
Hope Of Azalea - Reign Of The Shadows

Duty calls for Kyro when a mysterious shadow figure, proclaiming to be from a cult called Sky Guardian Cult, causes a disturbance in Base Zero. An objective must be secured for Kyro whilst finding the truth of his partner's death. As the objective gets out of hand due to the massacre, he had to resort help from a Dark Arts master to enhance his skills in order to become the protector of Azalea City, but the real problem in his life, is the 'curse' of losing his partners. Will he overcome this curse and protect Azalea? Will he recover from his guilt? No one knows, but Kyro himself has the true answer.

JulianHao · ファンタジー
6 Chs

A Bitter Truth

The four of them leave the room at once. Passing by each rooms only adds more beeping sound to the bomb as it is switched on one by one. As they reached the central grounds they found a man in red suit lying on the ground in agony. That man is no other than the person that witnessed all his friends died. Claire then suggested to save that man, but Raz immediately denied it and insisted to leave that wounded soldier behind hoping to keep himself alive.

"Raz there is a wounded soldier on the ground. We need to save him."

"No, we need to prioritize ourselves first. We need to get out of here first."

Hearing all that, Kyro thought that Raz is a selfish jerk and immediately go towards the soldier. He found out that it is his friend, James lying on the ground nearly bleeding to death.

"James, hang in there buddy. Don't you die on me."

"He...killed... everyone!!"

"He installed a bomb in the room to clear everything out. Leaving no witnesses."

God knows how long James have been left there, but the worse has yet to come.

"Kyro, 30 seconds left, I don't think we can make it out of here."

"DAMN IT!!!!"

All hopes seems to have lost and there is no where to go. The exit is far and an injured soldier is present at the moment. Upon checking again, time left is only 20 seconds. Kyro had an idea which he summons bunch of heavy swords in air to pierce the walls of the headquarters, but to unable to as it is reinforced wall. Seeing no efforts could be done and despair filling everyone's face, Claire couldn't stand it and decided to resort to her final move.

"Kyro! Stand back and seek cover. Let me show you, my true nature."

Kyro abide by the instructions without hesitation as he had no choice but to trust Claire after seeing her manage to deflect Phoenix's attack. Claire got onto her stance and raised her right hand straight and forms a claw on her fingers

"By my will of the Dark Arts, I summon my defenses!"

Her claw hands managed to summon a black hexagonal shape which increases it's size suddenly covering them on the front. As the timer countdown had come to an end, the base exploded and flames filled the room, but the shield managed to block the flame. Unfortunately, the shield couldn't withstand too long as cracks can be seen moments later. Claire with all her will tries to reinforce the shield, but each time it consumes her energy to the maximum. Kyro suddenly remembers his regrets for leaving Rilles handling Arcadia all alone decides to not let that event happen again on Claire. With the knowledge he learned moments ago, he tries to summon a shield, but the shield is too weak that it breaks instantaneously.

"Kyro! Leave it to me! That shield needs more training to withstand such power!"

The falling debris damages the shield even more causing Claire to unable to hold it any longer, but Kyro insisted that he summons a shield.

"I will give you time to repair it with all you could. I will summon a shield as well."

But all hopes are crushed, when the whole ceiling is coming towards them at great speed. Knowing that any shield will not protect them, Kyro surrenders to fate and not do anything about it. The silent void filled the room as Kyro couldn't think of anything else that could be done. Seeing the faces of despair is what makes him hopeless.

"I'm sorry Rilles. I tried, but I have succumbed to defeat. I couldn't take it anymore."

His heart said so, eventually he smiles as he thought that everything is over in a better way. Just when everything seems to be slow motion for Kyro he closes his eyes, but a voice as if from the heavens called out to them instructing that they seek cover at once.

"Get down!!!! All of you!!!!"

A figure with a red suit and an orange visor appears out of nowhere slicing the concrete into pieces and what appears to be a purple sword that brings memories to Kyro. Finally, Kyro thought that there is hope in everything. Claire who withstands the shield suddenly faints after losing all her energy. They felt a slight relieve knowing that someone is coming to the rescue, but a certain someone isn't.

"The exit is cleared. Get out while you can. Someone is waiting outside. Don't make me repeat myself."

The figure said that after pointing his sword at Raz, which made Raz slightly annoyed. Kyro asked everyone to abide by the instruction and moved to the exit. As they made it to the exit, he saw Mr Grey who is already waiting outside with a bunch of vehicles standing by.

"Mr Grey! Thank goodness you are here."

"Kyro! We heard there is an emergency so we rushed over here, but as we arrived the explosion has already taken place."

"It's okay! We have a injured ones."

"Put them in that van! The rest of you get in the other one."

And just like that, they escaped death another time, Kyro on the other hand wanted to meet that figure that saved them. As excuse he mentioned about finding someone who is still inside.

"There is someone inside I need to go back in."

"Kyro! No. He is a dangerous man! He is an international fugitive!"

Kyro stops for awhile thinking about Raz but he remains loyal to what his heart says.

"I don't care! I need answers that you people refused to say!"

Kyro ignored the remark and heads over inside to help the figure "get out of here". Raz plans to stop Kyro from finding out the actual truth and attempts to stop him, but unable to do so. Kyro fought his way through the flames and falling debris. Eventually, the red suit man appears in front of him.


"Darkblade! That sword is entrusted to Rilles. You have it. It means you are near Rilles during his death."

"Don't remind me of him!"

The red suit figure points the sword directly at him in response to the statement made by Kyro. Even so, he felt no fear about what the figure is about to do as he is there to learn the truth, not a fight.

"Vulcan, what happened to Rilles? It is not a suicide isn't it? Rilles didn't kill himself, right? Everyone said he died as a hero, by suicide! But what exactly happened? I need to know."

Vulcan remains silent as he stares at Kyro in the eyes showing that he will only remain silent to whatever Kyro says. Vulcan knew this might happen, but someone powerful enough had to step in and reveals himself and not through any disguise to save them. Vulcan believes that Kyro, might find evidences one day, but not through this.

"Just so you know, I wouldn't hold back for information. I am commited for knowledge and I would rather sacrifice myself for the truth"

"You are stupid aren't you? Who are you going to tell it to then? Even if you know it, what good can you do? You maybe in Base Zero, but the death of your partner is something for you to search up. Not me!"

"It is enough for me to bring it to the afterlife. Besides, Rilles is your mentor. He thought you to use that suit. He thought you everything he knows."


In total rage, he took the Darkblade and smashed it to the ground with all his strength. His anger is at the limit, but Kyro is not willing to give up. Eventually, Vulcan continued speaking.

"If he had thought me everything, why didn't he teach me about the ways of time. He could have taught me how to return back in time. I would have saved him from meeting Arcadia, but NOOO!!! He died just like that, killed by your people and I have to escape from them to keep my existence hidden from this world. INTERPOL, FBI, CIA, EVEN THE APD ARE ALL ON MY TAIL! IF I HAD LEARNT THE WAYS OF TIME, THIS WOULDN'T OCCUR!!! So what good can you benefit from knowing about the truth when you can't even save anything!"

Tears of disappointment started to roll down from his visor and it could be seen clearly. Hearing all that, Kyro eventually gives up asking Vulcan about this matter because what Vulcan said has something to do with his investigation and he just needs concrete evidence about it. Kyro felt sad about it and wanted to cry, but he is stubborn enough to not cry, instead he tells Vulcan straight off that he will do it all that he could.

"Vulcan, you may not believe this, but hope is what I seek. As long as I see hope in things, it will all be settled. Just moments ago, I lost all hope, but eventually you saved us. Although it does not benefit you, but you just gave second chances to everyone. I will continue to investigate and not cheat my way for answers. Hope to see you soon, Vulcan!"

Just like that, Kyro left Vulcan behind. Vulcan on the other hand couldn't fathom about what Kyro had said and disappears into the flames. Raz came in as well to find out about Kyro.

"Kyro! You okay! Where is the person you wanted to save?"

"General! With all due respect...."

Kyro remained silent as the words could not come out of his mouth. He is conflicted inside his mind as he wanted to say that he wanted to investigate about Rilles's death. But he changed his mind as he does not want this matter to affect his current mission.

"...Find out about Vulcan!!!"

Raz seems happy about it as he thought that Kyro knows Vulcan is responsible for Rilles's death, but Kyro said that only to satisfy Raz as he partially knew Raz is the one responsible for Rilles's death and Vulcan is blamed for Base Zero's action. Simply, the base cover their crimes by saying Rilles committed suicide. Vulcan and Rilles conspired with Arcadia to destroy Base Zero, but Rilles commited suicide to prevent being found out. Indeed a twisted truth to a bitter ending. Kyro did so to protect himself after knowing the fake Raz would point a gun at him because of his memory of trying to get rid of traitors. And if he tries to open an investigation about the cause of Rilles's death, it means trouble for Kyro.


The Headquarters of Base Zero is nearly burnt to the grounds with some structures remain intact. All there's left is to let Base Zero representatives to retrieve the files buried underneath all the mess. James and Claire is placed into one van to be treated, Raz and the intern is placed in another van. Kyro on the other hand sits beside Mr Grey in another van. But then, the awkward silence filled the van and Mr Grey intends to talk to Kyro to break the silence.

"Kyro, are you okay? You seemed pale. I got some drinks behind, perhaps you could get one to cool yourself?"

"Thanks, but right now I am not in the mood to have any talk. I need a moment."

Mr Grey did not reply seeing that Kyro is extremely annoyed. As Mr Grey continues to drive on, Kyro breaks the silence to mention something.

"Mr Grey, I won't be long on your shelter there. As soon as we settled, I need to head out. I got matters more important to tend to."

"Okay...But let me know if you need any help!"

"I rather not have anyone else involved in this matter. Somehow you knew where our base is despite being kept a secret and no one should know about it."

"A teenage kid told me the situation. But I did not expect him to just dive into the ceiling and saved everyone. He guided me there."

Kyro knows that the teenage kid is no other than Vulcan who had planned to save Kyro. The real question is how does Vulcan know about all of this despite just got out of his hiding place.

"Do you by any chance, know the kid?"

Mr Grey remained silent as he continues to drive. He kept his policies intact that he doesn't want to expose Vulcan in any ways.

"I have policies that I strongly hold onto. Can't say if I know him."

Kyro got angry and decided to eject a sword and aim it at his neck indicating that he is not to be messed around.

"Cut the crap, Mr Grey! Screw your policies, I need to know how you know that kid. Tell me or there will be no witnesses to your sudden disappearance."

Mr Grey did not feel any fear nor flinching at his sudden attack as if he is used to it. Instead he just smiles and remained calm.

"Your actions are what makes people lose trust in you Kyro. You don't seem to be from the APD knowing that you acted as such. Just to let you know, I can get us both killed. All I could say is that, the kid came to me requesting for my help. That's all."

The atmosphere became tense and cold. Kyro isn't satisfied with any of Mr Grey's answers and felt insulted.

"You don't know who you are messing with, Mr Grey. When I request for your cooperation, you give me the cooperation. I am way more powerful than you, just to let you know."

"Your Dark Arts knowledge is rather limited than Claire's. It is a cold hard truth that you have to accept. With that skills of yours, you can't even fight the shadows."

The sword that Kyro held is directly on Mr Grey's neck ready to make an incision, as Kyro grabs the knife as hard as he could, but he couldn't bring himself to kill Mr Grey to which he retracted it immediately.

"Do as you want! Get us there fast, I had enough of this nonsense."

"Alright! If that is what you want! I could do this all day to be honest-"

"JUST drive, will you!!???"

The drive continues after the situation has calmed down for a second.


Soon the bright sky slowly became dark and the moon appears while the sun sets. Mr Grey and his crew arrives at the shelter to provide assitance to them. James is brought over to the hospital to get his treatment, while Claire is brought over to the infirmary to restore her energy. Kyro on the other hand plans to make his leave, but was interrupted by Raz.

"Hey, Kyro. Where the hell do you think you are going?"

"A mission is a mission, Raz. Our base is destroyed and our friends are all dead by that shadow. What good will it do, if we wait right now. The princess is being targetted. I need to go and save her."

"With what? Yourself? With your hands? Where do you even start searching for her?

"You don't know where she is??? Are you serious???"

"Yes! As I said, I was knocked out. Someone copied my memory and destroyed our base in case you forgot."

The mission came to a halt as they don't even know where the princess it. Kyro then inquires about the Central Command Center as he knew that place has all the info about Base Zero.

"What about the Central Command Center? They might have the information."

"It is true that they have the information we want, but we don't have a receiver and the information that we want might take hours."

"Then we will go there ourselves."

"Do you even know where it is? Because, I don't even know where it is."

"What? You are the general. How the hell did you not know where is it?"

"Here is the thing Kyro. Even if you are the general, most information is still kept confidential and only the highest ranking officers have access to the whereabouts of this base. God knows how many Base Zero secret bases that have existed."

Problems after problems have arise and the solution to this problem is far from the truth. How are they going to retrieve the princess if they did not know where to go. The only ones that know the princess's whereabouts are the ones that brought the princess there.