
Honkai: Kiana happiness, Become the stigma of the Kaslana family

A time traveler who lost her name wakes up from her long sleep, and she has somehow become the will of the stigmata of the Kaslana family attached to Kiana's back! Remembering the honkai stories full of tragedy and smiles, she decides to turn things everything! Time can't be turned back, but I can! Kiana: Papa! Mama! Big sister started acting weird again! She will sacrifice to the sky for me, please help!" Cecilia: "My daughter, listen to mommy! Your last name is Schariac not Kaslana! Please don't pick up your sword again! Siegfried please help!!!" Siegfried: “I-I can't! She's stronger than me! I can't beat her!” Kevin: "Kid, stop messing around. When are you going to resurrect Mei?" Otto: "Move aside! I ordered it a long time ago! She has to revive my kallen first!" Meanwhile, while the two great powers were arguing with each other, a little girl was shivering in the corner, very miserably. "Please, I don't want to join the stigma project! Let me go! Mama, papa, help me!!!"

KayokoDaaa · ゲーム
281 Chs

Chapter 175: "Bronya Apologize"

After sharing her deepest secret with Kiana, Thea somehow felt very relieved.

She thought this secret was very important because it involved the future of this world itself. But, seeing Kiana's mediocre reaction, Thea felt that her secret wasn't secret enough anymore.

can't you travel time back in the past, right?

Kiana: "Ah? You can travel time to the past, right? Go and look into the future isn't it an ordinary thing?"

Thea was silent: "I wanted to brush it off, but you have a point. Kiana, you make me confused about my abilities."

Talked with Kiana for a while, and discussed some unimportant things like what to eat this afternoon. Thea, who felt there was a commotion in the real world, finally decided to leave.

"Kiana, after you recover, there will be Dr. Einstein and Dr. Tesla who will check your body condition. Cooperate with them obediently, I will see you again later."

Kiana raised her eyebrows: "... Sister will go? Why are you in such a hurry..."

Thea smiled: "Of course I am very busy. Who said before that I am your guardian angel? As a guardian angel, I will try my best to protect you."

Kiana lowered her head guiltily: "Big Sister, I'm sorry... I shouldn't have accepted that person's persuasion. Because of me, you became troublesome."

Thea shrugged her shoulders: "Yes, keep this guilt and think about it before you sleep. If you cry every night, it means you are really sorry."

Kiana was angry: "I won't cry! Why do you persuade me to cry so often!? At first I felt guilty, but now I don't!"

Meeting with longing, and after that parting ways by making fun of each other. Thea and Kiana explain what the sibling relationship between the two of them in nutshell.

Thea waved her hand to throw Kiana out of the stigmata room. Meanwhile, Kiana who saw herself being forcibly expelled, raised her middle finger high.

"I've recorded this! Wait for mama to see it, and accept your punishment!"

"Oi oi oi! You snitch! You cheated!"

Back to reality, and still had an annoyed expression on her face. Kiana, who recalled Thea's arrogant smile, for some reason felt even more annoyed.

Damn, you snitch!

"Kiana, are you okay?"

"Ah, Aunt Theresa..."

Focused back on the real world, and realized that the ward where she was being treated was quite crowded. Kiana sat up with slow movements, and she discovered that Thea, who was sleeping next to her, had long disappeared.

Smelled the faint scent of flowers on her bed, and shook her head quickly to dispel all the strange thoughts in her mind. Kiana saw Theresa, Himeko, and Dr. Einstein who was in her ward at this time.

"Teacher Himeko..."

"What is it?"

"I miss you."

Stunned with Kiana who suddenly hugged her tightly. Himeko who didn't know what wrong medicine had Kiana eating for today, could only take a deep breath while stroking her head gently.

Theresa pouted: "Hey, why am I being ignored? Obviously I was the one who asked first! Where are your manners!"

Kiana was annoyed: "Auntie, you are too short. I can't hug your waist."

Theresa: "Hah!?!"

Himeko: "It's okay vice principal. Kiana has also been through a lot, so please forgive her this time."

Calm Theresa who is angry, and educate Kiana to stop provoking her anger. Himeko, who saw that Kiana had let go of her, asked worriedly.

"Are you okay, Kiana?"

Kiana nodded weakly: "Yeah, after hugging Himeko for a while, I feel very healthy. By the way, why is it so noisy outside?"

Einstein, who had been staying in the ward as an extra, to avoid Tesla's mouth cannon attack, shrugged her shoulders as if this was not her problem.

In the long hallway of the ward, Welt Yang who was sitting on the floor obediently, could only draw dust boredly, while enjoying the bgm of deafening helplessly.

Tesla: "We've been looking for you everywhere! And you're respawn here! What do you really want, hah!? You want to make us all panic!?"

Welt Yang: "...."

Tesla: "You said that you wanted to solve everything yourself before entering the portal! You want to play hero again!? How dare you leave without my permission! You just want to worry us to death!!!"

Welt Yang: "...."

Tesla: "Why are you silent! ANSWER ME!"

Welt Yang: "Yes, madam Tesla. I heard it clearly. May I go now?"

Tesla: "SAY IT AGAIN!"

Welt Yang: "...."

Tesla: "Why are you silent!"

Welt Yang: "....I'm confused."


Einstein: "Never reason with an angry woman. In the end all your options will only harm you."


Can hear Tesla's roar from inside her own ward. Bronya, who was holding an IV pole in her hand, passed by the two couples quietly.

Welt Yang, and Bronya's eyes met for a moment, and after that, under the roar of the second wave, they both averted their gazes quickly.

Seele: "Big sister Bronya... Is he the terrible man we encountered before?"

Bronya: "Don't be afraid Seele, he's not that person. We're back in the real world, so you don't need to worry anymore."

Seele nodded her head obediently, and looked at Welt Yang who was currently being scolded by Tesla with an innocent look.

Although Seele didn't really know what made the red-haired woman angry, at least she knew that the woman must be very worried about him.

What a perfect couple.

Welt Yang: ".... (Sfx: Still silent.)"

Walked a few steps to the next ward, and opened the door. Bronya, who entered the room next to hers, could see Kiana looking at her with a surprised look.

"Bronya, seele! Are you okay? Besides, Bronya, why are you carrying that pole?"

"....This is quite a long story."

Bronya didn't know how to explain it.

After being exposed to high concentrations of honkai energy radiation in the third world, when she returned to the real world, she was immediately rushed to the emergency room to undergo surgery.

Bronya is different from Seele who has quantum physics, and Kiana who has Kaslana's blood in her body. She is just an ordinary human being.

Luckily, she managed to survive.

The doctor who treated her said that the high concentration of honkai energy in her body suddenly disappeared, causing her to survive the dangerous operation.

Remembering all this again. Bronya pressed against her middle chest, and she could feel the core of the Herrscher of Reason residing there.

To think that Welt Yang, who was the core owner of the original Herrscher of Reason, was still out there. Somehow Bronya could guess that she would undergo surgery to remove the Herrscher core from inside her body soon.

Two operations in two days, really unlucky.

Bronya could only let out a long, helpless sigh.

"Kiana, Bronya apologizes."

"Eh? Apologize? Why?"

"Bronya apologizes for betraying all of you before. Bronya will bear the full consequences of what Bronya did. So Bronya please, don't involve Bronya's problems with the other children in the orphanage."

Seele: "Big Sister Bronya..."

Although Bronya only lives in St. Freya for several days, Bronya knew that the children's lives there were better than living at the Cocolia orphanage before.

Bronya didn't want to splash the ink she made to stain her friends. So, Bronya chose to surrender wisely.

Kiana waved her hands frantically: "What are you actually saying Bronya, how could we do something cruel like that! We are not bad people! Isn't that right Aunt Theresa?"

Theresa was still looking at Kiana with an unfriendly gaze due to previous grudges, and when her eyes glanced at Himeko, they both immediately understood what the other party meant.

Theresa made a decision: "Well, how about this. Due to your previous actions being instigated by Cocolia, you will be under Himeko's supervision, and closely monitored. During the monitoring period, you will have to cooperate with us as bait in case Cocolia appears again. What do you think?"

Bronya nodded her head obediently: "Bronya accepts this arrangement. Thank you, vice principal Theresa."

How could Bronya not understand the implied meaning of Theresa's words?

Traitor is changed to sedition, which makes the law lighter. The purpose of being under strict supervision by Himeko, is the same as getting permission to return to school again at St. Freya.

From any perspective, this is clearly good news.

Bronya, truly thanked Theresa sincerely for giving her another chance to atone her sins.

"Oh yeah, for the girl over there, your name is Seele, right? Are you Bronya's friend?"

"Y-Yes!" Seele answered nervously.

Theresa smiled softly: "Do you want to go to school with Bronya too? Thea told me before that she wanted me to accept you into school. But before that, I really want to hear your opinion."

Seele held Bronya's hand excitedly, and after seeing Bronya nod her head, Seele also nodded her head quickly.

Seele: "Yeah! Seele also wants to go to school too!"

Theresa nodded her head: "Good, then I will register you later. As the vice principal, I congratulate you on joining St. Freya's academy, Seele."

Seele bowed her head: "Thank you, vice principal!"

Theresa became awkward: "Don't call me that. You can call me Theresa if you want."


Seeing Seele get Theresa's approval to attend St. Freya has no inhibitions, or personal grudges at all. Bronya breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, the children at the Cocolia orphanage are complete.

Kiana smiled: "I told you that we are not that evil. You can calm down, even if aunt Theresa doesn't agree today, I can persuade her tomorrow until she agrees! After all, we're both still teammates!"

Hearing Kiana's words, and feeling her chest slowly become warm. Bronya was moved.

"... Thank You."

"You're welcome, don't hesitate!"

Recalling that she had bullied Kiana before because of her black heart, Bronya suddenly became very embarrassed.

She really felt guilty.

Kiana, is a kind girl.

"That... Kiana, there is something Bronya wants to tell you..." Bronya looked to the side with an increasingly strong sense of guilt.

"What's that?"

Deciding to tell Kiana about her carelessness that she had just discovered. Bronya looked at Kiana nervously.

"You know that your secret item is still in Bronya's hands right? Bronya previously wanted to add chaos to gain opportunities, so Bronya has created an express mechanism that will be sent immediately if Bronya doesn't reply within two days."

"...You mean?"

For some reason, Kiana felt that something was wrong here. Seeing the nervous Bronya, her heartbeat gradually began to slow down.

Sure enough, after Bronya opened her mouth, she immediately dropped a nuclear bomb with a straight face.

"Ahem! Your diary and your baba homu doll have probably now been sent to Saintess Thea's desk. Bronya really apologizes, their delivery efficiency was too fast... Kiana? What happened to you?"

Seeing Kiana open her mouth wide, as if she had just been hit by a lightning shock attack. Kiana's eyes, which were like dead fish, began to tremble.

She looked at Bronya with an incredulous look, her pupils stiff, as if asking why you betrayed her again.

"I will die."

"Kiana... Bronya is sorry..."

"Sister Thea is going to kill me."

Kiana ignored the sounds around her, and she held her head with a pained expression on her face.

She really felt like wanna crying now.

1,800 words, still less than two thousand. alright, I'm sorry today. I'm really a lazy writer.

Thinking of the flame chaser plot made my head spin again.

KayokoDaaacreators' thoughts