
Hold Me Tight Honey

WARNING: THIS BOOK HAS MATURE CONTENT ----------- Adia is a simple girl to the surrounding people where she lives and works. Which is not true. She meets a person at an unexpected time in her life. That time she does not know he is going to change her whole life. Aaron is the most powerful one in the country and a famous guy. He never know he will get married to a girl who is unknown to him by himself because of the circumstances. He thought she is nothing to him until one day he realized what she meant to him. How are the two of them going to change their life? ------- "Even if you do not love me, I will love you till the end" ------- The picture in the book is not mine. So, credit goes to the person who created it. I am just editing it after taking it from Google. -------

queen_fly_horse · 都市
34 Chs

There is nothing on your face...

Adia enter the cabin after getting permission from the manager Ao, she smiled at him genuinely.

Manager Ao smiled at her back cursing her in his mind for sabotaging his plan. Now he has to think of a way to chase her out somehow then only he could do anything he want in this company...

Adia, "Good morning, Manager Ao," greets him professionally...

Manager Ao, "Good morning Miss. Ying. Today is your first day here. I want to you go through some of the files to know the rules and what you have to do will be said by Jack. If you have any doubt do ask him," tells her...

Adia, " I got it Manager Ao. And thanks for choosing me," bowed to him saying him...

Manager Ao, "What are you doing? You got this job by yourself. I just took your interview that is it," tells her before he calls Jack to his cabin...

Jack came immediately after the call, "Yes sir," saying it waits for his command...

Manager Ao, "This is Adia, she will be working here from onwards. Guide her with duties she has to do. And Clear her doubt regarding it. Now you both can leave," orders them...

Jack smiled at him and nods his head before turning his head to Adia, "you can come with me," tells her...

Adia nods her head at him. Both of them leave the manager's cabin.

Manager Ao thinks in his mind, this girl is so polite.

Adia walked with Jack, while going she noticed everyone looking at her oddly. She thinks why are they looking at her? Does her face have something that is why they are looking at her like this? "Jack, is there anything on my face?" asked him in her low tone...

Jack looked at her face, and finds nothing, "there is nothing on your face. Why are you asking it?" asked her confusingly. She was as good as she came.

Adia, "If so, why are they all staring at me oddly?" asked him again taking a look around her confusingly not understanding what is wrong with those people here...

Jack then only noticed everyone in the department staring at them. Particular Adia, not him. He thinks for a second, then chuckled why this reaction from all? "Ignore it now. It is not serious," tells her...

Adia also obliged him, she do not want to get obstructed on her first day.

Jack showed her office, "This will be our office. And I will be that side, your place is here," showed she place saying it.

Adia looked at her place, it has a separate table and a computer. She has seen the other two chairs also like hers and Jack's. "Is two more working with us?" asked him...

Jack, "Yes, four of us will be working here. Before you join we three only working here, now you filled the vacant," tells her while taking the files that she has to read. "This has the company details and our department details for your knowledge. Later I will tell you about your duties," said her placing the files on her table...

Adia looked at the files he placed, she nod her head and then start to read them. Jack left to do his work...

It became afternoon, Jack looked at her who is still going through the files he gave to her. "Adia, time for lunch," says her...

Adia, "Oh I lost the time track while reading it," tells him...

Jack, "Even I am the same as you when I joined the company. Do not worry you will soon look for free time like me," laughed saying to her...

Adia, "Huh?" looked at him not getting what is he trying to say...

Jack, "Forget it, go have lunch," tells her...

Adia, "What about you?" asked him back...

Jack, "I have a meeting, I will have it later. You can go," says her before getting up from his place...

Adia thinks should she go and grab something for her to eat in the canteen area. After thinking about it, she gets up from the place and lolooksor a female employee to get alalongAnd strangely she could not find anyone. She reached the reception and sees Rossy is there still. "Hey, are not you going for lunch?" asked her...

Rossy looked up at her hearing her, she was waiting for her only here. She knows she will pass by, but did not expect her asking it. She planned to join her for lunch at the canteen. "Ah, I will get going. Are you going to the canteen?" asked her telling the answer not knowing what to tell her either...

Adia, "Yes, I heading there. Do you like to go with me?" asked her...

Rossy, "Sure, why not? Just a moment," tells her before asking the girl with her to take care of it...

Both of them walked to the canteen and grabbed the food for them. Rossy noticed Adia seems lost. "What happened you looked lost?" asked her...

Adia, "Ah, that I could not find any female staff in my department. I was thinking did they go for lunch be me," tells her taking a bite of her food...

Rossy, "That is because no female is there in the finance department," said her drinking the water a little...

Adia, "What?" choked her food hearing the reply, and coughed after that...

Rossy passed her the water she brought.

After calming down, "Are you serious? No female staff?" asked her again in her shock...

Rossy, "Yes, without a doubt," tells her back coolly...

Adia, "Then?" looked at the surroundings of them. There are many female employees.

Rossy, "They are from different departs. Expect the finance department, As manager Ao, never took a female employee in his department before you. It is who is the first female employee in your department," tells her...

Adia could not able to digest the fact, she did not expect this in this company. Why is it strange? The only she realized was how the employees in her department stared at her weirdly. That is because she is the only female who gets into their department. She wanted to face-palm herself not seeing it before.

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