


Night Out-01

I ran my hand through my hair moving it around until it looked how I wanted it to. Popping my lips in the mirror, I smiled at myself and turned around and watched Gia strap her sandal heels on her feet.

/"Come on girls!/" I heard Lucca shout at us as he walked past my bedroom.

/"Do I look okay?/" Gia asked me standing up from my bed and spinning around. I nodded and grabbed the hoops from my vanity and putting them in each ear.

/"You look great. I love the tie dye on you./" Gia looked down at herself again. The outfit was out of her comfort zone and I knew that when I pulled it from the pile of clothes, she brought with her. I wasn’t even sure why I had bought it nearly a year ago because I hadn't worn it because it wasn’t my style or dark enough.

/"I'm just not sure,/" she sighed.

I dropped my hands to my side and walked over to her and placed my hands on each of her shoulders. I leaned down so that we were eye to eye. /"You look amazing and you are going to go out and have a great time tonight,/" I told her looking into her light brown eyes. She nodded her head. I knew that she was just agreeing so that we could get this night started and over with.

Gia was quiet and liked to stay home and read or watch a movie more than going out but I liked to have a good time so she always went with me. In return, I allowed her to convince me to have a movie night with her once a week. I turned her toward the door of my room and pushed her toward it before turning back to my bed and grabbing out bags. I handed her to her when I got to the door and we walked downstairs together.

/"Finally,/" Lucca looked up from his phone and sighed before going back to whatever he was doing before, his fingers flying across the keyboard.

/"Please tell me that you are not inviting that girl?/" I crossed my arms over my chest.

/"Of course not,/" he sighed and looked at me again, /"did we not already work this argument out?/" I nodded my head opening my mouth to tell him that it would just keep happening until he got rid of her, when I heard my father walk into the room.

/"It seems you forgot your pants, Ivy,/" he said stopping behind me, /"and you, Gia, seem to have forgot nearly all of your clothes./" I sighed and turned around to look at him. He raised his eye brows in a challenging way.

/"You know we are both dressed the way we plan to. Lucca is taking us out tonight,/" I glare at him. My father hated when I wasn't completely covered. I understand that it is his job as a father but I hated it.

/"I don’t really like their outfits either, Dad,/" Lucca told him. I scoffed looking down at the low-cut t-shirt dress and tight thigh high heeled boots I was wearing. I never understood why they didn’t like how I dressed. /"Problem is that I told uncle Roco we would be there at 10 and we are already going to be late as it is,/" Lucca told him. /"I promise I will keep them safe tonight. Gia needs this,/" he added and I heard a little growl to his voice. He never spoke to our father like that so I looked at him, noticing that he was glaring at him too.

/"I’m counting on you son. Don’t let me down,/" dad pointed at Lucca who nodded. He continued to stand there and look at each of us over and over.

/"Leave them alone,/" my mom said walking by him and grabbing his hand. /"With them gone like the other 3, we have the house to ourselves,/" she winked at him and I felt myself shudder. Dad’s eye lit up and he followed her like a lot puppy to the living room where mom would probably make him watch a movie she liked while he rubbed her feet. She had always had him wrapped around her finger.

/"Let’s just go,/" Lucca said heading for the garage. I nodded toward Gia and we followed him.

When we got to the club, we waved at the bouncer, Howard, as he opened the door for us and we walked past him into the club. I heard a few groans from the people in line before the door closed behind us and the loud music cut them off.

/"Uncle,/" Gia said from beside me and I turned to see her hugging our Uncle Rocco. He pulled away from her and turned to me with open arms, I gladly accepted the hug.

/"I have your usual table in VIP all ready for you,/" he told us as he turned and clapped a hand on Lucca’s shoulder then waved his arm for us to lead the way. They would flank us because that was safe, I rolled my eyes at this. I could protect myself better than anyone. I followed Gia up the stairs to the area that was full of people but not too many as the area was smaller than the one downstairs. I waved to a few people that I knew from the many times I had visited before stopping at our table and flopping down beside Gia.

/"Perfect,/" I said reaching for the bottle of Vodka in the center of the table and a shot glass.

/"Don’t get too crazy tonight, huh? We have some important visitors tonight and your father will not be happy with either of us if you end up causing a scene with them here/" Uncle Rocco looked at me pointedly. I nodded my head with a sigh. It wasn’t like I lost control of myself on a nightly basis. I mean sure, I liked having a few drinks and dancing like no one was watching, even though I knew the guys around me usually were. And yes, that sometimes led to one of said guy’s woman confronting me, some using words like slut and skank, which led to things getting heated and me a few times throwing a punch. But in all honesty, I was never the one to start it. /"I mean it, Ivy,/" he reaffirmed. I held up my hands with a fake innocent look on my face that I knew no one at the table believed.