
Chapter-18 : Drew Barrymore

Hello Mr. Diary,

Do you know, today Ric will take me to watch a movie, he might not notice, this is the first time he is taking me out, Its just like what other says 'a date'.

Isn't it exciting. it's like the one of the best day of my life.

You know Mr.Diary After E.T everything was like a fairy tail, I could do other kids can't, I have seen even they can't even imagine.

But then everything changed, I started to feel heavy and tired, School, film, endorsement etc is making me so worn out. But worse I can say it nobody, Then i realized I am lonely, even the kids at school don't talk to me. Some even picks on me.

Mom, she doesn't listen, in fact she doesn't even have time to listen. Even I don't remember last time had a quality time together.

That's when he came, and broke my lonely world. When ever i need a companion he was there, by phone , letter or in person, he was their.

He always listen to my wains, complains, thought anything i want to share. he never complains instead he comfort me when i am sad, advice me when i am clueless or be happy for my happiness.

He always tries to help me when I needed at.

He is not only my friend but also my guide, i always try to follow what he tells me.

I don't know what my life would have been without him.

Sometimes I wish he was more than just a friend.

OH.. looks like he is here.

Bye Mr.Diary

{A/N: Damn looks like I played a pronoun game here.}

After Drew met with Ric, she complained about him being late, resulting a ice cream promise from him as a apology. Then her mother came talk with him, as the talk went about the divorce, Drew then urged.

Due to her urging Ric and her mother's talk stopped midway and they went to the theater and again due her insistent she and Ric sat together.

At the moment when some time passed in the film she gathered her courage and asked

"Can I hold your arm Ric"

Asking the question she became nervous again.

"Sure, no problem" he replied while putting arm towards her.

Seeing his action she became happy and hold the arm happily while putting her head on his shoulder.

"Is something wrong drew, you seem unusual today" Ric asked sofly after a few moment.

Hearing his soothing voice made Drew relax, replied what was in her mind,

"I feel very happy Ric."

"What made you so happy? wait don't say, let me guess.

hmm... today is the first time I take you for movies?"

"Yep exactly..."



"Then I have to take you out movies more than" said Ric as a matter of fact.

"That a great idea" replied Drew happily.

Then a comfortable silent prevailed around them where only the sounds of film can he heard.

Suddenly Drew squeezed more in the arm of Ric

"You know I am happy that my parents divorced."

Seeing Ric not replying she continued

"Its because they are always fighting, whenever dad gets home and dad rarely comes home.

You know, I am scared of dad these days, he always stayed in constant angry mode, Sometimes he even yelled at me" Drew shivered but clam down again after being patted in the head by Ric.

She smiled and continued,

"It was getting uncomfortable staying home to the point I would become if I could stay on set more than home. So, I am happy that not only they got divorced but also mum got my custody.

After that everything started to change, Mum started to change, And I first notice the change when she got me role for a second film just after this film's shooting was over.

Then after that's finished she put me in an endorsement and if, no endorsement than school and if I don't want to go to school, then I have to go to a studio.

The last two weeks was so compact that, If you didn't take me out I don't to what would happen to me.

Drew then broke down sobbing.

"There, there...

everything will be alright,

don't cry,

I am here with you don't cry, " Ric immediately pulled her in a hug and started petting her back.

"Ric Their too much work."

"Then don't work."

"I don't want go to school Ric, I am lonely at school, everyone avoids me or pick on me."

"Then don't go."

"Mom, she doesn't listen, infact she doesn't even care."

"Say it to her until she listens." said Ric while removing the tears from the face of drew,

"Ric you will stay with me right."

"I will, always." Ric replied with a assuring smile.

After hearing Ric and seeing that smile , she finally clam down and buried is face on his shoulder feeling sleepy

"I am tired Ric."

"Then take a rest.

How about a vacation, a long vacation, Drew, are you listing to me, Drew Why..."

But feeling her even breathing, Ric understood she fallen asleep after crying for long time.

'Its seems like their was a lot of things stuffed in her heart which burst out today. Maybe this was the reason she had a rocky childhood in previous life.

Don't worry Drew I am here, I wont let you go through what you faced in the future.'

Ric thought and looked at front only to see Ari looking them. He then realized they are still in a public place and looked around only to find no one paying attention. He sighed in relief.

In-fact their is not many people in the theater and the seat they have taken are quilt isolated. Beside Drew spoke in a really low voice then she normally speak, even her crying wasn't loud.

{A/N: Maybe because of the cinema hall, sensible kid.}

Ari signaled what happened, Ric moved his one hand and signaled that he will tell later, Ari seeing the signal looked front but still pay attention to them time to time.

Drew woke up few seconds before the film ends. After that they went to have ice-cream as promised and played at a nearby park.

They played until dusk, and Ric made sure to keep Drew relaxed and entertained.

Finally when the car parked beside her house, Drew seemed hesitating to get out of the car, but facing reassuring smile of Ric, she found the courage and got out along with Ric.

"So, that's it then" Ric said after some moment.

"Thanks for the wonderful time. We should do this sometimes." Drew said while smiling.

"Definitely" Ric declared, opened the door of front-seat and was about sit when Drew called.


"Yes" while saying Ric looked at drew and at that moment she went and gave him a kiss while back stepping two steps she said

"Thanks for listening to me" turned and hopped all the way to the door of the house then turned and waved at him.

Ric stood there until Drew turn and waved at him, seeing the waving his body started functioning again and he waved back and sat on the car while it started moving.

When the car went out of sight of the house, Ric threatened,

"Don't you dare, Ari" and listening to Ric, Ari bust out of laughter. Ric huffed and also started laughing. They laughed together for a while, then Ric cast a sad sigh.

Seeing him sighing Ari asked

"Worrying about her?"

"Yeah... After what she said, I can't help but worry, I don't know what else she buried in her heart." said Ric looking outside.

In the park Ric told Ari about the incident briefly, keeping what need to be kept secret.

"Ric that's what happening to every if not maximum child stars or idols in Hollywood, whatever Drew is a going through is quite common. Hollywood equally is harsh as it is glamorous. Not everyone can become like Jodie Foster."

"But I don't want her to become like some other child artist. Parting, Drinking till drunk, Drugs etc I don't want her to destroy her life, in fact it's reassuring that she had not already started it."

"To think you even aware of this things, only you Ric, only you.

Your one of a kind" joked Ari.

"I am not genius Ari, hardworking, bit mature than other kids but not a genius. if I where, why can't I even help her." Ric replied frustrated.

"Trust me Ric, You did everything you could have done. All you could do now is trust her, so that she can pull through."

"I don't like waiting and watching her suffer." Ric grumbled.

"You like her Don't you" Seeing Ric grumble Ari suddenly asked.

"Huh.. What?"

"I said you like her" Ari implied.

"Of-course I like her, she is my friend."

"Ooo...only friend or more... hmm" said Ari meaningfully.

"Ari... what are you implying.

Besides I am still a kid and it is still not time for that yet." replied Ric.

"Oh..Not time for that yet, huh..." Ari smile meaningfully.
