
Chapter 26


A CHILL SEEPED into the operating room and it took my blood a few minutes to adjust. Hospitals were cold, but operating rooms had a tendency to be downright frigid. None of the other staff had arrived, and I kept my eye on the door looking for Ray as I adjusted the music for this operation. It was important to have a good soundtrack playing when I cut somebody open and then sewed them back together.

The OR door opened and a nurse assistant on the surgery roster for the day poked her head in the room. "Doctor, we're switching to room six for the operation. The patient is running behind, but we'll meet there and be ready to go in thirty."

Damn, I'd need to redo the music on the other end of the hall. "Okay."

"Also, I can't find Rayleen. If you see her, can you spread the news?"

I nodded. I'd been looking for Ray too. "Yeah, I'll stay here and let her know when she shows."