
Hold Me Tight Honey

WARNING: THIS BOOK HAS MATURE CONTENT ----------- Adia is a simple girl to the surrounding people where she lives and works. Which is not true. She meets a person at an unexpected time in her life. That time she does not know he is going to change her whole life. Aaron is the most powerful one in the country and a famous guy. He never know he will get married to a girl who is unknown to him by himself because of the circumstances. He thought she is nothing to him until one day he realized what she meant to him. How are the two of them going to change their life? ------- "Even if you do not love me, I will love you till the end" ------- The picture in the book is not mine. So, credit goes to the person who created it. I am just editing it after taking it from Google. -------

queen_fly_horse · 都市
34 Chs

I missed you

Aaron holds her when she hugged him immediately he has stepped inside the house.

Lucy, "I missed you," tells him still in his arms...

Aaron said nothing back. So, she looked up at him lifting her head. She breaks their hug. And let him walk to the living room. After closing the door she tailed back of him...

Aaron throws his coat on the couch after removing it.

Lucy, "Are you fine, baby?" asked him when he was silent and not talking to her...

Aaron, "Mother is setting up the dates for me," tells her in a straight way not taking it in around to tell her...

Lucy looked at him getting shocked. They know each other for a long and they started their relationship three years back. Now, it is turning like this.

Aaron stared at her back...

Lucy, "What did you do?" asked him back coming back to her sense.

Aaron, "What do you expect me to do?" asked her back calmly...

Lucy breathe in and out, " did you go or not?" asked him looking at him straight not bothered about his look...

Aaron, "No," said her knowing her worried state...

Lucy's face broke into a sweet smile and started to kiss him. Aaron followed her lead...

In the morning, Adia got up early to go to work. Today is her first day on the job, she does not get a bad impression in the eyes of Manager Ao, and colleagues. She is excited to join the company. She planned out last night while sleeping, what she can do, she wanted to enjoy herself unlike she ran her before. She looked at her mother's photo which is placed on her side table. She takes blessings from her mother.

She was sad that her mother is not with her. If she is alive she would probably feel immense happiness watching her child grow and being independent. Not depending on others unlike her. She gets a bit sad. But remembering her words that is, 'live the life you want to live,' she puts her emotions folding in her heart.

"oow, now," the little puppy barges trying to her attention.

Adia chuckled seeing the puppy, "Be good. I am off to work, after I came back I will play with you," talked to her puppy happily. She has no one to tell bye to. So she thinks the puppy is her companion...

Puppy nods his head and waved his tail, as he agreed to her words.

Later before leaving, she bid to Mrs. Cheng.

At the Li company, Rossy eagerly waits for Adia. She was early to duty today. Knowing that today is the first day for Adia here in this company. And most importantly she has to get mingled with Adia so that she can gather information about the finance department, and they can make a move.

She waits for over when Adia came to the office.

Adia smiled at her and informed her about her joining the job today. Rossy heard her patiently, then asked her to follow her to show the finance department where is going to work.

Adia looked at the areas they passed in awe. Cause not only the front and cafeteria grabbed her attention. Even the office inside speaks the volume of its marvelous structure. On their way, she noticed the garden which was placed in a way to make anyone spend time there only. She noted in her mind she should visit the garden if has time.

Rossy stopped before the finance department, she was about to tell Adia...

One of the male employees from finance walked to them, "Rossy, what brings you here?" asked her smilingly...

Rossy try not to roll her eyes at him, "Hello, Mr. Hui-" she was interrupted by him...

"Mr. Hui, Rossy how many times have I told you to call me, Jack? Why are you not paying attention to that and me?" he started to flirt with her...

Adia could not believe watching how easily he flirted with Rossy, And Rossy not buying it, is he bad? She thought to herself because she could able to see him, as Rossy standing in her front and blocking her way...

Rossy wanted to hit him but stops herself, she will see him later, "I am here to bring the new employee to your department," tells him back politely...

Jack, "Oh who is it?" he asked her uninterested thinking that Manager Ao, had taken another male. He was yesterday off so he has to get to know, there is a shock for him...

Rossy moved aside, "This is Adia, your new colleague," she introduced Adia to him...

Adia looked at him, he seems one or two years elder than her. He has a silky brown hair. smiled at him a little, And chocolate color eyes showed perfectly with his widened eyes in shock. She can see his built body looked like he is taking care of his body well. She thought to herself how did he managed to take care of it working in the company...

Rossy wanted to laugh seeing the employees shocked faces. As not only did Jack get shocked everyone present in the finance department was shocked. They did not expect the young girl as their colleague...

Jack, "She?" he does not know what to say or ask...

Rossy, "She will be working here from now on. My work is over. I will take my leave," said him. She turned her head to Adia, "Best of luck," and wished her before leaving the area...

Adia awkwardly looked at everyone who are staring at her like she is some alien...

Jack quickly composed himself realizing what are they doing to her on her First Day of work, "please this way Miss?" he stopped as he did not hear her name...

Adia, "myself Adia," tells him before walking in the direction he showed to her...

Jack, "Adia, I am Jack," tells her back walking to her side...

Adia, "I heard your name when you were talking to Rossy," informed him...

Jack smiled at her sheepishly, for his ignorance. Then lead her to manager Ao's cabin. He left...