
Holy Knight is the Demon King's Sweetheart

He found her half-dead after the battle with the demons. And she found him gawking at her with just one word on his mouth, “Idiot.” When the North Kingdom’s Number 1 Holy Knight, Yllana Saber got entangled with an unknown mage, Lucien Hellsworth, it wasn’t just hell that broke loose, even the heavens lost sanity and sent her trial after trial! “North Kingdom’s queen?” “I killed her,” “South’s emperor?” “Killed him,” “East clan's emperor?” “Sword through the head. And West’s Spirit Master gave up when he learned how the others died, any questions?” Yes, he has the surname with hell, but she is HELL itself! (Original by the author. Content owned by BloodMoondust, copyright 2020. Cover credits to the owner.)

BloodMoondust · ファンタジー
262 Chs

Mage? Knight? And More?

"YLLANAAAAA! I MISSED YOU SOOO MUUUCH!" Shiiba's shouts racked the whole carriage they were riding. Shiiba threw her soft little arms around Yllana and continued to throw complaints against the arrogant prince.

"Hehe. Good thing I requested to exchange places with Prince Devon for today." Yllana couldn't help but laugh at Shiiba.

"Master Midel never seemed to be bothered with that pathetic prince. I think I heard enough 'this handsome prince would like this' or 'this good-looking prince wants that' blah blah blah. Ugh! It was so annoying!" Midel looked at the two girls in front of him. His calm smile and elegance caused Shiiba to calm down too.

"I think Lucien is having quite the time of his life being annoyed with that little bundle of self-admiration." Yllana took a peek at the carriage window trying to sense any movement from the first carriage. But what she was expecting for minutes did not happen. The carriage was quiet and no sign of commotion can be traced. "Huh, I wonder."


Clip clop clip clop

The horses continued to trod on the dirt road with patches of thin snow here and there. A wooden carriage furnished with the simplest materials and no decoration was being pulled by the horses. The coachman was sweaty though the weather was already cold. This road to the South Kingdom leads up to the high mountains with snowy peaks. But inside the carriage, it was colder than what can be experienced outside.

No one was speaking. Yrah was peacefully quiet and calm beside Theoden not knowing the daggers looks that Theoden was throwing to Prince Devon. And with Lucien's intimidating and gloomy aura, the prince couldn't help but keep his mouth shut. Why did he even agree to exchange seats with Yllana? He thought he could now have a chance to talk to Yrah, his lovely lady rescuer. But why did it come down to this?

"U-uhm...*gulp* Yrah...h-how are you?" Prince Devon's voice was almost too little that it sounds like a mouse squeaking.

"Oh, she's fine. No need for a young boy like you to bother with someone else's well-being." Theoden answered before Yrah could open her mouth.

Yrah was left speechless. She could sense something was wrong. Nobody uttered any more words after that.


"We'd like to go hunt for some fresh meat for dinner." Yllana adjusted her belt and looked at Lucien. They agreed to hunt for some wild animals in the mountains. "Since we still have a few days before arriving in the South Kingdom, we should consider searching for some herbs along the way maybe we can use it for merchandise father."

"That would also be a good idea. We could gain some profit if we find some useful around this area." Theoden replied. He also started to prepare to set out and look for herbs as his daughter suggested.

"Oh, I would love to assist you. Shiiba, stay here and guard Yrah." Midel and Theoden went to the opposite direction where Yllana and Lucien went.

Lucien and Yllana walked through the woods. Snow already started falling on them as they continued to look for wild animals.

"Why did you suggest hunting now Lucien?" Yllana adjusted her grip on the spear she was going to use for hunting. It was roughly made but still can land a deadly strike due to the sharp metal on the tip.

"What incantation did you utter on your mother's grave?" Yllana stopped on her tracks and spotted a large deer. She pulled Lucien to hide behind a bush. She pointed at it while signalling Lucien to stay quiet.

"Bone crusher,"

Yllana froze. The deer dropped dead after its bones cracked under Lucien's spell. Why did she forget that there was a powerful mage beside her? Now she just felt insulted when he didn't even stop her from carrying the spear. She felt like slapping her face silly.

"I didn't know what I said. I just heard these voices. And then I just realized that you stopped me from doing anything." Lucien already started cleaning the deer while she was talking. She was never good at this kind of thing since she always had lower-ranked knights to do it for her.

"If you hear any more voices, ask me first. Saint rank is crucial for a mage. It is the time when you can create your own spells but it also spells disaster when you had other motives. Either you break into a powerful mage, create a disaster upon yourself, or become a witch."

Become a witch

Those words rang repeatedly on her mind as they walk back to the camp with the meat of the deer.

"Father, any luck?" Yllana asked Theoden as they arrived at the bonfire. She wanted to get her mind off of what Lucien just told her. So that was why he asked for them to go hunting. He has to say those words of warning to her before anything else happens to her.

"We had some few miracles peaches, crying lilies, and some spiritual grasses. These peaches can be sold at high prices. But I was thinking of keeping it for future purposes." He hid all the things they have gathered inside his space ring and after giving some to Midel.

Yrah went beside Yllana and handed her the white rabbit. "Sister, tell me how come Shiiba was saying that you are a dual-class. Is this true?"

"Yes. Somehow a power inside me awakened. So far, two oracles have stated that. One of them is Midel. Oh, he's a dual-class too. He is a seer-oracle." Yllana said nonchalantly as if she was used to it already. She had encountered dual-class people already so she doesn't find it unusual anymore.

Prince Devon raised his head in a flash. He was sitting on a tree bark when he heard Yllana. A dual-class? That silver-haired guy? And Yrah's little sister? 'No wonder that red eyes became more powerful than him in just a few days,' the prince thought to himself.

Inside the imperial palace, his mother told him that the previous empress was a dual-class and although she is very young, she can attain powerful ranks faster than normal people because of it. "What is it like when you become a dual-class? Did you feel anything different since you were once a single-class before that?" he was eager to know so he asked unashamedly.

"I..." Yllana was caught unprepared. What was the difference? What did she feel back then? Sadness? Months have passed since she started walking down the path of a dual-class.

"Oh, I did say she has the future of a mage and a knight," Midel quickly interrupted before Yllana could gather her thoughts. "She has more in the future," he smiled displaying his crescent eyes. This is all too interesting to watch for him. The series of gasps around him told him that his surprise to all of them was great and he delighted in their shock.

With his back facing the whole group, Lucien was listening attentively to their conversations. WIth Midel's last few words, a familiar red glint flashed in his eyes for a second. Perfectly white teeth glistened in the dark when he smiled for a split second. 'My little idiot still has a lot of surprises,' he thought. He rubbed the ears of the little white rabbit sitting obediently beside him.


When they all finished dinner, Yllana decided to get some fresh air by herself. She wanted to think of her path ahead. All she wanted back then was to get revenge on the Demon King. After that, she thought that there will be peace upon her return. Everything got twisted. Was fate testing her?

Upon walking a few meters away from the camp, Yllana arrived at an open space filled with grass and flowers. She laid down and gazed at the stars. After a few minutes, the black night turned white. Yllana felt something furry squirming on her face. "Laia," she called out the white rabbit.

She pulled the rabbit up and sat down to place it on her lap. Lucien was walking towards them, her back facing him. "More than a dual-class...you seem surprised?"

"Nope. I am not letting this kind of fate mess with my life. And can you tell Midel not to mention to anyone about my curse? Father and Yrah already had enough on their plates right now. I don't want to add any more shocks. I can just find the solution myself...or just make one. I, Yllana Saber, will do what it takes to give my family peaceful life."

"I knew you'd say that, idiot,"


Lucien flicked a finger on Yllana's head. She flinched and rubbed the top of her head. "That hurts!" Even though it really didn't.

"Ouch!" Just as she felt the small sting from Lucien's flick, she felt something sharp biting on her palm. "Laia!"

Yllana stared at the white rabbit then back at her bleeding palm. "Why did you do that?"

"Oh, it's ready." Lucien stated.

"What is ready Lucien?" Yllana wrinkled her forehead as she waited for Lucien to answer her.