


Family Party-01

I woke up the next morning with a headache but, forced myself to get up when I noticed the clock above the tv in my room, told me it was nearly noon. Standing, I looked at Gia who was still asleep on the opposite end of the couch from me. I stretched as I walked to my bathroom to brush my teeth. There wasn’t much I disliked more than the film that covers my teeth first thing in the morning.

When I made it downstairs, I headed straight for the kitchen, not shocked to see my mom cooking. /"Morning,/" I kissed her on the cheek as I passed her. I smelt basil and thyme but didn’t bother to look in the pot to see what it was she was cooking. Not a smart move.

/"Afternoon almost,/" she answered without looking away from what she was cooking. /"I hope you and Gia are feeling better./"