

Fathia_Adekunle · アクション
26 Chs



Melanie eyes widened, it almost want to plug out from it socket.

Kinsley stare from where he was and he froze, it was like they pour him a cold water.

Wait Rihanna is alive? She didn't die?. "Those were the question running through their mind.

Rihanna went to Melanie and held her. " You bitch, what did I ever do to you? What way did I ever go wrong in our friendship, I consider you as my sister..make sure that this friendship both work for us. But you planned to kill me. "Rihanna whimpered in tears, she made to slap her but the cops entered just in time.

"Melanie and Kinsley Martinez you both are arrested for the attempted murder of Rihanna Zhang, note any sentence from you might or be use against you in the court of law. " The cops said and brought out the handcuffs.

"Rihanna, you can't do this to me.. You can't!!."Melanie stuttered as they handcuffed she and Kinsley.

Melanie looked at Kinsley and the name regret washed over her, she was the reason why her brother was in this position.. If only she hasn't convinced him to kill Rihanna.. If only she didn't tell him to tampered with Rihanna brake..then they'd be save but she was consumed by jealousy and now she's sorry.

"Rihanna, please I'm sorry.. Please don't do this to me..!!. " Melanie pleaded and kept nagging.

But the cops dragged her and Kinsley to the police van, then the van drove off.

"Braxton.. "Rihanna called, and ran to hug him.. She was in tears.

What she ever did was to consider Melanie as her friends, when everyone was against her she stood by her.. Even when they took pictures of her when Aliyah and Trista were toring off her clothes.. She was the one who saved her.

And she would say that she loves Melanie more than her two friends.

But she was the same Melanie who tried killing her, what if she was dead.. What if she didn't survived the explosion.. What if..

She thought as more tears came out from her eyes.



Everyone were already seated, some where doing side talks, so we're murmuring.. The class was just noisy and rowdy.

The Prof came in and everyone stop talking.

"Good morning class. " The prof greeted,some set of people replied his greetings, while some just kept quiet.

"As you all know this year semester is slowly coming to an end, so we will like you all to start preparing for the upcoming exam.. Which will be commencing next week."The prof announced, and the students screamed.

"So I wanna wish everyone of you good luck.. We will meet next week at the exam Hall." The prof stated and walked out of the class.

"Excuse me!!." Rihanna told Presley and Poppy's and rushed out, to the restroom.


Rihanna came out of the restroom and saw Trista resting her back on the wall. She tried to walked pass her, but Trista held her hand.

"What do you want?. "Rihanna asked.

"I want to apologize for everything have done wrong to you, I'm sorry. " Trista apologize, and Rihanna snigger.

"Are you doing this because Layla asked you to.? Rihanna asked.

"Of course not, Rihanna. "Trista said.

"Then why? Do you know how annoying it is for you to be Layla daughter!! It should have been someone else, but sadly it turns out to be you.. And now you're faking to be sorry. "

"I'm not faking it,Rihanna.i really want to change, that's why I'm apologizing to you and everyone that I offended, I'm sorry, just forgive me and be my friend. "Trista said.

"You're so lucky that I don't know how to hold a grudge on someone. " Rihanna said and sigh.

"Does that mean I'm forgiven?. "Trista asked, smiling.

"You already apologize, what can I do but to forgive my new made wonderful friend. " Rihanna muttered.

"Have you accepted to be my friends?. "Trista asked and Rihanna nods.

"Thanks so much, Rihanna. " She said, and Rihanna smiled, and just after that the school bell rang.

"It's times for the practice.. Let's go. "Rihanna said holding Trista hand, Trista smiles and followed her.



"Ohk, what's going on here? Since when did you two becomes friends? Presley asked, looking surprised to see Rihanna and Trista together, holding hands.

"Trista already apologize, and have accepted her as my friend,so let's welcome her into our friendship group. " Rihanna replied, smiling and both Presley and poppy gave her a blank look.

"Maybe I should just leave!!. "Trista said and turn to leave.

"Welcome to the group!!. " Poppy and Presley

said together, Trista turned to them smiling.

"Thank you!!. "Camila said, and they gave her a hug.

A hug of a new friendship.



Rihanna entered the mansion.. It been days since she moved into the mansion.

She met Venessa at the dinning table, she was setting the dinner.

"Good evening!!. " She said, and made to leave to her room.

"Come down for dinner, after freshening up!!."Venessa told her, and she nod.

She walked to her room, and went to the bathroom.

Few minutes later, she came out, she was dressed in her nightie already.

She went down stairs, and saw Venessa holding a milkshake.

"Mom, I'd help you with that!!!. " Rihanna muttered, and Venessa looked at her.

"What did you say?."Venessa asked.

"Mom!!. "Rihanna repeated and tears slowly escape from Venessa eyes.

"Come again please!!. " Venessa said.

"Mom!! I'd help you with that. "Rihanna whispered and Venessa pulled her into a hug.

It looks like days but it felt like month to Venessa, if only Rihanna knew how patiently she has been waiting for her to call her mom.

If only she knew that she has been eager to hear the name mom from Rihanna mouth.

And she just said that, she called her mom for the very first time.

Venessa disengaged from the hug, and wiped her tears.

"Thanks..!!!. " Venessa said.

"What for?."Rihanna asked.

"For calling me mom!!. "Venessa muttered and Rihanna smiled.

"I could repeat it again for you!. " Rihanna said, and Venessa kissed her forehead.

"Let's go and have dinner. "Venessa said, and they both walked to the dinning room.

"When is Deacon coming.. I mean when his Dad coming back?. " She asked.

"I'm here. "She heard Deacon voice and she smiled.

"Dad!!. " Rihanna rushed to hug him.

It statue Deacon.. Did she just call him Dad."He thought.

"You're back?. "She asked and he nod.

"Well, mom prepared dinner,let's go and eat. " Rihanna winked at him, and Deacon smiled.

Together they walked to the dinning table, they both settled down and started eating like one big family.



A knock sounded on the door and Giovanni ran to opened the door.

His eyes widened on seeing who it was. It was Trista.

"Hi!!. "Trista wave and he gulped down nothing.

"Hi." He replied awkwardly.

"I got you this flower.. Hope you love it?. "She asked.

"Uhm.. I.. Love it. " he stuttered.

"Can I come in?. "She asked and he nod.

She stare at his apartment, then back at him.

"Nice apartment you have got. " She said.

"Thanks."He replied.

"I came to apologize.. For toying with your feelings, for using you to get to Rihanna.. I noticed since that day that you have been avoiding me?."Trista muttered.

"It's okay.. Have forgiven you!!. "Giovanni replied and place the flower bouquet on the table.

"Are you avoiding me?. " She asked.

"No.. I'm just in an awkward situation!!."Giovanni replied.

"Do you still love me..?. " Trista asked.

"I.. I.. I'm.. Yes I still love you, I can't give up on you. but unfortunately you don't love me."Giovanni said sadly.

"Have come to make things work between us." Trista said, and with that she slammed her lips on his.

Giovanni was more that shocked at this moment.. C'mon this was the same girl who toy with his feelings.. The same girl who claimed not to love him.

Was kissing him back.. He snapped out from the thoughts and held her slim waist.. Deepening the kiss.



The school premises were filled with students and their parents taking pictures. . They were done with their exam and today happen to be their graduation, they were all wearing their caps and gown.

"Why's this chain refusing to fit in?. "Presley said, struggling with the chain.. Actually you wanna put it round her neck.

"That's because you're wearing it the wrong way. " Ryder took the chain and wears it on her properly. Presley smiled as he place a kiss on her lips but Presley deepened the kiss.

They kissed for like minutes before Presley broke the kiss, and after that they went to meet the others.

"Babe!!. "Giovanni called Trista who seems to be arranging her gown, properly.

She looked up at him and smiled.. Month back she finally confessed she that loves him.

She fell for him, even if it was just a short period.

And now they're dating.

"I brought you this!. "Giovanni said and handed her a box.

"What's this?. "Trista asked in shock.

"Just opened.. You would love it. " Giovanni replied and smiled and she opened it.

She widened her eyes.. As she saw what was inside the box.

A well perfect diamond necklace... It was a key necklace.

"You got me this..?. "She asked in total shock.

"Do you love it.. " he asked and she nod.

He brought out the lock.. he was with the lock and she was with the keys.

"This definitely defines our relationship.. I love you Giovanni. "Trista said and ran to hug him.

"Thanks for coming into my life and for loving me back. " Giovanni muttered and hug her back.

Melanie could have been here to witness her own graduation, but two bad she's in jail paying for her crimes.

Layla and Connor also came for the party.

Rosalia, Zoey and Eden were there for Braxton.

Rihanna kept fidgeting on her nails as she stare at the entrance countlessly.

Her parents were still yet to arrive.. She turned to Braxton.

"I don't think mom and dad would come!!."Rihanna stuttered.

Braxton Pat her hair gently. " They'd surely come. "Braxton assured her.

"But when?. " She asked.

"Rihanna... Your parents are here."Poppy said and Rihanna spranged up.

Her eyes suddenly caught Venessa and Deacon.. She ran to hug them in tears.

"Mom, Dad. "She called, and hug them.

"Baby." Venessa said and wiped her tears.

"Thought you two won't come!! I was scared like f**k."Rihanna muttered.

"Don't cry.. We're here already."Deacon said.

"Thanks for coming. "She whispered and they both kiss her cheeks.

"Baby, after our graduation what's next for us??. " Poppy asked Shane who seems to be playing with her hair.

"Many things await us out there. "He said, kissing her and she reciprocated immediately.

Oh yes our newly couple.. They both found out the chemistry between them month back,and they decided to try it out.. And it did work coz they're helplessly in love with each other

It's time for the picture taking!!Let's take a picture together. " Ryder shouted.

"Yeah.. We should!!. "Presley said in support.

And they all began taking pictures, laughing and smiling at each other.

Braxton suddenly walked to Rihanna and knelt down besides her.

"I never believed in love at first, but then I met you and everything changed. . You brought me out from my darkness and made me realize that love is such a beautiful thing,you helped me forgot my pass and made me think of a new beginning, you're the reason for my happiness. . The oxygen that I breathe in, my smile, you mean everything to me Rihanna.. We have overcome all obstacles on our way and fought every hindrances.. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. "

"So will you be my wife.. The mother of my unborn kids.. Will you marry me Rihanna."Braxton asked, as tears slowly escape from Rihanna eyes.

"Say yes baby. " Presley shouted.

"Say yes.. Say yes.. "

"Say yes.. Say yes.. Say yes. "The people around them screamed.

Rihanna looked at Venessa and she nod her head.

She then face Braxton.

"I agree to marry you Braxton..i'll marry you"Rihanna whimpered in tears.

"I want to be the mother of our unborn kids."She continued and Braxton smiled.

He stood up and cupped her cheek.

"I love you. . You're mine in every aspect. " Braxton said.

"You're forever mine. "He muttered, caressing her cheeks.

He pull her face closer and claimed her lips.

A kiss filled with love, possession, desire, that keeps them longing for more, their soul becoming one.

"I'd make tonight a special night. "He muttered into the kiss

"I can't wait my hot bad boy!!!. "She smiled.

Till forever... Their love was deeper and stronger than the ocean bolt.

Indeed love can overcome all obstacles.
