

Fathia_Adekunle · アクション
26 Chs





The caller removed the phone from his ear and smirked.

He slowly removed the hoodie he used to cover his face.

The small purple light shone on his face and it was none other than Kinsley

Her Ex-boyfriend.

"Brother you did a very excellent job!."Melanie rushed to hug him.

"Are you happy now? Kinsley asked Melanie,and she nod her head.

He could clearly remembered how he ran inside their mansion and saw Melanie in tears.


Melanie ruffled her hair in anger,, she was angry because Braxton rejected her, he turn her down.

For the first time in her life she's heartbroken, crying coz of a guy.

He was her first love,the moment she set her eyes on him.

This wild feeling started grewing inside her, anytime she sees him her heart kept racing like a milestone,and the man she loves just rejected her coz of Rihanna.

"What does he even sees in her. " She angrily yelled, and grabbed an iron then she threw it on the mirror in front of her.

The mirror smashed into pieces.

She can't let her first love go just like that, she can't let him walk away with another lady.

If she can't have him then no one else will have him.

Not even Rihanna."She swore to herself and started crying again.

Hot tears were rolling down freely from her eyes.

The pains was just too much for her.

Was it her fault that her heart chose him, is it a crime for loving someone that won't even reciprocate her feelings.

She won't give up on her first love.


And at that moment Kinsley barged inside their apartment, he halted seeing his sister cried.

Her hair were now scattered all over the place, her eyes were red and swollen coz of the hot tears.

He quickly rushed to her and held her hand.

"Melanie?. "He called and she raised her head up to stare at him.


"Who did this to you?."Kinsley asked.

"Rihanna."She muttered.

Why those that name sounds so familiar to him??

"Rihanna? Who's she?. "He asked further.

"She's my course mate! My friend but she manage to stole my first love away from me, he doesn't love me, he told me that he won't be able to reciprocate my love, brother. " Melanie cried out.

"I'd make her pay, for trying to make you cry!Trust me. "Kinsley said and hug her.

"Promise me you will teach her a lesson! Even if she has to die in the process, I hate her! Brother please kill her, promise me that you would kill her. " Melanie whimpered and he nod and pat her hair.

"I don't know who she's, but for making you cry, I'd kill her if needed, then you can have your first love all to yourself. "He promised, and Melanie smiled.

"Do you have her picture or something.? " Kinsley asked, and she nod.

She grabbed her phone and went through her galleries, where she found Rihanna picture, she then showed him her picture.

Immediately Kinsley saw the picture, his eyes grew wider.

"Are you mistaken or something?."Kinsley asked.

"Is she the one you want me to kill?"Kinsley asked.

"Yeah."Melanie replied.

"She's Rihanna, my ex I broke up with her months back and you expect me to kill her."Kinsley said.

"Wait, is she the one that you dated back then?. " Melanie asked and he nod.

"Do you still love her?. "He asked.

"No, I don't, I found out that she was a stripper so I broke up with her!. " he blurted out.

"You don't love her right, so why do you care, we're talking about me, your sister, we you prefer to save her or your sister broken hearts?. "Melanie asked.

"Yunno I cherished you, just let her be coz I have moved on.

"It was easy for you to move on coz you have dated many girls in your life, but me it's not easy, I can't move on coz he's my life I can't let her have him coz I'd die. " Melanie muttered.

"I don't have any grudge against Rihanna and..

"But I have grudge against her.. You just promised me that you would kill whosoever it's, are you backing off from your promise?."She asked.

"I can't do this.. I.. "Kinsley stuttered, Melanie eyes caught something on the table, she stood up and wiped her tears.

She walked to the table and picked the knife inside a bowl of fruit, she then face Kinsley.

"If you don't agree to kill Rihanna, I promise you that I would kill myself, you would loss your only sister. " Melanie shouted and Kinsley move closer to her, why she took a step back.

"Don't come closer or I will dug this knife inside my throat, I'm not joking. "Melanie said.

"Drop the knife, Melanie. " Kinsley shouted.

"I won't! Except you agree to kill Rihanna."Melanie said.

"Ok, I will kill Rihanna, now drop the knife. " Kinsley blurted out and Melanie drop the knife, she was breathing heavily as hot tears ran down her eyes.

"I promise so don't think of hurting yourself."Kinsley said, and pulled her into a hug.


"Thank you brother, I'm sure know one would suspect that we were the one who tampered with her brake. "Melanie said.

"But she would recognized my voice." Kinsley muttered and Melanie looked at him.

"She would recognized your voice in the graveyard.. Who will know if she don't tell them, and I'm sure she can't survive. "Melanie started laughing like a maniac.

She grabbed a bottle of wine and poured for Kinsley then she poured for herself.

"Cheers to our mission which is now completed. " Melanie raised her glass of wine up and Kinsley glass clicked with her own.



People gathered in the place where the accident just happened.

The two cars were now bringing out smoke coz of the explosion.

"Someone is inside the car. "Some one shouted and everyone rushed to the car.

They saw Rihanna,her body were now covered with her own pool of blood.

🗣️Let's get her away from the car before it explode completely.

The engine of the car was licking, bringing out petroleum, it was dripping down.

And the petroleum was rushing out, flowing round the place.

The trailer that met with Rihanna own was bringing out fire and if the petroleum happened to get to the fire then it going to be...

A boom A blast.

It happened that no one was driving the trailer, the trailer has no brake.

All the owner has to do was turn on the car engine, and let it move for itself coz it has no brake.

No one to stop it.

Before anyone could get what happenings they broke the car wheel glass, the person stretched his hand to Rihanna seat belt and unbuckle it.

His hand then held Rihanna hand, fortunately it was easy to dragged her out, has soon as he pulled her out from the car.

The car cause an explosion, it burnt right there.

It was amusing why the car didn't explode back then, maybe it was God owns doing.

He wanted her save!!!

"Someone please call an ambulance."Someone shouted, and one person did so.

🗣️Wait, Isn't her mother the chairwoman of King cooperation!!

🗣️She's Rihanna Zhang.

🗣️Oh my... I feel sad for the Zhang family.

He checked her pulse and she was still breathing.

The person then sigh.. He was one of the crowd that happened to gathered there.

And now he was her saviour!!

The ambulance arrived just in time and they brought out a stretcher, they place Rihanna on it, and pushed the stretcher back inside the ambulance.

Then the ambulance drove out from the place.



The phone kept ringing on the bed stand, and, Layla stretched her hand to the stand.

"Who could be calling by this time. "She mumbled to herself and picked the call.

"This is a call from city hospital, am I speaking with Layla Zhang..? " The caller asked.

"Yeah."Layla replied.

"Your daughter is in the hospital. "The caller said and Layla phone fell from her hand, that woke Connor up.

"This can't be true!!. " Layla whispered and nod her head.

"It can never ever be true. "Layla added as tears slowly escape from her eyes.

"What can't be true..?. "Connor asked, rubbing his eyes.

By now Layla was now shaking.

"Are you still there?.The person asked, and Connor looked at the phone and place it on his ear.

"Your daughter met with an accident and right now she's at the hospital. "The caller said and Connor gulped down nothing.

"What the hell are you saying.. See I'm sure she's not our daughter, our daughter is here, sleeping soundly. "Connor replied gently, even when his heart says the other.

Layla quickly rushed to Rihanna room, but she was not there.

"Rihanna.. Rihanna. " She called, but no response.

She walked to her room and grabbed the phone from Connor.

"Please what's the name of the hospital?."Layla asked as hot tears didn't fail to fall down.

"City hospital!. "The caller replied and disconnected the call.

She quickly grabbed her car keys and ran down stairs.

Connor followed immediately.

She comes outside from the mansion and entered her car, Connor entered also and then she drove out from the mansion.



Layla rushed inside the hospital with just her nightie, no slips-on same with Connor.

"Rihanna Zhang?. " She asked the receptionist.

"Ward 211."The receptionist replied, and Layla and Connor ran.

The receptionist just nod her head in pity.


Connor and Layla were pacing round the hospital, the operation room was on.

"Lord.. Please don't let anything happened to my daughter. "Layla prayed.

Just then the door of the operation room open and the doctor walked to them.

"Doctor what happened to her? Is she fine? Is she still in danger?. " Layla asked, rushly.

"She's still in danger, her life is now critical right this moment. And besides she lost a lot of blood and we don't have her blood group type here in this hospital. "The doctor said, and Layla froze right on her spot.

"I'm her mother.. I'm sure my blood would match with hers and here is her father, if mine don't work I'm sure his will surely work." Layla said, and the doctor nod.



The doctor come outside from the laboratory.. He just finished running a rest for them and now the results were out.

"How is it doctor?. "Layla spranged up and asked.

"I'm sorry...

"What do you mean?. " Layla asked

"I'm sorry to say but your blood group don't match. "The doctor said, and Layla just laughed.

"You must be mistaken doctor, I'm her mother and he's her father, so why won't the blood group match?. " Layla asked.

"You two might not be her real parent,I'm sorry. "The doctor said.

"What do you mean, I said she's my daughter,I gave birth to her. " Layla shouted.

"Her life is in danger. Please find a doner has quick as possible.. "The doctor said and made to leave.. But a voice stop him.

"I'd be her doner. " The voice shouted, and walked majestically like a slow mo to them.

Layla and Connor eyes widened seeing who it was.