
Holo Alter

a creatures that's supposed to not exist, by any chance, he came to life—living an average life on planet called Earth. Until, his existent took a certain god's attention. The god who find out his potential—thoughts and tried of many plans; that is to cause misfortune in his life to accelerate his negative points, to replace him, so he can safely retires his job as a god... only for everything to be in futile. Lifetime worth of staging the world in fail, the god decided to give up on him and send him to foreign places in different universe. Here, his 3rd life unfolds as he live the life of average person without being bothered by any higher beings—unbounded by destiny on characters that appears on story. ----- Edited in 2022/1/16 Many information will contrasts from original works but I won't mess with the characters' emotions too much. At first, I thought of making the hololive characters as main focus of story but writing up to a hundred chapters, I couldn't do it. So the hololive characters will only be appearing when the time is right. But to keep their uniqueness intact, I will make them slightly or more 'special' compared to others characters... (with a reason) Viewpoint can change from 3rd perspective to 1st perspective depending on the situation. Fanfiction based on [Hololive Alternative's Teaser] and **Author's Imagination & Author's Deep Analysis Supported by Author's Immense Knowledge.

R4IN · アニメ&漫画
192 Chs


After writing a few panels, did Kuro notice how hard it was, and how shitty his drawing was. His drawing was barely recognisable.

'Do I go ONE style?' Kuro though himself. ONE style was a bad drawing + good story = best manga. Through his mind, ONE has created many masterpieces—well written story.

If Kuro had a system and that system can let you inherit an writer's mindset, his first choice was ONE. After all, no matter how good the drawing on mana was, without a good story, it would be just an isekai tras-… isekai story that was on trend. His 2nd choice would be RotSSG (RSSG)'s author, Lucky Old Cat.

Now that Kuro wrote a few page, he decided to cancel out his plan, purely out of his bad drawing. And changed his clan, he'd practice drawing. He was confidence at drawing because his knowledge about human bodies was good, but knowledge didn't equal to drawing skill, but a portion of drawing skill.

In the end, he have to practice to get good at drawing. Kuro gave up on drawing and let the drawing practices on the clone.

This clone, was quite convenient. After all, it worked like Naruto's Shadow Clone Technique. The differences was, the clone didn't need to dissipate to take the experiences toward him. There was a reason behind this.

After all, all 5 senses is transmitted to him. It would be weird if the experiences isn't transferred. Although the only conveniences was, he can only make 1 clones at max, and multi-tasking. Ignoring all efficiency problem, he could only summon a single clone.

But even so, this clone was very convenient, and the only person who can use this technique (literally, not learning it but using it), may be him, Sora and Shiro. If you were asked to multitask your entire movement every nanosecond when the clone is activated, can you do it? The answer is no. Moreover, each second is mentally tolling.

To look at merit, this clone literally doubles your efficiency. If to make an simple example, this clone technique is akin to using currency called robux in game called roblox, and doubling the effectiveness of training in some game in it. Truly disgusting.

So with this keep in mind, Kuro left the drawing training to the clone, and he will do a different things.


The clone quietly writing inside the tree house, while Kuro and Ayame, Okayu and Korone was at the training area. Whil Okayu and Korone were training the way Ayame taught them, the Oni herself was stretching Kuro.

Although Kuro's flexibility was better compared to before, it was still lacking, and inconvenience can appear during the battle. Although from the Hanabi's incident before that he wanted strength more than before, he made sure to train on flexibility.

Otherwise, he may turn into a cultivator who can only do punch, kick, or some strange finger gesture which can release some dragon/tiger from the background.

"Now that I think about it, Ayame-chan, how did you find me out? I sealed my sound." While Ayame was pushing his back forcefully while he was sitting, Kuro opened his mouth and asked a question.

Ayame still pushing Kuro's back, Kuro's hand touched his toe.

"Ahh, that? It's Ki Rea-… no, no. Shouldn't you be asking a different question?" An expectation was written in Ayame's expression, as if she was waiting for him to ask something to her.

"What? Ahhh. Ayame-chan, how did you find out that it was clone, not me?" Adding a brief pause midst his sentences, Kuro raised his tone and asked.

While still pushing Kuro's back, Ayame let out an bragging giggle, her face long since turned into smug. "It's because I've known you from long time… is what I also want to say! The truth is, it's your eyes! Kuro's clone looks more dead than Kuro."

'Really? When I looked at him, I didn't see any differences…' Kuro thought to himself. Strangely, the person pushing his back, noticed the differences quicker than him.

"As for how I found you… do you want to know? Should I tell you?" Adding a giggle midst her sentences, she teased Kuro.

"Fine then!" Kuro pulled himself since the push didn't work.

"Ahh… I will tell you, I will tell you…" After hurriedly saying, Ayame noticed Kuro's back was trembling, indicating that he was trying hard to suppress his laughter.

"hmph, dimwit." Muttering in low voice, she continued. "There's no official name, but it's about sensing the ki."


Ayame nodded to Kuro's question. "Ki, in particular, is a nature energy / life energy. Ki Sense is similar to Mana Sense and Ultraviolet Phantom Sense, but more closer to the latter."

"Ultraviolet Phantom Sense heighten all five sense while the specialised sense is maxed. In result, even if that person closes their specialised sense, they can easily best the person they're fighting. If their specialised sense is opened, even if there's 10 peoples at the same level, they can't best him."

"Ultraviolet Phantom Sense gives you the access to the future, and that's why it's hard to beat them. All attacks barely hit to the warrior who learned this technique, except if their specialised sense was Taste."

Kuro was further confused. "Why taste?" He can see that taste has no use in battle, but since it's the same technique, even taste shouldn't be underestimated, at least in his opinion.

"Because, taste has no use in battle. Instead, they're used in eating. The Sins of Gluttony: Hajime is one of the master of this technique. It is said that Hajime can devours anything, even the poison. These poison devoured have no effect to him, and he can even take the ability of what he ate."

Kuro smiled complicatedly. 'Is this Hajime some light novel main character?'

"Anyway, similar to Ultraviolet Phantom Sense, Ki Sense is about using all five sense to sense the nature energy around. In short, the sixth sense."

"If you did this well, not only can you 'feel' or 'see' the force outside, you can even 'feel' or 'see' the internal forces, that's the reason Nakiri Town created this technique. After all, if you want to control the force well, you must see or feel it first, right?"

"Aside that, you can feel those around you. This is where it is similar to Mana Sense. You don't see them, but you can feel the life energy in that certain area, although not clear. This is how I found you."

With her long explanation ended, Kuro began to analyse the technique.

Directly ripped-off from Black Clover.

By the way, you already know that Clover Kingdom exists in this world, right?


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