
Setback and Resolution

"Master, don't be like that," Hikma tried to motivate Osim.

"Cheer up, master," Sophia also chimed in, attempting to encourage him.

"Leave me alone for a moment," Sobuj responded, his mood still unchanged.

After a few minutes, Osim broke the silence. "Hey, can you show me my mother's face?"

"We can't. You didn't share that data in your personal profile," Sophia denied.

But Hikma came to the rescue. "We can retrieve it from your memory if you want."

"Don't," Osim said resolutely, declining the offer.

Osim focused his gaze ahead and tried to see beyond the liquid.

"Dammit," Osim expressed his frustration aloud.

"Just you wait, I will surely punch you to a pulp," Osim clenched his fist, directed at the unseen person outside the chamber.

"But master, your punch will be like a tickle to..." Hikma attempted to lighten the mood.

"Just don't," Osim didn't make her finish the sentence.

Once again he looked ahead. Still the same result.

"Hey, can you show me a movie?" Osim requested, seeking a distraction.

"Sure, what do you want to see?" Hikma asked.

"Something funny. I want to laugh, laugh like crazy."

"We have a good collection of comedy movies. Please select one," Sophia suggested. A new panel appeared in front of Osim, displaying a scrolling list of movie options.

"This one, I want to see this one."

"Which one, master?" Hikma inquired.


"Master?" Hikma asked once more, receiving no response.

Instead, Sophia interjected, "Don't disturb master, he is sleeping."


"Why is it red? Did the movie finish?" Osim questioned upon waking.

"Ah, master, you had fallen asleep before the movie was chosen," Hikma clarified, clearing Osim's confusion.

"Do you want to watch it now, master?" Sophia asked.

"Nah, I think I'm better now. So, how much longer do you think it will take for the liquid to become transparent?"

"The absorption rate has significantly slowed down," Sophia stated.

"Good," Osim uttered, his intention contradictory to his words.

"It will take a minimum of 2 days to fully absorb the substances in the liquid," Hikma provided the estimated time.

"We believe your absorption rate was higher before because some portion was consumed by us to recharge. Now that we are fully recharged, the absorption has become slower," Sophia clarified the cause.

"So, what changes is this liquid bringing about in me?" Osim further inquired.

"Your body growth is directly proportional to the absorption rate," Hikma explained.

"So, you're saying that the unknown person did me a favor by pouring this liquid, that time?" Osim waved his tiny hand in the liquid.

"We believe so," they both replied simultaneously.

"Hehe, so they're making me fat. A fat guinea pig!"

Sophia and Hikma remained silent, unsure of how to respond.

"It's frustrating!" Osim exclaimed internally, unable to vocalize his emotions due to his underdeveloped jaw.

After sulking for a moment, Osim suggested, "Alright girls, let's do business. Show me demo player system panels from different sources and let's perform surgery on them."

Sophia and Hikma began their magical display, showcasing various system panels to Osim. They discussed them until Osim gradually drifted off to sleep.


"How many days have passed in this chamber?" Osim asked after waking up from his sleep.

"Today is the 9th day, master," Sophia answered.

"9 days, freaking 9 days. I've been stuck here for 9 days. What happened to my physical body? Did they dissect me to uncover the cause of death? I'm sure those psychos will never find out the reason. Hey, Sophia and Hikma, do you think my body will receive a proper burial? Don't answer, as you're with me, not with my previous body. I hope my family will come to my funeral. Don't even try to delve into my thoughts until I speak again. Understand, girls?"

"Yes, master," they confirmed together.

Upon hearing their response, Osim delved into his inner memories, contemplating what he did, what he shouldn't have done, what was right, and what was wrong throughout his journey.

After reflecting on his past, Osim asked the girls, "Based on our previous discussion, create a basic system and show it to me as a panel."

In an instant, a floating panel appeared in front of him:


Name: _______

Title: _______

Race: _______

Age: _______

Occupation: _______

Affiliation: _______


Health: _____ (Rule is not decided)

Mana: _____ (Rule is not decided)


Physical Attributes—

Strength: _____ (Based on the recorded punching force)

Speed: _____ (Based on the distance traveled per second by foot)

Agility: _____ (Based on the recorded punching speed)

Endurance: _____ (Based on the first drop of sweat formed on the face, base value unavailable)

Vitality: _____ (Percentage. 100% when at a normal complexion. Percentage will decrease based on complexion deterioration)

Mental Attributes—

No suitable reference

Magical Attributes—

No suitable reference

Specialized Attributes—

No suitable reference

Social Attributes—

No suitable reference







"Not bad for a start. Well done, both of you."

"You're welcome, master," two happy voices sounded in Osim's mind.

"Let's try mine. Add 'Osim Sunno' as the name, 'Human' as the race, and age 1 year. Set Strength, Agility, Speed, and Endurance as 1. Keep Vitality at 100%. Leave the others blank. Omit the text inside the black sections. If I ask, then show them. Also, under Skills, add 'Parallel Mind, Lv1,'" Osim quickly instructed, eager to see his information.

The panel changed:


Name: Osim Sunno

Title: _______

Race: Human

Age: 01

Occupation: _______

Affiliation: _______


Health: _____

Mana: _____


Physical Attributes—

Strength: 01

Speed: 01

Agility: 01

Endurance: 01

Vitality: 100%

Mental Attributes—

No suitable reference

Magical Attributes—

No suitable reference

Specialized Attributes—

No suitable reference

Social Attributes—

No suitable reference



Parallel Mind, Lv1





"Now, I'm also an MC with a system. Muhahaha!" Osim chuckled in his mind.

"Just you wait, with my system, I will crush you," Osim repeated a familiar scene inside the chamber as he raised his fist for the second time.

But someone was there to dampen his fantasies.

"The system cannot increase the master's fighting power," a serious voice interrupted Osim.

"Not you this time, Sophia," Osim scolded Sophia half-heartedly. "Unexpectedly, even our little Sophia can crack a joke," he tried to join in the fun.

"I was serious."

Osim was left speechless.

"Hehehe!" Hikma's laughter echoed in the background.


"A little bit more," Osim thought as he observed the almost transparent liquid surrounding him.

These past two days went by in a flash. He slept, conversed with Sophia and Hikma, had some fun, watched movies, played mini-games, doing anything he could to distract himself from negative thoughts. As the time approached to unveil the mysteries, his emotions became complicated. Excitement, fear, uncertainty, eagerness, determination all waged war within Osim's mind, it was a grand Battle Royale.

"Would the same thing happen again this time?" he pondered, glancing upwards. He felt a wave of relief as there was no blinding brightness above.

"Thank God," he whispered. Just as he became relieved, he instinctively closed his eyes.

"Agh! Not again." he refused to open his eyes this time, unwilling to witness the scene again.

Still, he commanded his AI companions, "Record the voice coming from outside."

After a few seconds, "Auch! Ahhhhhhhhh! It hurts! It hurts! Stop it!" he cried out. Tears from his eyes were coming out and blending with the liquid. He attempted to open his eyes to see, but couldn't. It felt as if his entire body, including his eyes, was burning. No, it was not burning, but melting.