
Hoops Is Life (KnB)

A Young 16 Year Old Star in His Past Life that was Projected to be in the 1st Round of the NBA Draft Died to a Car Crash, is changed upside Down and has got the chance to be one of the best basketball player in the world.... But not any World THE Kuroko No Basket World with the Generation of Miracles still in Teiko! How will the Shin Do in This New World? What kind of People will Shin meet in his path of greatness? And Finally How Many Girls will he 'Meet' still to show these MC's What A Man is? You Pick Now And there will be some influence of Rebirth in KurokoNoBasket so check it at while your at it! --------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko No Basket and Same goes for the Cover but the OC i Do! Second year will constist of 30 chapters. Third year will also consist of 30 chapters. High school is still not decided until the first 2 years of middle school.

TruckkunJr · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

New Beginning

As Years went on, Our MC has been in the World of Kuroko No Basket for Now 3 years. Life as an baby and an infant was very hard trying to understand English again, to be truly honest its kinda scary even with the knowledge of how to your speak the language, you can't and a infants eyesight could only see a Small objects with little vision. So As Months went on all our MC could do was listen, stare and eat baby food from his New mother. All though it was quiet boring and irritating, non-stop crying when he needed food and shitting his diapers unconsciously knowing, he was at least glad to adapt to his new life style and body.

English although was hard to learn as a baby and a infant, he finally learned it fairly quick once he hit 4 years old, he learned as well that his name was Kobayashi Shin (Anime Thing, Last Name First) His Family members are only his Mother and Younger Sister, Kobayashi Akiha. Father unfortunately died on his 4th Birthday by a heart attack while at work and was rushed to the doctors to learn after his mothers arrival that he passed away before they could do anything. they said it was called a silent Ischemia that shows no symptoms or effects of a heart attack. Since then Shin's Mother being a Nurse chose to be a Nutritionist to keep her children from having the same issue like there Father.

Now As of today Shin finally could pick up the game he loves starting in a children basketball camp. Playing and training in the camp was very fun a lot different from when was playing high school basketball due to be nothing but competitive ball. In his past life Shin only started playing at the end of middle school for having a height of 187 cm (6'1) height in basketball was mostly everything in America. But now as a 5 year old child the basketball that once fitted in his hand, is now too big to dribble comfortably like before and being young again he had to find his own new style being in a different world and playing against the Generation of Miracles, Just thinking about playing against them just pumps your blood! And this is why Shin Loved basketball but now. He can't wait to dominate against players such as the Uncrowned Kings and The Generation of Miracles.

The Schedule Each day That went by was, Wake up in the morning while stretching After to loosen up tight muscle to not cramp out while playing, have a long shower to clean up the sweat from stretching, Get ready for elementary school for 7:30 am and get a ride to school from mum, while in the car that takes 20 minutes to get there and finish of homework that was forgotten to do or check if forgotten. While after arriving and leaving school, get picked up to go to basketball camp until 6 pm and Do 100 shot's, 100 dribble and drives around the cones, 20 sit up, press ups, squats and dynamic stretches again. The rest Practice games against middle school players until pass out. After Camp, Shin's mum will pick him up him to go to dinner with Akiha for a balance diet that After her Husband/fathers death, she strictly goes by. Then Arriving home for 8 pm, do homework and Finally Bed, this was a constant cycle that ever since at a young age his mother drilled into her son to be very organised and independent.

Shin While in Elementary was very popular, he didn't never blend in with the crowd of 8 year old's being 148 cm (4'9) he was taller then every elementary student in the school, Lean muscle build, Black charcoal hair from his mother and his Blood red eye colour that he inherited just like his height from his father. He was nothing but the schools crush with being both academic and social butterfly, people loved him so did the girls that almost all of them had crush on him.

Playing basketball in elementary although it was fun and new experience, it was after sometimes boring there wasn't no challenge to compete in because of his height. So of course he played against taller and bigger player's such as middle school players, it was a whole lot different being competitive and aggressive than just for fun in elementary.

After 2 More year's, being 10 years old and height of 165 cm (5'4) Shin after learning everything from Camp chose to leave and create his own style of dribble and improve his jump-shot from 55% to 65% increase of shots going in.

So all throughout the year all that Shin did was play street basketball to improve his defence, attack and field-vision so he can help see his teammates more clearly where ever on the court. This way of playing gradually improved Shin's man to man marking, passing, shooting to finally his goal 65%, lay-ups, steals thanks to his god speed impulse and the most improvement was his dribbling and vertical that is now 30 inches making him touch the net. His dribble increased in efficiency by finally making his own style from combining an unorthodox style with a low and fast paced dribble style similar to Russell Westbrook, This after 2 years of blood, sweat and tears finally did it making it a unpredictable, fast pace and versatile Style of seeing players like Aomine but not as good unorthodox styles.

Finally starting Middle school in America being 180 cm (5'9), there was a lot of competitive games that surprising took a lot of effort because of new teammates messing up passers, even open lay ups and jump-shots. Due these mistakes of my teammates, Shin Averaged, Points: 28 Assists: 9 Rebounds: 10 Steals: 6 Blocks: 5 Turnovers: 4. Making him the MVP of the middle school Regional and Statue Championship with Defensive Player. Winning both Statue and Regional but losing first-round in National.

Shin being upset throughout Break got perked up with Teiko winning Against Shoei by 118- 70. Of course Shin knew this Year even though Teiko isn't fully developed and everyone of the Generation of Miracles isn't at their peak, their still powerful when combined especially Tetsuya Kuroko with being the phantom 6 man that can pass without anyone seeing where he is. Though to Shin, Satsuki Momoi was who he wanted to meet the most being someone he wanted to date and someone who can keep all these genius together before they left each other to different high schools.

So After coming back from Gym, Shin entered his home and while going to the kitchen saw his mother and Akiha sitting down discussing. So getting a glass of milk, Shin mum noticed and walked up to him in the kitchen with Akiha and asked with a frown, feeble and sad tone.

Shin's Mum: " Shin, I know your enjoying Middle school currently and doing exceptionally well but in a week... Unfortunately we have got to move to Japan to meet your Grandfather and mother on your dad side because they haven't seen you and I have been transferred to the doctors in Japan as well. I hope you alright with the new change? If you want there will be a School Close to The new house were moving to, so if your interested you can go to there?"

Shocking Shin very quickly, Not expecting to meet the Generation of Miracles so soon. Shin gulped down the milk with a slight smile and excited tone wanting to find out this school he will most likely transfer to Said.

Shin: "Mum...I'm fine with Moving, if were meeting dads family then its for the better and at least it will be a new atmosphere for both I and Akiha. Especially You mum. All i care about now is Playing Basketball and meeting new people so. Go for it!"

Hugging both his Sister and Mother, Shin could do nothing but be curious and excited for what was gonna happen when goes to Japan With his Family. Getting A laugh from both his Family Members, Shin was Finally Coming to Japan to meet and introduce to people Why they call him 'The Emperor'!


Hope you guys enjoyed it because i know i did by creating this! I'm just curious do you lot want Shin to Teiko or Shoei with Teppei Kiyoshi or another school. I'm leaning on Shoei so Teppei doesn't get injured by Makoto Hanamiya also i love his character but i also want Teiko so There's more juice to the story with the rivalry with the Generation of Miracles, Satsuki as well so yk 😉😉