

Fathia_Adekunle · アクション
26 Chs



"You didn't do it very well, learn from me. " Braxton said and walked towards the leader. "You won't talk right?." He asked in his husky voice,giving the leader a summersault hard kick on his stomach, the leader coughed out blood, as he passed out right on that spot.

"More like it. "He said and Rihanna chuckled.



"Thanks for saving my life. " Rihanna said as Braxton applied the ointment on her face.

"Ouch."She winced, which make him to stop abruptly.

They've both escaped from that place not without dealing with the leader, the two kept using his body as a punching bag, by now he would have landed in the hospital.

"You could have get hurt yunno, those people would have raped you, if I hadn't come there earlier. "Braxton stated, and Rihanna looked at him.

"At least I'm fine, I'm not hurt, but I didn't knew you can fight just like Jackichan. " Rihanna said and laughed.

"What did you expect from a bad boy like me, I'm not called a bad boy for nothing. "He muttered and she chuckled.

"How did you know that I was kidnapped?. " Rihanna suddenly asked.

"Well you forgot your laptop so I ran out from my mansion to give it to you,not until I saw those goon pushing you inside their vehicle, then I grew suspicious, I called a cab and ask the cab driver to trace the vehicle you're in. "Braxton explained.

"After beating the hell out of him that monster still refuse to tell us who sent him to kidnapped me, I don't remember me offending anyone, I'm a cool and easy going person I just don't understand why they'd want to hurt me,why? " Rihanna said, almost tearing up.

"Hey, I hate cry babies around me. "He said and wipe her tears while she sniffed.

"Don't cry, ok. "He placed her head on his shoulder, patting her.

She didn't mean to get so emotional right in front of him but while in his arm she felt comfort in his arm, her comfort zone.

They stayed like that for like eternity, before Rihanna slowly removed her head from his shoulder.

"Uhm, I will like to get going now, my mom would be so worried. " Rihanna quickly said when the atmosphere was beginning to turn awkward.

"Let me drop you off, I don't want what just happened to repeat itself, we don't know our enemies, and beside there are a lot of those blood thirsty men walking around and...

"Why're you helping me?firstly you saved me from those goon,and when the leader asked you that are you my boyfriend or my savior you said both, and now you wanna drive me home? "Rihanna asked, looking at him in the eyes.

"I'm helping because we're project partners and nothing else,ok ..you came to my house to worked on a project,what will people say if I wasn't able to keep you safe, and talking about why I chose 'both' I didn't mean it so...

"Fine I will go with you." Rihanna was quick to cut him off.

They found a cab and both of them entered, then the car drove off.


The cab halted right in front of Zhang Mansion and Rihanna got down.

"Thanks for today. "Rihanna said and made to leave.

"Rihanna." Braxton called and she turn her back to him.

"Yes."She replied.

"Just wanted to tell you to apply the ointment, I didn't get the chance to apply it, but you can at least do that yourself. "Braxton muttered.

"Ok I will. " She said and started walking.

"Take care.. Ok. "She heard him say, but she ignored and entered the mansion.

As soon as she step her leg inside the mansion.

She found Layla sitting in the couch, tears was clearly seen in her eyes.

"Mom." Rihanna called and run towards her.

"You're not yet in your room and why this tears.. Uh you also got injured but how mom? I'll get the ointment. "Rihanna said and Layla held her hand.

"Are you fine, why did you come home late don't you know that I was worried sick about you. " Layla said, caressing her cheek.

"I'm fine mom, can't you see. "Rihanna muttered, putting on a smiling face.

"Then why are you late?. " Layla asked.

"I forgot to tell you mom, I was working on a project with my partner,so that was why I was late."Rihanna said.

"But why this bruise?. "She asked further.

"Coz you asked me not to showcase my craziness I had to receive a hot slapped from my enemy, I could have retaliate mom but I don't want to. "Rihanna lied, if she had told her mom the actual truth, that she was kidnapped her mom would have been so worried.

"If you continue with this act then consider yourself getting a dorm in college. "Layla said smiling and Rihanna fake a nod.

"I'm so tired mom, can I and take my nap?." Rihanna asked.

"Uhm sure. "Layla said.

"Love you more. " Rihanna shouted as soon as she get to her room.

She walked to her dressing room and carried ointment,before applying it to her bruise.


Deacon phone kept ringing on his bed stand, he yawned and angrily picked his phone.

Who calls a person in the middle of the night? Whoever this is it, it better be good news or else I would strangled you till you're confirmed dead. "

He swiped green and the leader voice spoke up.

"Boss plan ruined. "The leader that kidnapped Rihanna said and Deacon had to remove the phone from his ear to check the caller.

He was surely not blind! The number was saved as assignment.

"What.. Did ..you..say... ?. " he asked when he place the phone back in his ear.

"I mean someone came to save Rihanna, I didn't get the chance to kill her or to rape her. "The leader said.

"Why didn't you kill her at once?. " He asked.

"But boss you asked me to rape her and then kill her, that was what I was tryin to do when that bastard came to save her! I'm currently in the hospital now,those two fools beat me like black and blue. "The leader muttered.

"Why do you have to rape her? Can't you use your c'mon sense to kill her that instant,assuming you have killed her when you kidnapped her then there's no way she'd have been alive, but you idiot.....

"I'm sorry, but her beauty captured my heart and soul the moment I laid my eyes on her. " The leader cut him off.

"You can't do something right, I asked you to kill her not to rape her, you have surely ruin all my plan. I just freaking payed you for nothing."Deacon yelled at him.

"Ahhhhhhhhh.. Don't shout at me boss, I'm using the money you paid me for treatment. "He groaned in pains.

"I just call to inform you about it,and thank your star that I didn't tell them that you were the one who sent me to kidnapped Rihanna, and I could easily call to tell them that you we're the one who sent me. " The leader muttered.

"What, you wanna betray me? Why did I pay you then? , I payed you to keep that dirty mouth of yours shut. "Deacon said.

"It's because of you that I had to land in the hospital, I'm in pains now coz I decided to save your name, and what are you doing you're sleeping comfortably in your house. "

"Tell me what did you want for you to keep that mouth of yours seal?. "Deacon asked.

"Money of course,the money you gave me have been used for my treatment, I need money." The leader said.

"Okay I would send the money you want and I want that mouth of yours to be sealed. "Deacon muttered.

"Promise, I won't tell them that you were the one who sent me to kidnapped her. "The leader whispered.


"Bye boss. "He said and disconnected the call.

As soon as he disconnected the call Deacon smashed his phone on the wall.

He ruffled his hair " What will he tell Trista, that the person she hate is f**king alive, she's sleeping soundly thinking that Rihanna is dead, he just put high hopes in Trista life. "He thought and grasped the table hardly.

"Would she hate me now? She won't trust me again. " He thought pushing the table away.

This night is surely the worst night to him, who knows whether Tomorrow morning would be the worst day for Trista if she perhaps found out that Rihanna is alive.

Why isn't all is plan working? it kept failing when it comes to Rihanna, is she perhaps some witch?

He walked to his cellar and brought out a bottle of whiskey, he poured himself a glass! Accepting his fate of what might happened tomorrow if Trista should perhaps found out that Rihanna Is Alive.

He drank all in a go and kept pouring himself glasses of whiskey.

Till he drifted off to sleep in the cellar.


Trista woke up coz of her darm f**king alarm, a smile crept on face as she thought that her one and only enemy is dead, the person she f**king hate, she despises that face alone.

"Rest in peace Rihanna, don't worry I will attend your funeral. "She said and started laughing like a maniac.

"Now I can have Braxton all to myself, He's mine and mine alone. " She said,and carried her phone.

She was scrolling through her galleries when she saw Braxton picture.

"Can't you see that we're meant to be together baby, now listen to me carefully, you're mine and I'm yours baby. "She said smiling.