
Holo Alter

a creatures that's supposed to not exist, by any chance, he came to life—living an average life on planet called Earth. Until, his existent took a certain god's attention. The god who find out his potential—thoughts and tried of many plans; that is to cause misfortune in his life to accelerate his negative points, to replace him, so he can safely retires his job as a god... only for everything to be in futile. Lifetime worth of staging the world in fail, the god decided to give up on him and send him to foreign places in different universe. Here, his 3rd life unfolds as he live the life of average person without being bothered by any higher beings—unbounded by destiny on characters that appears on story. ----- Edited in 2022/1/16 Many information will contrasts from original works but I won't mess with the characters' emotions too much. At first, I thought of making the hololive characters as main focus of story but writing up to a hundred chapters, I couldn't do it. So the hololive characters will only be appearing when the time is right. But to keep their uniqueness intact, I will make them slightly or more 'special' compared to others characters... (with a reason) Viewpoint can change from 3rd perspective to 1st perspective depending on the situation. Fanfiction based on [Hololive Alternative's Teaser] and **Author's Imagination & Author's Deep Analysis Supported by Author's Immense Knowledge.

R4IN · アニメ&漫画
192 Chs

New Island [1]

The time takes places in 5,039 The Years of Nature Disaster: 13/30, exactly a 2 months later where a Reign Empire's knight divisions finally advanced toward the sun elves' territory to bargains for alliances. Calculating about the distances between the 2 lands, they should have arrived to sun elves exactly now.

But today's story take part in a upper region, where one can travels only by crossing The Great Naruto Bridge, swims over it which is a suicide, and travels past the demon territory: Treasure Vantage.

Treasure Vantage was another higher ranked cities which may not be as big as Reign Empire, but has the powers to rival it. Another reason why it was higher ranked cities was, because it was one of the cities close to the ocean, and it is the birthplace of the pirate king: Houshou Pirate Gang.

Although that Houshou Pirates, has been going missing for 3 years. it all went wrong when they traveled to stop the great sea disaster from shredding their city. Many has suspected that they died. Some was overjoyed by the news, but most was saddened during that time because even though they went by the names of pirates, they didn't really committed any harm to the citizens.

More of a pirates, they were like a curious mens wanting to explore the entire world.


Somewhere inside the messy places where an infinite blue expanded, an enormous violent tornado was still aggressively spinning.

but inside that storm, was surprisingly calm, and an island, that's not even written in the newest world map of Virturan existed.

Hidden in this great disaster, existed an unexplored lands of wonder. Judging from its sizes, it could be the third huge island(if we separated the lower boundary and upper boundary althoug they're connected and you can cross it through demon territory or great bridge.)

The reason why this island, huge enough for countless humans to lives was unwritten in newest world map, was because the humanity or rather, the Virturantlings has no aware that a new island has formed.

Of course. There was no way to know an huge island was formed inside the tornado that seemed to shreds even the mana. Only the courageous one such as Houshou Pirates Gang could possibly known of it.

Although many years has passed and the injuries they have took has long since gone, tey still couldn't find a way to escape from this island because of that tornado.

It's not that they don't have shipwrights. They have made a countless ships in attempt to escape from this island using the materials in here. but this tornado just didn't let them.

The tornado sucks from outside to inside which due to spirals forces going bizarre, shredding everything including the mana. In some way, coincidentally, they may have able to enter the tornado but they couldn't possibly exit from inside to outside.

The tornado was like a magnet, a black hole. a black hole that never lets even the light escape from its existences.

so what did they do? They gave up. Maybe someday the tornado will be gone, right?

Little did they know, the tornado will disappears today.

Among the island where a small civilian formed through the small members of pirates. The house was built sturdy. Some places had an family because of an romantic occurrence happened inside the crews.

Anyway, there was an infant baby there. and the person who have literally 0 relationships with them.

"Aqua~ come here. Our food tonight is, sushi! You like it, right?"

"Really? Yay! I love Otou-san's handmade sushi!"

The person whose hair is literally onion, exclaimed in happiness as she happily raised her hand. Although right now, she's so innocent and cute, in future she may be the person that can reduce every single bit of your brain cells.

This person(?) was Minato Aqua, adopted and named by Houshou Oujian.

The story goes: they arrived to this island, they explored the island for the foods and materials to help the injured one, some time passes, they found a baby hibernated inside the crystal in the core if this island. The moment they arrived, Aqua opened her eyes and the crystal broke.

Which Houshou Oujian decided to raise her and named her Minato Aqua in hope that she will become a good friend with his daughter, Houshou Marine. The reasoning behind the name was, he and his wife decided that if the baby was boy they will name him Aqua.

as for the Minato, he wanted to add as much as aquatic affinity to the name then he finds out that Minato and Aqua actually has a good combinations... maybe it's because of this simple-mindedness and charisma that made this red haired guy the captain of Houshou Pirates.

Oujian then began cutting the fish he caught today and grab the rices with his washed hands.

Putting the parts of fish he cut as the topping of rices, he laid it on the plate of Aqua

Aqua stopped her shaking right and left excitedly at the spot, she excitedly grabbed the sushi and put it in her mouth.

"Itadakimasu!... Delicious!"

So the fun dinner has just started and ended instantly because of the 'bad weather.'

Not only the thunder was much louder than usual, the times it fell was 100x the usual. Although it didn't matter because the tornado was like a barrier to it, the pirate members still went outside the house and looked at the scene.

"Senchou, the weather is... a bit weird than usual. And from the sounds of it, if even one of the thunder hits our strongest ships, it won't survive a hit."

One navigator with an exceptionally good hearing said to Oujian.

"Oh, seriously. That's amazing."

"Stupid Senchou. You're supposed to be worrying."

"It's no point of worrying though, unless that tornado is gone... ah, it's gone."

"Ohh... that annoying tornado is finally go-... GO-GO-GO-GONE!?!?"

That person, seemingly a musician, rubbed his face once before looking at the tornado.

"WE'RE FINALLY FREE FROM HERE! Come, Rebecca. Let's go home to our Treasure Vantage. I won't lose to that stupid gunner and make a 2 kid."

"Hah, you dumbass musician. When you made 2 kids, I would have already made 8 kids. Charlotte, when we get back to Treasure Vantage, let's make 7 more kids."

"What, then I will 16 kids."

As the 2 began their meaningless argue, the rest of crew looked at them shaking their heads as if the rivalry between the 2 of them was a daily things.

"Hahaha you guys now is not the time to talk about child-making. Let's go home with the ships we made."



"Otou-san... you're leaving me behind...?"

Perhaps she is nervous or scared? Instead of asking to take with him, she asked that if he'll leave her behind.

"What are you saying, Aqua? You're going with us. I need you to meet with my Marine."

"Waaah! Uhn! Okay!"

Aqua excitedly shone her eyes and nodded to Oujian before going to hug him.

Thus, the Houshou Pirate Gang, after 3 years, finally escaped from the great sea disaster. When someone finally took a notices in it, the thunder that was rumbling so loud before has long since gone.


The timeline is a bit messy so I'll make a setting here.

5,035 which is the years Kuro born. The great sea disaster was formed.

At 12/7 of 5,035, Marine is still in her mother's belly which means she is not born yet. Aqua is the same. She's still at the process of 'making'

5,036 7/6 and 12/1 Marine and Aqua was finally born. Don't question about the logic of how marine was able to grow up inside the stomach of her mother for many months. This is fantasy world.

As for Aqua, I will decide that the moment the crystal broke, is the moment she was born.


1,300 words

R4INcreators' thoughts