
Hollow in a Magic World

A serial killer who has been sentenced to death somehow ends up in a magic world as a hollow. Read the dark tales of a man who doesn't consider humans as anything more than food to make himself stronger.

Eaglestriker_22 · アニメ·コミックス
51 Chs

Well That's Unfortunate...

Make a human a demon. I never really questioned the origins of demons, mostly because it didn't matter to me. All I really needed to know was their abilities and how they evolved. That being said, although I had a bit of an interest in what he was going on about, that didn't mean I was invested enough to assist. Of course, he had me in a predicament where I most likely couldn't refuse without him probably killing me. 

"Just because what you're saying is interesting doesn't mean I'm interested in helping." I respond fully understanding what declining him would entail. 

"Ha! Do you not see the position that you are in that you think you can refuse me?" He hovers down lower to look into my eyes and raises an eyebrow. 

"No, you perfectly understand the situation that you're in and are fully prepared for the consequences of defiance. I can also tell that torture wouldn't work on you, as you would rather die than assisting me. Very well, I have little choice but to offer you the carrot rather than the stick. Your assistance to my ascension can guarantee your freedom."

Good. Negotiations have succeeded. 

"What do you need me to do?" I question.

"You have some way of transversing between different worlds and the demon realm, but I can tell that it's different from the ritual that normal demons use. I could feel that you attempted to use it prior, but I stopped your attempt at leaving. Take me to the Demon World." He commands. 

I knew what he was referring to when as he mentioned it, but an idea formed in my head. Before I even thought of betraying him from the idea, I looked at him. I could see his determination, but I could see that it wasn't clouding his sense of judgement. He clearly had a clear head making reasonable decisions, which spelled bad news for me. He was already far stronger than me, outsmarting him was going to be difficult, but maybe not impossible. Nevertheless, as I know he left the idea of betrayal an open possibility in the air, I decided to just address it.

"What's keeping me from just running away?" I ask more curious than out of defiance. 

He chuckles, "Absolutely no one would ask that and just straight up try it. I'm sure your cautiousness has proven to be quite the asset till this point. One of my unique abilities that was blessed to me from the god Luminous, that I fortunately retained despite my swaying from the religion, is that once we come to an agreement, a contract is formed automatically binding us to that. 

By just merely asking me what I want, you have no choice now but to complete your end of the bargain and I complete mine with your freedom. Should one of us deviate, or refuse to hold up their end, that person's mana will be completely devoured by the other." He explains.

As he mentions it, I could feel something ominous clinging to me, which I could assume was the aforementioned soul contract. Of course, there was the chance that he was lying, and this was him trying to fool me into doing what he wants. But he didn't need to do that, as he already had me in a corner. By all means, I was perfectly fine with accepting death, but should there be a hope of continuing this existence, I might as well take it. 

"The terms that I'm agreeing to is that I'll help you get to the Demon Realm where you'll ascend. From that point, I'm free to do whatever I want?" I ask. 

He raises an eyebrow. "Ah. I'm glad you figured out how get the advantage with my ability. That's why I intentionally revealed so much about it. I don't mind those terms as long as I ascend when you go, I don't care whatever happens next." He says nonchalantly. 

Even though he said it like he didn't care, I could see the excitement in his eyes. I was good at reading people, so I knew what he was planning. He knew that once he turned to a demon, he was no doubt going to be a Demon Lord. As a newly created demon, the Demon Realm would instill his cravings for mana just like the rest of them. Meaning I was going to be his first victim as he knew how to stop my Kumon should he still retain his abilities and spells on his transformation. Nevertheless, I was prepared for this. 

The chains binding me slowly begin to recede, giving my free movements again. He closes his eyes and the shroud I didn't notice until now that surrounded my body dissipates. Opening his eyes, he nods towards me. 

I take a second to hesitate, appreciating what could be my final moments should I have not done this correctly before activating Kumon and stepping through it. Two more steps, and I'm back within the familiar hostile aura of the Demon Realm. The portal remains open, as I hesitate again to use an ability I never thought I was going to use.

For a moment, I think about testing whether his Soul Contract would work on a being like me as I was clearly not like normal creatures or demons. But he specifically said mana, which I possessed, meaning there was no reason it couldn't work on me. If I lose this mana, I could risk devolving back, and I was sure that there was no starting over should that happen. 

Having no other choices but to either honoring the soul contract or not, I took the safer choice. I activate Negacion and walls of light appear around the guy. Feeling the dark energies of the Demon World, the man starts to laugh insanely as he starts to ascend into the portal in the sky. 

The beam stops as his feet touches the Demon World, and it immediately reacts to a human presence. He is pelted by waves of negative energy, but he remains unfazed as his form begins to swell. A dark bubble swallows him as his mana surges, sending hurricane like winds around the area. Thunder rumbles in the sky as lightning arcs from cloud to cloud until the bubble pops send black liquid everywhere. 

He steps out, revealing his same frame but a with scales darting across his skin all along his back. Horns curl backwards from his forehead and his teeth are all sharp, and he occasionally reveals a forked tongue. As he looks at his hands, he begins to laugh manically once more as his dream is finally realized. I stand watching this all unfold, too focused to be impressed as I wait for what comes next. 

As if sensing the dilemma, he turns to me. 

"I had assumed that you would try to run once you're free from the contract. Thankfully, that makes it easier as I was determined to hound you down and collect your mana. You are too valuable to let free. Should have tried to negotiate better terms." He says with a wide smile. 

Undeterred by his newfound prowess, I stand against him as he moves closer. "I want to consume your soul." I simply say.

"What?" He questions stopping in his tracks. 

"Your soul. I want to eat it." I repeat. 

"Why the fuck should I care what you want? You're literally about to die right now." He responds with annoyance. 

"You should. You haven't noticed since you were too in the moment of achieving everything you worked on, but the contract still stands." He takes a second as he closes his eyes. Opening them back up, he screams in frustration, 

"What is this? Why are we still bound by it?" He asks in confusion.

"The terms were that I assist you to the Demon World where you'll ascend. From that point, you would allow me to be free to do whatever I wanted. I want to consume your soul, you have to honor it." I explain. 

He pauses as he realizes I'm right. His hesitation turns to anger. 

"As if I'd just let you consume my soul." And he leaps towards me, his claws outstretched. A green ritual circle appears on his forehead, and he falls to the ground limp as a green aura leaks out of him and flows to me. Just in case something happens, I waste no time in snatching up his body with my tongue and putting him in my mouth. As his soul disappears into the void that is my hunger, I can't help but think of one thing. 

'Well, that was unfortunate... for you.'

[A/N: Sorry for the long wait before posting. I explained in my other fanfic that I was suffering from depression but now I feel better that I can resume but it will only be a chapter a week for right now. Thanks for all the feedback and support for this book and I hope to continue writing enjoyable chapters.