
Holding onto the darkness

*anti-hero* *lover-obsessed* *enemies to lovers* A lonely princess trapped in a tower by a paranoid father, and a prince, who secretly longed for love, but avoided it just as passionately. With threats to the Empire created by the families of them both, would they be able to find love amongst it all or will all crumble down to nothing? ***** Katerina stood by the door, not making any sound, or attempting to come forward. She just kept her back against the door, so, if in case she had to leave, she would take less time and get her ass out of here. The man in front of her, who was sitting behind his desk, was her fiance. Someone who I had belonged to since childhood. In fact, before she was born actually. The man who looked disappointed, and held his head in his hand. Gulping, she regretted the choice of clothes she had worn. It was cold in her country and she was barely wearing anything but a piece of clothes. The night was ruined and now she was at the mercy of the heater about which she wondered whether it worked or not. “Why,” Matvey sighed, “why are you here?” ‘To have fun with my friends,’ she wanted to say, but then refrained. Her friends were actually downstairs, and must be waiting for her. It was the one night where she had backed her father to let her go with her friends, and by far, she knew she was going to go home for the rest of the night. “And now you have no words.” He chuckled ruthlessly. “I always find you here and there, somehow always in my sight, and that, with what you’re wearing,” he pointed his hand at her, “seeking my attention is one thing, but whoring yourself is completely another. Do you think a man wants to marry a whore?” Her eyes widened and before she could even control herself, her tears had already made their presence known. Blinking, she looked away, and her tears dropped her cheeks. How could he say that? “I suppose I have not made my decision clear so I will say it clearly, get out of my sight and my life. Walk the other way where you find me walking in the same direction or just fucking better yet, remove your existence from in front of me. Is that understood?” Hie voice turned Harsh with each word, hitting her heart with a hammer and a nail so painfully that she let out a little whimper, accompanied by a sob. Katrina’s throat choked up but she attempted to answer him. “Y-yes—“ “Good.” He sighed. “Now, get out.” Before he could even say the words, she was already on it. She opened the door and flung herself out of it, only to notice who was standing beside her as she left. A scantily dressed woman who moved inside, just as she moved out. Shame burned her from within as she moved through the dance floor, and moved out to where her car was already waiting for her. “Drive home, please.” She whispered. Drive home, and away from him. Hopefully forever.

Inara_Me · 都市
19 Chs

Car ride - II

Why could not take a plane instead? 

Katrina shifted slightly. Her back was in pain now. She could only wonder how her father had been sitting in the same position for the past five hours. 

Maybe he was used to it but she was not. They had not even taken a break yet and she wondered how annika was doing. 

"Everything okay, Rina?" 

"Huh?" She turned towards her father. "Yes, why do you ask?" 

Her father gave her a look. "Are you uncomfortable? We can take a break." 

They could? She felt guilty in taking that option but her bum ached and a headache was coming in too. 

"I would like that very much. Thank you." Katrina thanked him. "When will we stop?" 

"At the safe spot, my child. We will be there in a few minutes. Just hold on a little longer." 

She certainly hoped that she could. Even though everything was against her, Katrina waited patiently. 

Her father's phone rang, and she looked out trying to make it seem like she was not paying attention to him and trying not to listen. The words were spoken to quickly and too slowly for her to understand what they were. Her father gave them commands before he hung up. 

She remained silent and exactly 10 minutes later, the car finally came to a stop. 

"We have stopped at the cafe. The men will take a few minutes to check, and then you can go out." 

She nodded. "Yes, papa." 

Another 10 minutes later, Katrina started to feel the pressure on her bladder, but thankfully, finally the men were done with the check.

"Come with me," Ivan stepped out of the car first, and moved over to her side to open the door. Holding her hand, he guided Katrina into the small cafe in a less populated town because she had almost no one. 

"Bathroom?" He whispered and she nodded. 

"Go. I will be standing right here." 

Katrina posted into the door and hurried into a stall. The moment she was finished with her business, she cleaned herself before walking out of the stall and washing her hand. 

"Hey," Annika came out from a stall away from her. "make sure to eat. The next stop is going to be Moscow." 

"Really?" That was a very long ride. They had barely covered three hours, maybe four. 

"Yes, my father stressed that we were to eat well. We can even take a few things to go if we want." 

Walking out the bathroom, they found their fathers waiting for them before they were told to occupy a table right next to them. The diner has been filled with Russian soldiers. 

"Order whatever you want, girls, make sure to eat properly." Annika's father suggested. 

They did, deciding on something light, but filling. 

"Okay," Annika leaned in, "did you talk to him?" 

Shit, Katrina closed her eyes. She had not.