
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · 都市
161 Chs

Chapter 60

Lifting her face, looking at Zhang Dongcheng under the moonlight, the unique warmth and intimacy reminded her of that night, Zhang Dongcheng sang the song BABY to herself affectionately, as if there was a warm current surging in her heart .

"Stop arguing? Haha, it's good to stop arguing. In fact, friends are really rare, especially friends who struggle together, work hard together, and help each other." Zhang Dongcheng smelled the sweet smell of Victoria, and couldn't help but twitched nose.

"Let's not talk about this first, let's talk about your movie, we are all looking forward to it...well, really." Victoria and Zhang Dongcheng sat together without knowing it, sitting side by side on the grass, as intimate as a couple .

   "Okay, a good news, a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" Zhang Dongcheng spread his hands helplessly, this hot girl really cared too much, she wanted to ask her just now.

   "Listen to the good news first." Victoria raised her pointed chin, with inexplicable emotions beating in her eyes.

   "The good news is that my movie will be screened by Cineworld Group, the largest theater chain in the UK!" Zhang Dongcheng smiled slightly.

"Really? Haha, that's great! Smith, I told you that you would succeed, you see, as expected!" Victoria was very happy, jumped up, and kept spinning in front of Zhang Dongcheng, Chattering about how much he likes him.

   "Don't be so happy, the bad news is that Cineworld Group only provided two screens for my "Two Smoking Barrels"." Zhang Dongcheng smiled wryly, coughing a few times to cover up his snicker.

"What? My God, my God, how could they do this? They are too much!" Victoria, who was still excited and almost danced just now, froze for a moment, stared at Zhang Dongcheng with wide eyes, and saw After seeing the affirmative answer on his face, he sat down dejectedly.

"Actually, it's nothing, it's just a test. If my movie can break through the siege with only two screens, the eyes of the world will be attracted to me, and I can use this as a springboard to enter Hollywood. dream!" Zhang Dongcheng smiled and exhaled lightly.

"Although I don't know much about film distribution, I also know that it is impossible for your film to make money with two screens, let alone Deus Ex." Victoria's eyes were full of confusion, and she struggled Grabbing the grass on the grass, as if pulling the hair of the general manager of Cineworld Group, tearing it hard.

"It is often said in marketing that there are seven people standing behind every consumer. If this person is unlucky, then these seven people are his father, mother, brothers, sisters, grandparents, but if he has a cheerful personality, then these seven people Individuals are friends, colleagues, and classmates. If he sees a very exciting and fascinating movie that reminds him of fragments and lines from that movie from time to time, he will be eager to share it with these seven people and recommend them to Look." Zhang Dongcheng's face suddenly revealed a firm and incomparable confidence, and he said slowly: "What about two screens? My movie will make every audience crazy, and one person can bring seven people. And the seven people bring another forty-nine people, and they keep accumulating like this, and soon, my film will explode, and the entire British film industry will be shattered!"

"Smith, I believe, I believe your movie will be a success!" Victoria's heart was unknowingly infected by the optimistic Zhang Dongcheng, and her heart was moved by his warm and firm words, and she slowly let go .

"Actually, I am no longer as confused and helpless as "The Tuner" for my future and my dreams. What is there to be afraid of? The most difficult and tortured time at the French Film Festival I have survived, from being unknown to now, countless newspapers are talking about my name, I am no longer the Smith Zhang I used to be, and I will not be afraid of any challenges in the future!"

   Zhang Dongcheng fell on the grass, with his hands behind his head, and said leisurely and indifferently, just looking at the moon in the sky, jumping out of a small dark cloud, and shining its clear light on the earth.

Victoria didn't say anything else, she just lay contentedly beside Zhang Dongcheng, and after a while, she turned sideways and looked at him with a pretty face. The inexplicable feeling in her heart made her just hope that time would stop, stay at this moment, and stop passing by. , that would be great.

Neither of them spoke, and the night in London was as quiet as if there were only two people's heartbeats. Zhang Dongcheng felt awkwardly that Victoria was getting closer and closer, and his exhaled breath hit his face heavily, so he turned over in a panic and left. rise.

   "I'm going back first. If I don't sleep, I won't be able to get up tomorrow. My cousin will perform her lion's roar again." Zhang Dongcheng snapped his fingers and ran home.

  This guy is really incomprehensible!

  Victoria bit her lip and watched the flustered Zhang Dongcheng disappear at the door with hatred, and then went home reluctantly.

  As September 2 approached, the movie theater line allocated two screens to Zhang Dongcheng, in two different movie theaters. As Edward said, these two are golden theaters with excellent locations and more seats.

   At least on this point, the British gentleman did not smile and praise, but stretched out two fingers.

  The publicity layout of the movie theater has been properly arranged, and the super-large posters and posters of "Two Smoking Barrels" are pasted all over the movie theater, and the classic group of four is still on the poster.

Holding playing cards, the cool Nick Moran, a stack of banknotes in his hand, Jason Statham with a weird smile on his face, Orlando Bloom with an antique gun and his head tilted, and a meat cleaver , but the fat Andy in a suit, the poster continues the black feeling of the original time and space, and the picture is very cool.

  But no matter how you arrange it, two screens are two screens!

  Since that day, Boss Auston can hardly eat, and he has lost a lot of weight in a few days!

   Touching his pointed chin, Alston flipped through the newspaper in front of him.

"Although Mr. Smith became a blockbuster at the French Film Festival and became famous with "The Tuner", we must be clear about the difference between the 13-hour short film and the actual film. Especially the Godfather is the basis for the pursuit of goals. Come on! I heard that this film that Mr. Smith claims to span the entire British film industry is about to be released, but it is inexplicably unheard of. All movie theaters rejected him and refused to schedule him. Only Cineworld Group provides Two screens! Hahaha, did we hear that right? Only two screens!"

"If it's a good movie, how can the entire British cinema chain reject it and ignore his super-powerful momentum at the French Film Festival? We can only come to one conclusion, this is a bad movie! Mr. Smith will Understand, he can't surpass the movie he is famous for, "The Tuner" is his limit! Tonight, who else will go to see his movie? Hahaha, at least I will never go! Buy Ticket fools, I hope you don't slap chairs like the Daily Express reporter said!"

  ――British Daily Mail, special correspondent Harris.

   "Damn it, it's this idiot again!" Alston was furious, crumpled up the newspaper in front of him, and threw it into the trash can.

   "David, David, you idiot, who the **** told you to buy the Daily Mail? I FUCK, let me see this kind of newspaper again, I will definitely stuff it into your mouth!"

   Cursing at the door, Oston was in a bad mood after getting better just now, looked at the steak in front of him, and threw the knife away angrily.

   "David, where did you die?" Alston cursed, and a guy who looked like an assistant rushed in, nodding and bowing.

   "Boss, I'm here, I'm here!"

"Damn it, that Harris, let me find out where this guy lives. If Smith's movie is over, my company is over, I will definitely not let him go!" Alston sat on the sofa angrily, saying to Watching David said in a cold tone.

  Having been in London for so long, Auston is not a good man or a believer, so this time he has brought out his true popularity.

   "Okay boss, do you want to do it today?" David courteously lit the boss who was holding a cigar.

   "Don't worry, wait, wait for Saturday, if Smith's movie attendance rate is less than 50%, give it to me..." Auston's fierce eyes made David understand quickly.

   "Boss, if this movie really affects the company, shouldn't we also treat that Smith..." There was something in David's words.

   Alston thought for a while, shook his head, sighed and said: "If that's the case, it can only mean that God wants to kill me, and I can't blame him."

  Zhang Dongcheng really didn't know that he, like Harris, had turned around from the gate of hell. At this time, he was on his way to the cinema.

  All the publicity that should be done, all the money that should be spent, and all the methods that should be thought of, Zhang Dongcheng can only wait for the judgment of fate.