
Horror Of Mov: The Tormentor

Intrigued and fascinated by killers of the past, a group of student decides to make a documentary about it and luckily, enough, they have someone that can tell them about the backstage of those famous murderers and even demonstrate.

Ready_ · ホラー
7 Chs


As per usual, Jane was home alone this friday, it was the evening and she was busy trying to find something to eat when her phone rung.

She didn't recognise the number but believing that it might be about one of the jobs she had applied for, she answered.

"Jane Summerfield?" a masculine voice asked before she could say hello.

"Yes?" she responded intinctively, feeling like something was off about her interlocutor, his voice was deep but he seemed to be almost whispering.

"Beautiful evening isn't it?" asked the man, making Jane look over her shoulder as she pursed her lips.

"What is this call about?" she asked, wondering if the guy was just unprofessional or something else.

"Work" he answered dryly before continuing.

"I need you to answer a question" when he said this, Jane thought about the rumors she had heard of some weirdo calling people and threatening them in some way, coupled with the recent onslaughts of break-ins and the rumors of some man in a mask around town, Jane felt compelled to check if everything was locked properly.

"No need to worry about this Jane, I took care of it for you" said the man in a reassuring tone that didn't reassure her at all, she threw her gaze at the key tray near the entrance and saw that they were all gone, no keys were there and everything seemed to be indeed locked.

"W-What do you want?" she stuttered, as she tucked herself in a corner of the living room, every single noise making her jump like a frightened cat.

"Good question! Get away from that corner and go to the center of the living room" he ordered her, she looked around, not knowing from where he was looking at her from to know exactly what she was doing.

"Do not hang up and try to call the police, I'll have you in pieces before they get there" he added before suddenly going silent, Jane was too afraid to move, she could hear nothing but normal house creaks.

Until she could hear lights being turned off, up until the whole house was flooded in darkness, only the moonlight giving slight illumination.

The phone call was ended before she heard someone breathing right next to her, the breathing muffled by something.

A plastic bag was put over her head, trying to break free, she could do nothing about her suffocation, for what seemed like hours, she felt herself growing weaker due to the lack of air, losing strength in her limbs and close to losing consciousness, the bag was removed, the unseen man draggin her by the feet into another room, where he tied her up to a chair.

Leaving her to regain her senses, the intruder waited a good distance away from her, hiding in a closet right in front of her eyes after gagging her.

She had no idea what was happening, but her fear skyrocketed when she heard her mother's car parking in.

Her mom, not suspecting anything as she opened the door, believing that her daughter had simply gone to sleep, walked into the living room, doing her usual routine until she started hearing Jane shaking around in her restraints in the room adjacent.

Entering the room not expecting anything, the switched the light on, barely able to take in the scene before her, the intruder leapt out of the closet, tackling her against the doorframe and knocking her out in an instant.

Illuminated by the light, Jane was able to see what he looked like, wearing dark boots dirtied by excessive use, a long, red coat which color was faded away, it seemed makeshift, made out of what looked more like burlap than anything else, reaching down to his ankles.

A high collar completely covering his neck, the buttons were mismatched and the extremities of the coat had threads and uneven cuts.

Dark gloves that appeared to be going much further up his arms and that seemed quite thick, as if meant to prevent cuts.

The dark gray pants seemed to be fairly common, if only that they seemed as worn down as the boots were.

The man approached the crying Jane and lowered himself her level.

His head was completely covered by what looked like a pillow case, bearing the nasty and makeshift vibe that the rest emitted, it was no longer white and closet to grey, two small holes cut out for the eyes, she saw nothing but shadows inside.

Pulling out some sort of stapler out of his pocket and a piece of paper, he stappled it to her chest before, punching her in the jaw, once she was out, he retrieved what he had used to immobilise her, walked away casually, turning off the lights and dragging her unconscious mother by one feet.

Putting the keys back in their original spot, he then held up the unconscious woman as if he was carrying a potato sack, stepping out throught the front door and crossing the street without a care.

Moving away from the habitations and into the nearby woods, he reached his pick-up truck, putting the mother in the back and securing her to avoid having her fly off.

He then climbed into the driver's seat and turned to the three youngsters waiting for him.

"Whoa! I wished you were there to film this, I was magistral! I truly looked like a professional there" he chanted, in complete dichotomy with his earlier persona.

He removed his mask, revealing some additional details around the neck area, which was usually covered by the coat, a bunch of ropes were tied around the neck of the mask but seemingly had no true incidence on the putting or removing of the mask.

"I swear, I looked like Michel Meiers walking through the street right now" he laughed, starting the engine and driving away while the three youths looked at one another, as if waiting for one of them to adress the elephant in the room.

As per usual, it was up to Samara to be the voice of the group.