
Hold Me Tight Honey

WARNING: THIS BOOK HAS MATURE CONTENT ----------- Adia is a simple girl to the surrounding people where she lives and works. Which is not true. She meets a person at an unexpected time in her life. That time she does not know he is going to change her whole life. Aaron is the most powerful one in the country and a famous guy. He never know he will get married to a girl who is unknown to him by himself because of the circumstances. He thought she is nothing to him until one day he realized what she meant to him. How are the two of them going to change their life? ------- "Even if you do not love me, I will love you till the end" ------- The picture in the book is not mine. So, credit goes to the person who created it. I am just editing it after taking it from Google. -------

queen_fly_horse · 都市
34 Chs

When will you be free

Aaron sighed heavily for angering his mother, "Mother, calm down," said her not liking to make her health affected because of him...

Mrs. Li, "Son, what am I asking? I want my son to get married and lead a lovely life. Is it hard for you to fulfill my wish?" asked him earnestly.

Aaron grits his teeth, his mother bringing it up again, "I told you I do not want to get married to the girl you choose," said her back...

Mrs. Li, "I do not like the girl you choose to be with," rebuked 33m. Her son making her angry again...

Aaron, "Then I hung up the call, do not disturb my work. Do not call me for it again. Take care mother," saying he cuts her call...

Mrs. Li tries to talk to him. But her son cut her call after saying that without giving her a chance to pursue him. Why is her son giving her a hard4 time?

Another side of her, her husband read something on his file he heard nothing about what his wife and son talked about. She has no one to look after her. Thinking about it her face twisted...

Mr. Li looked at his wife who seems going to get mad in her anger. He sighed, "let him get married when he wants," mused her.

Mrs. Li, "Why not you talk to your son regarding it," asked her husband in anger thinking how many times her husband refused to talk to his son about the marriage...

Mr. Li, "Even I got married to you at a late age. Why are you forcing him since he does not want to?" asked her...

Mrs. Li, "Are you talking like a father or what? Do not you know why is he refusing the marriages?" asked him standing up from her place...

Mr. Li, "I do know. Calm down now. Otherwise you will fall ill," said her softly making her sit down again, watching how his wife worried for his son's life. He does know all along why is his son refusing the marriage proposals. That is because he wanted to marry a girl he wanted. And his wife not liking that even the girl.

Mrs. Li calms down her anger, " David, I am just concerned for our son," tells him softly for losing control of herself and questioning her husband like that. When he is much way better than any man compared to the man's in this world to her. He doted on her very much. He has not changed from that time to now. Even though their marriage was not a love marriage. They start to love each other after their marriage only...

David, "Then accept the girl he liked, Grace," said her back taking his wife's hands on his hand...

Grace, "She is not good for him," tells him back...

David, "How do you know?" asked her. They have not seen the girl personally, so from where his wife came to this...

Grace, "She already had boyfriends before," informed him...

David was momentarily left stunned hearing his wife, "Are you serious, Grace?. In this generation children are like this only. This is common for now. Why are making it sound awful?" asked her seriously not knowing why his wife suddenly behaving like a country lady. She is an open-minded lady that was the first impression he had of her, seeing her at their first met. Their marriage was an arranged marriage by the two families.

Grace glared at him...

David, "Tell me one thing why are you doing this?" asked his wife narrowing his eyes at her...

Grace, " I want my friend's daughter as my daughter-in-law. She is suitable for our son and our family," tells him...

David, "To whom are you referring?" asked her raising his eyebrows at her. They have many friends, but he could not pinpoint whom she is saying right now...

Grace, "Clara, Clara Hu. My friend and one of your past business friends. Do you remember them?" asked her husband.

David racked his brain to remember, did he ever hear this name? He does not remember it. And he does not tell his wife this either, "mm," hums in response...

Grace was about to talk to him before she could do that, her husband's mobile rang out grabbing his attention to that. She gets annoyed at the timing and went away letting him take the call...

Aaron gives the mobile to Ivan who came back to take his mobile from him.

Ivan, "What is wrong? Why are you like this?" asked him...

Aaron, "You can leave. Do not bother me for some time," ordered him not giving chance to him talk back...

Ivan sensed something wrong with him, obeyed his orders left the cabin...

Aaron loosened his tie, after removing the coat. He still feels the anger inside him. His mother forced him to marry. He told her he wanted to marry the girl he wanted. What is wrong with this? Why is his mother making it complicated since she wants him to get married?

The girl he wanted to marry is his friend from his college days Lucy. Even though they do not love each other from the first to now. They have quite an understanding of each other. And he does not know if we get a girl like her. As they both wanted to give full attention to their career. She wanted to shine in the entertainment industry so that she could be equal to his status. That is why he did not make any move. But his mother giving him a hard time nowadays even after he told her why is he refusing to go on a date she is arranging...

Aaron fished out his mobile and gave a call to his girlfriend. Within a few rings, she picked up his call, "Hey, Aaron. How are you baby?" asked him...

Aaron, "When will you be free?" asked her ignoring the question she asked him...

Lucy, "mm, I " she looked at her assistant, Mimi. She sighed her something. "after eight," said him soon...

Aaron, "I will see you at our place," saying it he cuts the call...

Lucy smiled sweetly when she heard him. And her assistant does not have to ask her why is she like this. Even though their relationship is secret. She had seen them seen together many times...

Aaron reached the place at the right time. Went to the house, He do not have to look around to see if any paparazzi is there. Cause this was the place under Li's property. When one wanted to see another one they will come here otherwise this won't be used by anyone. Lucy opened the door for him when she heard the car parking sound. She was so happy to meet, him that she hugged him immediately as soon as he stepped.

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