
Holocaust 2099

A new chapter every week, on monday’s. After the bombs devastated our world, plunging it into chaos, we sought refuge underground amid the ruins and toxic air. In this underground haven, we forged a community, relying on makeshift gas masks for survival. Despite the apparent isolation, a persistent belief haunted me — that other survivors existed beyond our shelter. As our makeshift home thrived, my quest for connection led me to the radio, yearning for a sign of life beyond our confines. Yet, my conviction faced doubt, and my plea for acknowledgment fell on skeptical ears. In the remnants of our shattered reality, I clung to the hope that our survival was not a solitary tale, but a thread woven into the broader tapestry of resilient souls enduring the aftermath. Yet, the challenge persisted — convincing others that amidst the ruins, a shared struggle for survival extended beyond the confines of our refuge. Authors note: I didn’t put much thought into my last book, but trust me this one I have spent so much thought to create and in-depth story, I hope you enjoy!

Charles_DeVault · SF
10 Chs

Almost Dead-ends

After Dmitry affixed the bayonet, an eerily familiar train, previously observed speeding alongside them on the adjacent tracks, came into view. Without hesitation, they unleashed a barrage of gunfire upon The Velocity. In the midst of the chaos, someone anxiously exclaimed, "Shit!, is that where Vera is?!?" Undeterred, they continued their relentless assault on The Velocity. Assessing the situation, Igor proposed, "Our guns won't dent a train like that; I can go plant a bomb in the engine room, though." The colonel swiftly intervened, stating, "No, since Dmitry caused this mess, he can do it." Accepting his assigned task, Dmitry seized his semi-automatic weapon and maneuvered to the side of the train. As he reached the adjacent train, he executed a daring leap onto its rear.

Recognizing the imperative to avert a collision, he formulated a plan to detach the rear train carts upon reaching the engine section. Deliberately, he intended to sever the entire train connection before proceeding to plant the bomb. As he cautiously opened the back door, the reality dawned on him – concealing himself was no longer an option amidst adversaries armed with semi-automatic guns. Patiently biding his time until the opportune moment, he acknowledged that his once-stealthy approach with a hunting knife, now transformed into a bayonet, was no longer viable. Resolute, he resolved to confront his foes directly, opting for a methodical engagement, dealing with one train cart at a time.

He executed his swift maneuver, dashing into the cart and impaling a guard's skull with his bayonet, cleverly turning the unfortunate soldier into an impromptu human shield as he systematically eliminated the remaining guards. Progressing through each cart, he efficiently neutralized threats until reaching the final one. Despite being momentarily blinded by a hail of bullets, he skillfully dispatched the remaining guards with his semi-automatic weapon, depleting his ammunition in the process. Slamming the engine room door, he incapacitated the conductor, descended to plant the explosive, and detached the connected carts before rejoining his own locomotive. Signaling Igor to activate the detonator, the resulting explosion obliterated the train, ensuring the demise of all remaining occupants.

Amidst the chaos, the colonel, seeking information on Vera, demanded, 'Where is Vera?!' The response came in a tense exchange as Anna, a fellow special forces squad member, confronted the colonel about his previous assertion that everyone was dead. Sheepishly, the colonel revealed a shocking truth: 'The war had never ended, and the powers that be below concealed the ongoing conflict to prevent widespread discord. Now, with our actions causing irreversible harm, we cannot return without consequences.' Faced with the gravity of the situation, Anna questioned their next steps, to which the colonel asserted, 'Before anything else, we must locate Vera.' 

As doubt cast its shadow over Anna's trust in the colonel, she voiced her skepticism, stating, "And why should we bring you?" A deafening silence hung in the air as the colonel remained conspicuously mute. Recognizing the tension, Dmitry, with a subtle signal, implored Anna to withhold further interrogation.

Feeling the need to justify his actions, the colonel finally broke the silence, explaining, "I had no choice. Failing to act would have jeopardized our position, hence the necessity for the installation of radio mufflers." Anna, grappling with the gravity of the situation, reluctantly acknowledged the logic behind the decision, though her trust remained fragile.

In a bid to navigate the uncertainty, Anna asserted her terms: "I agree, but under the condition that I assume command until Vera returns. Once she's back, leadership will transition to her." The negotiation unfolded, laying the foundation for a dynamic power structure within the group. "Ok, we should go look for Vera first. So we should go find these bitches base." Anna finally stated.