
I can get it the hang of that

A few minutes passed and l heard a soft knock lend on my door.l knew it was Jayden so l opened the door without wasting time.Before could even glance at him he pulled me into a hungry kiss.

He entered my room and locked the door behind him not daring to break the kiss.l could feel him sucking my tongue like he hadn't kissed anyone in a year.Before l knew it he had pinned me to the bed and his hands were traveling wildly on my body.

He moved from my lips to my forehead to my nose to my cheeks then down to my neck."Why did you just kiss my whole face?"l ask ."It's a way of claiming you l also did it yesterday"he answers.

"Wait you remember what happened last night?"

"Uh Huh I wasn't drunk honey you were remember "he answers sarcastically then bits my neck and starts sucking and licking it.

"Damn...ahhh why did you bite my neck are you a..... vampire !!!"

"Tiger we are having sex right now all the questions you want to ask I'll answer later.Now just enjoy it."he's voice was so deep and demanding that I moaned at the sound of it.

He kept on kissing me and went to my breasts.He licked my right breast and it send shivers down my spine.He sucked it and bit it which made the words"Fuck...Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck !!!!!!" escape my mouth.

"l didn't know you can curse tiger l thought you were the good daughter."

"Oh Save....It!!!!!"

In barely a second he started kissing my stomach making he's way down.I quickly closed my legs.

"Uh...What do you doing"He opens my legs

"I don't want you to lick there it's sensitive!!"l close my legs.

"Stop being childish l licked you yesterday and you didn't have a problem what's so different now?"

"I'm not intoxicated!!!"

"Fine l won't but you deserve punishment so l will punish you anytime l want is that okay"

I nod my head yes.He turns me around then kisses my back biting it a few times,then turns me back.

"Now what Jayden?''

"You really have no clue?"l nod my head yes.

"I Fuck you that's what."Before l can answer I feel something entering me.l scream in pain and pull him closer.

"Why are you screaming you aren't a virgin as far as l remember"he says sarcastically.

"Do you know the size of your dick?''

"Yeah 12inchs "

"It's big and it hurts moron"I say with tears in my eyes.

"Sorry cry baby I go slower"

After a few strokes l gave him the go ahead by letting go of he's back.

He smirked and kissed my neck before increasing his speed.He's dick felt good inside, until l felt it expand"

"Aggh.... why is it ...ge...tting .... big...ger "l whisper between

my moans.

"It's because of you dummy,your pussy is so tight and l like it"

I felt butterflies because he said he likes it.I felt something about to come out of me and screamed"I'm cumming Jayden I'm cumming!!'' good thing my room is sound proof.

He kisses me and l cum then collapse on top of him.

"Why do you talk too much during sex you should be quiet and let me work my magic tiger it won't kill you ,you know"

"It's my mouth you know and if you want me to shut my mouth kiss me as easy as t.... "her words were cut short by Jayden's kiss.

"I think l can get the hang of that missy"he says in between kisses.

Rukina moans and they continue exploring each other's mouths.Ruki breaks the kiss and asks.

"Why do you call me tiger?"

"Because you were really fiesty when l met you and even to other people ,by the way you never laugh or talk a lot when you are with others and talk alot with me why"

"I don't know why all the things that come to mind just slip out of my mouth by the way you don't call me Rukina when we are alone why is that"She answered while drawing circles on his chest she was on.

"In order to turn you on if l call you with those names you know that we are about to have sex ,you can give me one too"

"Okay I'll think about it"

"I'll go to my room now see you tomorrow.Oh almost to forgot let's exchange phone numbers"

They both exchange phone numbers.

"Goodnight then''

"Sure night I need to write some assignments too"

"But you still have Sunday"

"I like doing things early"

"Okay good for you then "

"Goodbye kiss?".Jayden gives her a peck on the cheek.

After a few minutes Rukina went back to being the cold Rukina she is.She could not stop wandering why her attitude changed when she was having sex.




LOVE YOU GUYS❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘