
Honoured One of Young Justice

I was given a chance. A chance at rebirth. A second coming. And I was sure as hell I was not going to waste it. So when asked what powers and which world, I answered with absolute certainty. Follow the stories of a man living in a universe of gods, demons, angels and the like as… The Honoured One - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Disclaimer: I own none of the characters of the hit Tv show ‘Young Justice’ and I do not own the Jujustu Kaisen character known as Gojo Satoru I’ve also started posting this on Royal road and Scribble Hub so go support ya boy One more thing if you wanna support me even further >_

Honoured_Writer · アニメ·コミックス
28 Chs

6 Twister Continued

[Happy Harbour Power Plant, Happy Harbour Rhodes Island]

- -Gojo POV- -

"~I hate to ask this but are you guys idiots by chance~," I asked with a look mimicking that of a lost explorer in the desert, "No offence of course."

It took a few seconds for what I said to process in their heads and less for Wally due to his super speed which had a bonus of superhuman thinking speed and cognitive abilities.

"Huh?! What'd you say" Wally shouted with an offended gaze, his eyes quite literally boring wholes into me. I could also feel Robin questioning yet borderline angered stare behind his shaded glasses.

"~Wait-wait you guys don't actually believe this is Tornado's way of testing us do you?~" I only laughed at how the writers lowered the IQs of the team so they could take another ass whooping but this just seemed to infuriate Wally even more

"If you have something that needs to be said, now is the time to share it," Caldur said rather frustratedly

"~Answer me this, why would Red tornado go out of his way to destroy a power plant putting innocent lives at risk, beat your guys' a-"

"Language," Caldur said like a strict maths teacher that just caught you cheating off your friends work

'You almost sound a certain all America loving, peace keeping Boy Scout from Brooklyn with the nation's ass on his behind,' I thought, "-~beat your guys' butt of course, all for a test like I know we may be a little inexperienced as a team but that just seems like overkill, no?~"

"-but stil-!," Wally grumbled trying to form an argument against me.

"~Hey Dr Hurricane! They think you're Tornado can you believe it,~" I shouted up towards where Twister was hovering like a big bad ready for out cutscene to finish

"It's Mister Twister child!" the villain shouted back in rage before composing himself once more, "...Wait, you believe me to be Tornado. Ironic." The dark clouds brew even more in ominous thunder over ahead warning us of the incoming strike.

"I will make this clear for the first and final time, bring me Tornado and I shall spare your lives!" He declares with no doubt in his voice.

"~...How about a high five and a packet of snickers and maybe then would we would consider it!~" I shouted but after seeing the aghast faces of my teammates I had to rephrase, "~Scratch that! How about...No?~"

"Then I shall end you, perhaps that shall bring him to me," With that he shot a whirlwind mixed with energy bolts mimicking the shape of lightning at us"

I activated Infinity to cover us all and protect them us from the strong gales , "~You try and have a brief civil conversation and they throw lightning bolts like goddamn Zeus, villains these days.~"

"~So any of you willing to stop day dreaming yourselves any time now and start fighting~" I asked knowing I wasn't going to get an answer as Superboy threw himself once again at Twister with a combined combo of Robin's explosives, Megan telekinectically throwing rubble, Aqualad also coming to Superboy's aid with added blows.

Wally zoomed in and delivered a barrage of speedy punches while I teleported to the side and used [Blue] to shoot him into the sky whilst allowing him to fall neatly into a self made crater in the centre of the trees forming clouds of smoke and dust to fly up into the sky.

Though even with the suit malfunctioning terribly and its limbs just barely in tact from the one sided beating, Mr Twister still rose onto one knee as if getting ready for more though to some it looked to be an act of defiance against its opponents.

All of sudden, the solar plexus area of Twister opened up in vague mist to reveal a man with longish brown hair, thick sideburns and jaded emerald eyes. He wore an army green tactical suit that almost mimicked some of the early day superheros in comics.

"Foul...I-I call foul!" The man called out collasping to the floor in an unconscious state and Megan taking this as a sign of non-combatancy moved a rock into the air to smash down on the man and turn him into soup for alll the family to enjoy.

The whole class (excluding me of course) was terrifyingly confused at what she was about to do as floated just a few metres above out heads at the point. Robin and Wally were stunned while Caludr who realised her intent attempted to halt her 'murder' crusade

"M'gann! Stop!" Caldur cried out, too late to stop her as the rock was about to descend upon the fallen 'man'.

'I swear if I hadn't watched the show before coming here, I would've thought she was about to put this man on a shirt,' I watched in awe before raising my palm at the rock and shattering into dust.

Megan turned to me, puzzled at what I had done before realising she hadn't explained to the rest of us but before she could get a word out Robin came storming towards her,

"Don't know how things are done on Mars but on Earth we don't EXECUTE our captives! You were just lucky that Satoru stopped you be-!" exclaimed Robin fury

"You should trust me more," Megan said, pointing to where I was crouching down, beheading the humanised machine

"WHA-!" Wally zoomed over at me and grabbed me by my collar, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!"

'As much as I like mystery reveals for the audience's anticipation to be satiated this is getting boring,' I took Wally's hands off me forcefully and brought the severed head off the ground for all to see, "~See, it's a robot people, were not 'executing' anyone~."

"..Then why did you stop me before, if you were just going to destroy the robot in the end" Megan asked.

"~Not destroy, just make sure it's not operational - after all a decapitated robot is better than an absolutely flattened one in terms of information gathering~" I responded plucking out the right eye of the robot and destroying the left, "~speaking of gathering, catch~!" I threw the plucked oyt right eye to Wally watching as he caught it in his grasp and marvelled.

"Sweet! Souvenir!" He shouted in joy, twirling it around in his hold, 'I feel so content as a fan just watching this play out.' Imaginary tears forming in the back of my eyes like a long lost father finally playing catch with his son after so many years of looking for the milk, "How did you know I'd want one dude!"

"~..Just a guess.. just a guess~" I smiled widely at him

"Ok, you're creeping me out now dude," He backed with his hands in the air towards Robin...


--3rd POV--

[Mount Justice, Happy Harbour]

"He was clearly there to either capture you or destroy you from his actions and speech," Caldur spoke as the team looked down at the robotic body.

"Agreed, your judgment may be correct ," Tornado responded in his usual emotionless tone though he too carried a questioning atmosphere to his tin can body, " Also considering the predicament, you as a team performed well so well done."

"Alright! Does this mean we're ready for mission?!" Wally shouted in a burst of joy.

"As I said before, missions are The Batman's responsibilities, if he believes so that after your performance today that you are ready then you shall be assigned missions soon if not then continue getting to know one another," he replied before turning his back to the team to return to his quarters, " If that is all, then this matter can be considered closed."

"Oh.. right," Wally said slightly deflated by the news.

"Almost made me forget after that tiny bit of praise, that our 'babysitter' is still just an emotionless robot," Robin rudely said.

"Dude! Harsh!" Wally said directly to Boy Wonder.

"And inaccurate. I have a heart ,carbon steel alloy," Tornado turned around to face them, " I also have excellent hearing>"

"uhh Sorry next time I'll be more understanding ," said Robin apologetically.

"~and more respectful~" Gojo ruffled Robin's hair before walking past them

"Hey! Do you know how long it took for me to fix this hair after Twister?!" Robin asked annoyedly.

"~Anyway M'gann, you think we can order some pizza? I'm kinda tired after carrying this team from start to finish~ Gojo said whilst yawning, completely ignoring Robin

"Dude! What do you mean carrying this team," Wally questioned incredulously.

"~huh, could've sworn I didn't stutter, if you didn't quite hear, I said 'I'm kinda tired of carrying this team from start to finish',~" Satoru narrated before turning back to M'gann

"We could've of literally won with or without you!" Wally said pointing his finger at Gojo with anime like tick marks spread across his face.

"C'mon Wally, even though I don't want to win it Satoru acted as both as a defensive and offensive attacker of our team, if he hadn't been there, it would've been a way harder fight," Robin joined in after fixing his hair.

Wally quickly turned to Robin beside him in befuddlement, "Just who's side are you on anyway!".

"I am in agreement in Robin though I do believe it was still a team effort so this win can be attributed to no one person in particular," Caldur said.

"~Fine-fine, wrong choice of words - it was the power of friendship that allowed us to win now can we please get something to eat~" Satoru gave a Saitama face and monotone voice.

'At least try and act like you're sincere,' the rest of the team cried out in their heads.

Superboy simply scoffed before walking towards the exit with Satoru before speaking his mind, "I want to try pizza."

"Guess we have our answer.." Robin said following behind with Megan and Caldur....


{A/N* I'm having an internal debate over this whole 'mind barrier' thing cause I just feel like its some deux ex machina or plot device to get MC out of a mind control sinch so I may just remove that.

In return though, I'll give him stronger mind defences that's all

Ok that's all see ya next week for Santa Prisca

