

The crowd gathered that night in the cultural center of the town. That "Night of the Book" they had had the visit of three great horror writers of the region. For less than four years they had debuted with their first work, Jackie the killer, and since then they are a success among young people and lovers of the horror genre. Between sales and firms, the long-awaited interview finally arrived.

- Here we have ladies and gentlemen, the three girls who came out of nowhere and are loved by everyone in the world. Hello, welcome; Abigail, Verónica and Marlía. I believe that what I promised I fulfilled, dear audience, here you have the princesses of terror. I have read each of your novels and I want to ask you this question: What prompted you to be horror novel writers?

The first to respond was Abigail. A brunette with dark eyes, she wore glasses and wore a simple dress in dark tones and Latin American drawings.

-Well, I think it is something that many wonder and well we will tell them the truth.

Abigail looked at her companions trying to figure out what to say ... But before she spoke Veronica beat her to it.

- What prompted us was ...- He paused.- Nothing just a simple idea that we liked to write and we were passionate about terror.

As the journalists did not seem satisfied, Marlía continued speaking.

-I know they think we are something out of the ordinary, but since our first novel "Jackie, the bloody murderer returns" 4 years ago we have continued to give them our terrifying stories.

It was simply an inexhaustible source of ideas and your support only encourages us to write more.

Journalists and fans were eager for more information. Among the noise another question from a journalist was heard.

- Of all your novels there must be one that will attract the most attention to you, and I am sure that the public wants to hear which are your favorites.

Veronica seeing without much desire to give details, I throw the ninth joke of the night.

-Are you asking a mother to decide between her children?

The spectators laughed, but waited for an answer.

-I always liked "The Midnight Artist".

Her companions continued.

- I prefer the plot of "Vengeance" or as they know "Louis Scar".

Finally Abigail.

- "The walker" is the one that struck me the most.

At the end of that interview they went to the house they shared and there they began to think about the reason why they were writing. The real reason. The inspiration for all of her stories went back to her teenage years. When they were only 15 years old and did not know each other. They were called hindrances, disposable people for modern society that if they disappeared no one would remember them. For that reason they were sent to a special school, a reformatory that few spoke of and no one entered of their own free will.