagi. I'll make sure to keep an eye on our resident troublemaker here."

Saya chuckles, "I appreciate that. It was nice meeting you too, Sawa and Saeko ."

Saeko smirks, "It was a pleasure meeting you as well Mrs Takagi."

With that, they part ways, heading to their respective classes.

As we manned the booth for club tryouts, a stream of newcomers approached, eager to explore the variety of clubs our school had to offer.

Sawa, with her charismatic energy, welcomed them warmly. "Hey there! Interested in Archery? You should join our Kyudo club"

Saeko, standing with a poised grace, added, "The kendo club is open to new members. Feel free to ask any questions you might have."

I chimed in, "Don't be shy! Joining a club is a great way to make friends and discover new interests."


As I stood before the newcomers, bow in hand, I felt a sense of pride in representing the Kyudo club. Sawa's words echoed in my mind as I prepared to demonstrate the art of Japanese archery. With focused determination, I notched an arrow onto my bow, the familiar weight grounding me in the present moment.

"This is Kyudo," Sawa's voice rang out, her words carrying the essence of our club's philosophy. "It's more than just hitting a target. It's a journey of self-discovery."

With a steady breath, I drew back the string, feeling the tension building as the arrow rested against my fingertips. The courtyard fell silent as all eyes were on me, waiting for the release.

As I let the arrow fly, time seemed to slow, every movement deliberate and precise. It soared through the air, finding its mark with a satisfying thud as it struck the target dead center.

Turning to the newcomers, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. "Kyudo is about finding inner peace and harmony," I explained, echoing Sawa's sentiments. "It's about aligning mind, body, and spirit."

I glanced at Sawa, a silent acknowledgment passing between us. With a quick glance at the clock, I realized it was almost time for the Kendo club demonstration. Hastily shedding my chest protector and Kyudogi, I bid a hurried goodbye to Sawa, determined to make it to the next event on time.

As I rushed to the Kendo club, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment at leaving behind the admiration of the newcomers. But duty called, and I had another club to represent. I caught sight of Sawa waving me off. "Good luck, Will! Show them what you've got!"

I flashed her a quick grin and a thumbs-up. "Thanks, Sawa! See you later!" With that, I turned my attention back to the task at hand and quickened my pace, eager to join my fellow club members for the demonstration.

"Sorry I'm late, everyone!" I called out as I hurriedly slipped into my kendogi and tied my bogu straps.

Saeko, already geared up and ready, gave me a reassuring smile. "No worries, Will. Let's show them what we've got."

With a nod, I grabbed my shinai and joined her at the front of the dojo. "Alright, everyone, pay attention!" I announced to the newcomers, trying to sound confident despite my slight tardiness. "Saeko and I will be demonstrating some basic kendo techniques for you today. Watch closely!"

Saeko and I then began our demonstration, moving gracefully across the dojo floor as we showcased various strikes, blocks, and footwork techniques. We exchanged swift strikes and parries, the sound of our shinai clashing filling the air.

"Remember to focus on your breathing and stay centered," Saeko instructed between strikes, her voice calm and authoritative. "Kendo is not just about physical strength, but also mental discipline."

As we continued our demonstration, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and pride. This was what I loved about kendo – the intensity of the training, the camaraderie among club members, and the thrill of the fight. And as I glanced around the dojo, I hoped that the newcomers could sense that same passion and dedication.

The humid air thrummed with nervous anticipation as Saeko and I stood facing each other in the center of the dojo. Sunlight streamed through the high windows, casting stark lines across the polished wooden floor. Shinai gripped tightly in our hands, we mirrored each other's stance, eyes locked in a silent challenge.

"Ready, Will?" Saeko's voice was a low rumble, a hint of a smirk playing on her lips.

I grinned, feeling the competitive fire ignite within me. "Always, Saeko. Let's give them a show they won't forget."

With a sharp kiai, the match began. The dojo erupted into a flurry of movement as we danced a deadly ballet of strikes and blocks. My shinai whipped through the air, aimed at her vulnerable points, but Saeko was a whirlwind of steel. 

Her movements were effortless, each counter precise and fluid. Her strikes sang through the air, forcing me to scramble back, sweat beading on my forehead.

I pressed forward, determined to land a blow, but Saeko was one step ahead. She anticipated my every move, turning my aggression against me with disarming ease. 

Frustration gnawed at me, but it only fueled my determination. I gritted my teeth, digging deep for a hidden reserve of strength and speed.

The crowd roared as we unleashed a flurry of attacks, the rhythmic clang of shinai filling the air. The dojo blurred into a whirlwind of strikes and parries, a testament to our dedication and honed skills.

But Saeko remained one step ahead. With a swift maneuver, she landed a decisive blow on my shoulder, momentarily disarming me.

As I lowered my shinai in defeat, the dojo erupted in cheers. 

 She offered me a hand, her smile tinged with respect. "Well fought, Will," she said, her voice warm. "You pushed me harder than I expected."

I clasped her hand, a grin breaking through my disappointment. "You were incredible, Saeko. I'll be back stronger next time."

Stepping off the dojo floor, the other members then taught the newcomers and encouraging them to join the club.


The golden light of the setting sun bled through the dusty windows of the gymnasium, casting long shadows across the floor where we sat.

Orientation day was over, a whirlwind of introductions, club booths, and awkward small talk. As I sprawled on the familiar wooden floor with Saeko, Sawa, and the thrum of the city fading into the background, a sense of comfortable camaraderie washed over me.

"Sophomore year already?" I exclaimed, a hint of disbelief lacing my voice. "Feels like just yesterday we were wide-eyed freshmen, fumbling with locker combinations."

Sawa's infectious laughter echoed through the gym. "Right? Remember that embarrassing time we accidentally walked into the wrong club meeting?"

My cheeks burned at the memory, sending a wave of amusement through the group. Saeko, cracked a smile. 

We didn't need dramatic pronouncements or long speeches. We understood, in the unsaid language of shared experiences and inside jokes, that sophomore year was here. A new chapter before the unknown vastness of junior and senior years.

So, we reminisced, weaving past triumphs and anxieties into a shared narrative. The disastrous school festival where we somehow ended up running the haunted house and accidentally set off the fire alarm.

The late-night study sessions fueled by instant noodles and determination. The quiet afternoons under the cherry blossom tree.

Under the fading sunlight, our laughter and unspoken support created a fragile haven against the tide of change. We knew this year was different, the stakes a little higher, the pressures a little more real. 

As the last rays of the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in streaks of orange and purple, a thrill of anticipation coursed through me. This wasn't goodbye, just the turning of a page. And whatever awaited us on the next page, I knew we'd face it together, our friendship the anchor in the ever-shifting sea of high school life.