
Holo Alter

a creatures that's supposed to not exist, by any chance, he came to life—living an average life on planet called Earth. Until, his existent took a certain god's attention. The god who find out his potential—thoughts and tried of many plans; that is to cause misfortune in his life to accelerate his negative points, to replace him, so he can safely retires his job as a god... only for everything to be in futile. Lifetime worth of staging the world in fail, the god decided to give up on him and send him to foreign places in different universe. Here, his 3rd life unfolds as he live the life of average person without being bothered by any higher beings—unbounded by destiny on characters that appears on story. ----- Edited in 2022/1/16 Many information will contrasts from original works but I won't mess with the characters' emotions too much. At first, I thought of making the hololive characters as main focus of story but writing up to a hundred chapters, I couldn't do it. So the hololive characters will only be appearing when the time is right. But to keep their uniqueness intact, I will make them slightly or more 'special' compared to others characters... (with a reason) Viewpoint can change from 3rd perspective to 1st perspective depending on the situation. Fanfiction based on [Hololive Alternative's Teaser] and **Author's Imagination & Author's Deep Analysis Supported by Author's Immense Knowledge.

R4IN · アニメ&漫画
192 Chs

I Don’t Need Your Recognition, Mjolnir.

"Tis've been thinking about a particular thing, Kuro."

The suddens question caused a mysterious nervousness inside Kuro vut despite that, he listened closely.

"You lack a flexibility!"

'Seriously? The first thing you say to the person who have been sleeping for 2 days for no particular reason, is this?(17)'

'haha… Ayama-Onee-chan cares me about much…(4)'

'If she does she would ask that why we've slept for 2 days first of all.(21)'

''That's true.(17)(4)''

"B-by flexibility, what do you mean?"

Kuro still questioned back to make sure that the Oni will knows that 'he's listening to her.'

"Of course, tis' is talking about your body flexibility! Try touching down the ground with your hands while standing still without bending your hips or below."

Nodding toward her, Kuro tried to do as she said. While standing still, he bended his stomach and extended his arm toward the ground to touch it. Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, he was able to do it.

Although he struggled a bit, he was much better than people with completely iron physique whose body can't bend a little degrees.

Silence filled the whole situation and a tinge of sweat flew down from Ayame's forehead.

Even her didn't expect him to do it but it kinda make sense thinking about his height. A little bit of bend was enough for his short, child arm to touch it because his upper body is not that far from the ground.

"O-okay, that's it! Kuro, look at me."

Trying to escape from embarrassment, she smiled nervously the corner of her mouth slightly tweaking, while her face was red.

Whether it's trying to hide her blush or, she wanted to showcase it to Kuro, she raised her leg in an unbelievable degrees.

Her legs slowly raised, once it was at the height of her stomach, now it was a raised above the shoulder. Once time passes, it was angled at almost 90 degrees. The unbelievable fact is, she 'slowly' raised it without even a singe interruption in her balanced. She was as calm as water although I don't know what is a !calm water.'

The second unbelievable thing was, she doesn't need an arm to support her leg from falling.

In simple summary, she did the I-shaped balance and made it look easy.

When she let down the leg, her embarrassed face had already changed to smiling. She must've saw Kuro's surprised face before.

"How is it." ┐( ̄∀ ̄)┌

She even made it seem that it was nothing big deal.

"Wow Ayame-chan, how did you do it! You didn't even shake, nor you needed an arm to support your leg! I don't know what to say other than amazing!"

Getting praised by Kuro 'this much' made her lose the indifference smile in her face and changed it into smug smile.

"Right, right!? Praise me more hahaha!"

"Amazing! Formidable! Cute! Pettan…

As such, the 2 of them joked around as usual. They were that bored at least for now.


"Damn it! That stupid rabbit. Stop using your ability!"

In the place where you can never find wherever you searched at Virturan, there existed a.complaining 'person.'

"You're increasing my workloads… @¥&*! Why does even a Pekobbit exist. They're so rigged! Just as they achieve an evolution, they gain the control over the 1st Dimension? So rigged! Ahh, I wish I was born as Pekobbit."

This 'man' continues to complain but his hand didn't stop.

Despite the complains over his overtime, he was doing his work earnestly, because this can bring a lot of pain ass occurrence to him. If he can, he wanted to travel to Virturan and tell this stupid rabbit to stop with her stupid game of space expansion.

He was trying his best to fix the 'expanded universe' which length distanced so far, that it was about to tear.

"What's the matter, Mugen?"

"ah Yuen… it's uh, I… I was fixing things… i-it's nothing too troubling…"

Mugen released his inner 'Inkya' (introvert) in front of the woman called Yuen.

"Okay! If there is something I can help, call me!"

"thank you… I, I will."

She came like a wind and disappeared like a wind. What is she, a superman? Hah~… I should fix this behaviour of mine 'in front of her.'


Becaue Yuen came in and made him release his inner introvert, his attention went aside from the rift of space. At the same time, due to an stupid clockwork of fate or some shit, Pekora, in the Virturan used her ability and sent the projectile at the edge of galaxy by expanding the universe.

This caused the tear in universe to completely open, and make a small hole in the universe.

The hole in the universe leaded to the unknown universes at the unknown coordinates. If he was unlucky, the hole may be opened to Thanos who have the infinite gauntlet on and is about to snap his finger.

That Thanos may be teleported here and wipes half the existences in this universe.

Gladly, he wasn't as unfortunate as his imagination is, instead of some dangerous guy from multiverses sending here, it was actually an object.


Some universe in some exact timeline in exact planet at the exact place at the exact scene, that author stopped bothering researching.

"Kneel before your queen"

Facing the 2 men wearing a clothes which modern people would think of as cosplay, the woman said dominantly.

Which one of the burly man said before throwing his hammer.

"I don't think so."

The seemingly small hammer which actually weight 421,352,383,100,000kg was sent toward the grim lady. Which she extends in attempt to stop it.

But even before the hammer touch the woman's hand the rift in the voids appeared and seemingly engulfed the hammer. as if satisfied with it, the rift closes itself in the next instance, without even waiting for the dumbstruck Thor and Loki.

"Now, now. What kind of trick are you playing with me?"

The woman didn't seem to notice the expression these 2 men was making, or she just didn't let her guard down, she smiled toward the 2 man waiting for their next action.


Treiner opened his eyes and with a single step, he covered a hundred-thousand kilometre, going from Reign Empire to the place where Pekora was.

Once he blinked, his eyes turned silver and the disguise was undone unconsciously. As the time decelerates so much that the 2(Pekora and Moona) seemed to stop, a hammer sent out from the rift in the void.

Levitating from the lands a little bit, despite discarding the environmental advantage, he made the action so that he won't accidentally destroys Virturan.

With Mjolnir's mass being heavier more than hundred billion kilos, and the kinetic energy behind it, it's forces was enough to pierce the planet core at worse case, exploding the planet.

In order to prevent this. From seemingly out of nowhere, Treiner swiped his leg heavily, meeting the unobstructed force with mighty force.

Between the 2 planet-destructing force, Treiner's power won a little bit and the kinetic energy in the hammer has extinguished, even launching the Mjolnir a little bit to the air.

The force clash between the 2 seemed to go out of control that if it wasn't for Treiner's effort, the berserked force will obliterate the surrounding, causing a huge earthquake, and tsunami. Although it won't cause that big of a damage, it is still a damage to Virturan.

Once again blinking his eyes, the silver pupil regained back its color and returned to black. The disguise was also did again, and he disappeared from the spot instantly.

"Peko? Was someone here?"

"Why is… Pekora shivering?"

Once Pekora notices it, her body was shivering and she couldn't stop it. Moona was also the same. Both of them think that an existences more terrifying than Zergs just appeared in front of them, but they aren't sure and think it's just an imagination.

But this shivering wasn't a lie. Truly mysterious.

As such, they only find out Mjolnir soon later.

"Hahaha! We got another Traceless-like weapon here in Virturan. It's almost as heavy as Traceless. I wonder if it multiply like Traceless, too?"

Maou, was just back in his room smiling while thinking about the foreign weapon that arrived in Virturan.

Notice the references?

Disclaimer: Mr. Author is not very knowledgeable with Marvel. He only seen some movie which he is not sure if he even remember it.


Must be 1,300+ chapters.

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