
HOTD- Family above All

This is a House of the dragon Fan-fiction. MC would be reborn in Planetos with a system. The pace would be not too fast and not too slow. He will gain power in this world silently. Even though he would be OP in this world sense, he would not outwardly show his powers to opress. He will be a shadow player in this game of thrones. If you are looking for aggressive MC. this is not for you. Yes, MC will have a system but that is only used for his gain, he wouldn't be it's slave. You will know as you read the story -----

Vencha · 書籍·文学
22 Chs

Say, Hi

I ran back to the castle in faster pace and went to my room. I saw that Ser Harrion and Ser Ed were outside my room guarding it.

I wakled to them and said "Did anyone asked regarding my whereabouts?"

"Your Lord father sent someone to summon you, My lord. I have told him that you are exploring the island. He went away." Ser Harrion replied.

"Thank you Ser Harrion, Ser Ed. I will change my clothes and go to meet my father as it is amost time for supper." I nodded at them and went in.

After cleaning myself with wetcloth and changing to fresh clothes, I went to meet my father in his chambers given by the royal family to my parents to stay.


"Who is it?" My father asked.

"Its me Father." I said. Internally though I was saying 'It's a meee..Maario…'

"Come in, Aethan." My mother spoke.

I went in and closed the doors. My mother and father were sitting near the fireplace on the chairs and drinking wine.

I first gave a kiss on my mothers cheek and said "Hello father, Hello mother how was your day?"

"It was alright.."Before my father completed his sentence, my mother asked…

"Why do you smell like a dragon? Did you go to Meleys? You know she is grumpy sometimes. You have to be careful. Don't be near the dragon without me next time." My mother chided me with worry.

"About that…..Tell me you won't be angry if I answer your question." I said while smiling sheepishly.

Looking at me my father gave a look at me and gave a short smirk. Because he know that I would only use this sentence if I have done something like trying ride the horse at 10, jumping down the stairs, climbing tall trees, secretly using bladed steel to practice.etc.,.

My mother just stared at me and said with a serious look "Wel….get on with it."

"Its nothing much….I kinda went outside for a walk and claimed a dragon. No biggie." I said the whole sentence in single breath.

Both my parents have shocked look on their faces. My mother first stood up immediately and checked on me. Seeing that I am alright she breathed a sigh of relief and said "What were you Thinking? They are wild and unclaimed dragons. They are old and strong. Do you think so little of your life. Did you think about us, your siblings?" while increasing her voice.

"Son, tell me, is what you said true?" My father asked.

"Sorry mother. Trust me on this. I only went there because I have absolute surety that I will be successful. Since morning I stepped on dragonstone. I am hearing dragon's growl like it is calling me. It felt magical and I can't explain the feeling. It felt like a friend calling for a chat, if it makes sense." I first replied to my mother by making up a story and looked at my father, "Yes, father I am telling the truth. I was successful in claiming a dragon. You will be surprised when I show you."

"I am grateful that you have returned to us without harming yourself. But congratulations. I know that you have been wanting a dragon since you were a little boy. Finally, your dream has come true. I am happy for you." My mother said as she caressed my cheek and smiled.

My father couldn't stop his curiosity and asked "Tell me son. Who is the dragon?"

I gave a grin and said"He is..."giving a suspense, I saw my father's eyr twitching like he would give me a fist of love on my head and my mother just smirked, I continued "The one and only Bronze fury-Vermithor. Dragon ridden by the old king."

My father chuckled first and it became a full grown laghter" Ha ha… My son claimed the second largest living dragon…This will call for a feast…"

"Simmer down Husband. Queen and price just passed away and feast at this moment will be seen as we are celebrating the death and making mockery of the tragic incident. Let us delay it." My mother chided.

"Well Vermithor may not be second largest living dragon anymore…" I said mysteriously smiling.

"What do you mean?" My Lord father asked curiously.

"I saw Balerion's skull in Red keep and when I compare Vermithor's skull to it, It felt like it is about the same or maybe a bit larger." I responded.

"Some dragons have larger heads. This could be the case of vermithor. Vermithor is just over a century old and Balerion is more than two centuries. As we know dragons keep growing as they age." My mother said and I just nodded. I don't want to convince them now. They will be in shock when they see Vermithor tomorrow.

Sometime later my siblings joined us and I shred the new with them. They both congratulated me.

As we were speaking, a servant knocked the door and informed us that the supper is ready. In a well lit room we had out supper. I said good night to my parents and took my siblings to their rooms.

Next day, me,my father and Laenor travelled on horseback along with 20 of my guards towards the Dragonmont. After we reached at the foot of the mountain we stopped. We got off our horses and waited for my mother and sister. We left much earlier and they had to walk towards the place the dragons are resting from the castle and fly here.

Couple of minutes of waiting Meleys landed next to us. Meleys sniffed out hot air showing off her proud red scales. After my mother and sister got down I walked up to Meleys and touched her muzzle under careful watch of my mother.

"Meleys seems much more closer to you." She stated. I just smiled.

"Are you ready?" I asked my family also looked at my guards. I can see look of anticipation in their eyes. I grinned and mentally summoned Vermithor.

Few seconds later there was a huge roar. Anyone who is hearing this will have a noodle legs due to fear. But all I heard due to our mental bond was an excited dragon @You are hereeee..@

Everyone looked up and saw a huge dragon much larger than Meleys circling above their heads. Meleys looked nervous

# Its alright Meleys. He is a friend.# I said which seems to calm her a bit.

Vermithor finally landed in front of us. And roared to me @Should we fly again today?@