



/"Ivy, you first. Shoot!/" Dom yells at her. She looks at me before taking her first shot and it landing right in the heart. She moves her arms slightly and it hits the shoulder. I hear Dom telling the recruits that it is important to be able to achieve a kill shot or exactly how to only injure someone without them bleeding out, when extraction of information is needed. I don't take my eyes off of her though. I know I am up next and I have to focus but, she is doing nothing but make me harder. I feel like I might burst soon.

Ivy stops shooting after hitting several injury positions and kill shots. She puts the gun down and looks at me with a smirk. She knows what she is doing. Cocky, I remind myself. /"You’ve gotten a lot better,/" I wink are her. /"At everything,/" she winks back at me and I bite my bottom lip as hard as I can without drawing blood so no one hears my groan that wants to tell her how fucking cute I find her.