
Hollow in a Magic World

A serial killer who has been sentenced to death somehow ends up in a magic world as a hollow. Read the dark tales of a man who doesn't consider humans as anything more than food to make himself stronger.

Eaglestriker_22 · アニメ·コミックス
51 Chs

Prologue Part Four

The kids' eyes shoot open. He was alive? He could remember getting shot in the back of the head.

Taking a look at his surroundings, he found himself in a bed that felt like it was stuffed with hay and an obviously homemade quilt. Risking a touch, feels the back of his head to find the hole in his head, patched up.

He attempts to get out of bed just in time for the door to the room he's in swing open and an elderly man in a white coat walks in carrying a tray of oatmeal and juice. He sets the tray on the bed and motions for the kid to eat.

The kid cautiously starts to eat, he was taught well by his parents that nothing came free in this world. Sure enough, the elderly man just gets to the point,

"I save you, so you help me, si?"

So, for the next nine years, the kid grew up becoming a man, helping the doctor. It wasn't the doctor's procedures that he would assist with. The doctor had a rather nasty habit that he needed him for.

The kid that was now a man, realized some things about himself in the course of nine years. First, any innocence he had was lost that day he was shot in the back of the head. He'd seen so much about the true nature of humanity, that he started to form a dislike for others. People would just as easily betray the other for even the slightest reason.

He felt nothing as he helped the doctor fuel his habit of conducting experiments to find the secret to immortality. The saving grace was that his search extended to only one group, other fellow men.

Although he was also a within the general scope of the doctor's range of...experiments, he wasn't within the doctors' preference. While he did look like any other white male, the doctor was looking for men that matched his blue eyes.

That was until the doctor one day started coughing uncontrollably, having to sit down to rest for a second before it calmed down. As he came to help the doctor recover from his fit of coughing, he didn't fail to notice the look the doctor gave him. 

It seemed the doctor knew his demise was imminent and decided to broaden his range of experiments. That night, the doctor crept into his room, holding a syr. He slowly approached him, reasoning in his head that this was for the greater good of discovering immortality.

As he brings down the syringe, his hand is caught by the man he saved nine years ago. He tries to fight back to no avail as the very vial he was trying to use against him was slowly being brought up to his neck.

The elder man pleas for his life go ignored, as the syringe enters the doctor's neck, and the concoction enters the doctor's body. With the doctor passed out, the man gets to work. With little effort, he picks up the doctor's unconscious body and takes him to the office where he operates.

Using the doctor's own tools, he dissects him. Looking at the pieces of the dead doctor, he gains a sudden understanding that he operated by for the rest of his life. This was, officially, his first kill. The now dead doctor didn't even feel his death, so now he was pain free. Plus, with the way his eyes were closed, he looked as though as he was sleeping.

Why did the doctor fear death so much, he didn't have any more worries. It was foolish to run from something that was assured. The doctor spent so much of his life working to find a way to avoid death only for it to be all for naught in a single second. Only the sweet release of death can finally put you at ease. Then he thought, maybe, he should give this favor to his parents who struggled so.

From then on, he travelled back to his hometown, murdering anyone who resembled his parents. He couldn't even tell you whether he actually ran into them. In fact, he didn't really care.

So of course, he thought nothing about the fact that it wouldn't make sense that his father would be working at the prison. He earned the nickname 'Demon' by the prisoners who witnessed how ferociously he broke the cuffs with blood red eyes as he charged towards the unaware guard. The moment his hands wrapped around the guard's neck, he began slamming the guards head against the wall and ground.

The guard's death was assured as even seven guards couldn't pry his hands away. He now had the 'Guard Killer' title, but what could they do, he was already on Death Row. He enjoyed his isolation from then on, receiving minimal contact from anyone for the next two weeks. Then, he was annoyed when the Warden approached his cell. The convict knew what was up by the arrogant smirk on his face.

"Hope you enjoyed yourself so far, because you're getting executed Friday, you sick bastard."

The inmate didn't care, in fact, he was looking forward to the peace of death. They went through the procedure of preparing him for his death in a couple of days. The night before, he was entitled to a last meal to which he responded,

"Your mother." He didn't get a last meal.

As he was strapped down to the chair, and needles puncture his arm, he closes his eyes, reflecting on his pitiful life.

"As the lethal injection enters his body, his organs will be shut down, one by one. But, according to the AMA's code of ethics, it would be guaranteed painless, which is more than he deserves." The executor announces.

'No pain, huh? Finally.' He thinks to himself.

As the deadly serum flows through the tubes and into his arm, he can feel the concoction entering his body. He shifted his body to a more comfortable position as he waited patiently to die. He didn't have any regrets; he knew his name like he wanted before he could allow himself to die. Plus, besides the doctor, he had technically killed his parents four times already. Whether he actually got them or not didn't matter. He was content with what he had done. As his organs begin to shut down, and he draws closer to death, he begins to hear a strange chanting. It was barely a whisper, so its words were undiscernible. 

Somewhere in a different universe entirely...

So, my time has finally come. This is the end of Ashan the Summoner. He could hear the chanting of the crowd outside the dungeon walls, calling for his death. They did a nice job brainwashing the people into believing that he was the cause of the demon summoning. It was so stacked against him, that he didn't even bother defending himself, no one would listen. But these fools left him an opportunity for revenge. Sure, he'd die, but then they'll actually have another demon on their hands. Knowing that he had some time, he started the ritual, speaking in the old tongue. The moment that his heart would stop beating, a demon would be unleashed in this city.

The Criminals POV:

As his heart started to give, he started to feel lightheaded, which told him that the lethal injection was doing its job. He knew that within seconds, he would be dead, so he waited. After a full minute, he opened his eyes in confusion as he felt nothing anymore.

He looked over at the Warden, who was trying desperately to cover his smile and mumbles,

"So, rests Blair Fulton, may the Devil not make it easy for him."

Confused, he looked over and saw himself, with his eyes closed, at peace. Looking down, he saw that he remained human, but now he had a chain extending from his chest that fell all the way to the floor.

While he was checking out his astral form, he felt a sudden quick pull on his chain. He didn't know much about being a ghost, but he felt inclined that messing with the chain on his chest was not a good idea.

Only then did he hear the chanting that once was a whisper, was now shouting, reverberating throughout his entire soul. Another yoink on his chain, brings pain through his entire existence. Not once, in his entire 25 years, has he felt a pain like this. Even after he trained himself to remain quiet from the years of abuse from his parents, he couldn't help but let out a scream of absolute pain as the invisible force pulled on his chain.

A black hole opens up in front of him and the end of his chain enters it. Having no other choice, the rest of his body follows through the portal, leaving him surrounded by darkness.