
Homelander is in DC

Wonder Woman: Why Are You Superman’s Brother? Eric said: "On my first day after traveling through time, I crawled into Superman's baby spaceship as a baby myself, pushed him out, and took his place. That's how I became the 'Son of Krypton.'" Superman asked: "Why don't you go save the plane?" Eric replied: "I can't lift things while standing on air." Batman asked: "Why doesn't kryptonite affect you this time?" Eric replied: "I originally wanted to fit in with you all as a Kryptonian, but all I got in return was alienation. Fine, I won't pretend anymore. I'll come clean. I am actually Homelander." ...... This is the story of a guy who pretends to be a Kryptonian but is actually a cunning and sinister Villian, causing trouble in the world of superheroes. --------------------------------------- 2 Chapters a Day

OasisTL · アニメ·コミックス
90 Chs

You Can Do Whatever You Want


 Facing Atkins's lips, Eric still maintained a cold face.

 "Of course, I know you guys. You keep a face that doesn't want anyone to get close to you. You think that will be a cool trick that will attract girls. I admit that your trick worked. I am attracted to you."

 Atkins held Eric's face with one hand, slowly approached, and tried to kiss his mouth.

 At the same time, a faint pink mist floated from her lips into Eric's mouth.

 Eric also smelled the strong perfume emanating from the other's body, as well as a faint smell of sandalwood.


 A hand suddenly stretched out and pinched Atkins' chin.

 The moment their lips were infinitely close, they were stopped by Eric.

 "Generally speaking, I don't like being passive, and I don't like being treated as prey."

 Eric released his grip on the other's chin, with orange-red light flashing in his eyes, "And I'm used to deterring or even eliminating those who have bad intentions from the source."

 Frightened, Atkins took two steps back, looking at Eric's red eyes, her face full of astonishment.

 She was not only surprised by Eric's abnormality, but also by the fact that the other party was not charmed by her!

 The misty gas exhaled from her mouth, as long as it came into contact with the opposite sex, the other party would obey her.

 Why is my charm ineffective on this high school student in front of me? !

 When she was panicking, there was a knock on the office door.

 "Atkins, I'm Chloe, I have something to discuss with you."

 Atkins, who was pardoned, immediately ran to the door, opened the lock with force, staggered out, and even almost bumped into Chloe on the way.

 Chloe and Pete looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

 Only Clark could vaguely hear the conversation between Eric and Atkins, and looked at the fleeing Atkins in confusion.

 Eric came out of the office with a calm expression, glanced at the trio, and turned to leave.

 "So... what happened?"

 Chloe blinked, looking at Clark and Pete in confusion.

 "I don't know, it doesn't look like Eric is the one who suffered a loss."

 Pete complained: "But Chloe, your impromptu sabotage action was effective and successfully prevented the plot from developing in an unhealthy direction."

 "Do you mean that Eric wanted to do something bad to Atkins?"

 "I didn't say that, maybe you can refer to Clark's opinion."

 Pete threw the topic to Clark.

 "I don't know."

 Clark shook his head and said hesitantly, "I think Atkins may be a little abnormal."


 Chloe supported her chin with one hand, "I remember that in the last biology class, you kept looking back to salute Atkins. Or, Clark, do you think these overly sexy teachers are abnormal in your eyes?"

 Facing Chloe's teasing, Clark shrugged helplessly, "I'm not a philosopher, Chloe, so you don't have to look at me with half mocking, half suspicious eyes."

 "'The reason they use that kind of perspective is that they make mistakes too easily and too often and go astray.' Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil. It's amazing, Clark, you would use Nietzsche to debate with me!"

 Chloe showed a surprised look, then walked over with a smile and patted Clark's arm, "But Nietzsche does not recognize love. He believes that the relationship between men and women is the mutual attraction of hormones. Men desire women, and women desire men. It is just a simple physiological impulse. So isn't it normal for you to be attracted by Atkins?"

 Clark: "..."

 A faint sadness surged up.

 Talking about Nietzsche with Chloe is simply a case of showing off one's knowledge in front of an expert.

 The restless Atkins waited in school until very late before leaving.

 She spent the whole afternoon in panic and fear. Why did her ability fail?

 Why did Eric's eyes emit a heart-pounding red?

 And the murderous aura that suddenly emerged from his body seemed to condense into a sharp blade around her, ready to harvest her life at any time.

 That terrifying and trembling feeling made her tremble even when she thought about it now.

 In the night, she walked down the corridor in high heels with a heavy heart.

 The "click" footsteps were particularly long in the night. Just

 after taking two steps along the corridor, Atkins saw a black shadow standing in the shadow in front of her.

 In the pitch-black night, his eyes emitted a dark red light, as terrifying as a beast in the night.


 The voice that frightened Atkins came, and Eric walked slowly out of the corridor, and the red light in his eyes faded away.

 "You look a little uneasy."

 "Who are you?"

 Atkins, who always played with emotions and thought she knew men well, felt a fear of losing control in her heart and took a step back.

 "Atkins, I'm very interested in your ability. Is it the ability to seduce the opposite sex like Poison Ivy?!"

 Eric walked slowly towards her. "Originally, for a woman like you, I would have crushed her like a cockroach."

 Eric said as he walked in front of Atkins and reached out to touch her face gently.

 "No, don't kill me."

 Atkins begged Eric, "I can give you anything you want."

 She looked at Eric with her pitiful eyes, hesitated for a moment, took off her shirt, and unbuttoned her bra with a gritted teeth.

 Eric: "."

 The visually impactful scene in front of him stunned him for a moment.

 A burst of primitive power suddenly erupted in the "Homelander Template", giving him an impulse that he despised.

 Trying hard to suppress this impulse, Eric withdrew his hand from the other person's face.

 "You are still useful to me, so I won't kill you."

 Eric suppressed the unknown impulses in the Homelander template and the hormones produced by his body as a high school student, and took a deep breath, "But now you are my research product, so restrain your overly ostentatious hormones, otherwise I will change my mind at any time."

 As he spoke, he emitted a thermal vision from his eyes and shot it at Aikins' chest at a very low power.

 To Aikins's horror, the thermal vision did not penetrate her body, but instead carved a few letters on her chest like a tattoo machine. The

 slightly burning and painful feeling even gave her a kind of unstoppable pain and pleasure stimulation.

 "These things carved on you can take your life at any time if I want, so you will become smart."

 After using the thermal vision to carve a mark on the other party's chest, Eric casually bluffed the other party and turned away.

 Seeing Eric disappear from her sight in an instant, Aikins panted and collapsed on the ground.

 After wiping the sweat from her forehead, she lowered her head to look at her chest.



10 Advance Chapters: patreon.com/ReadingOasis

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Also I will start being true to the two chapters a day I took a small break because of a few family problems