
Hold Me Tight Honey

WARNING: THIS BOOK HAS MATURE CONTENT ----------- Adia is a simple girl to the surrounding people where she lives and works. Which is not true. She meets a person at an unexpected time in her life. That time she does not know he is going to change her whole life. Aaron is the most powerful one in the country and a famous guy. He never know he will get married to a girl who is unknown to him by himself because of the circumstances. He thought she is nothing to him until one day he realized what she meant to him. How are the two of them going to change their life? ------- "Even if you do not love me, I will love you till the end" ------- The picture in the book is not mine. So, credit goes to the person who created it. I am just editing it after taking it from Google. -------

queen_fly_horse · 都市
34 Chs

I am not teasing you...

Rossy sees Adia's stunned face, she chuckled lightly.

Adia brought back to her sense hearing her laugh. She gets embarrassed.

Rossy, "alright eat your food we have to work to see," tells her. As gets the message from Ivan. She has to go and meet him, she can not leave her alone since she came with her she has to give her company...

Adia said nothing and start to eat her food, worrying about herself who is she going to deal with this new situation. She has no problem working there but will be a little uncomfortable for her if she was surrounded by males. She won't have company there even if it is used to her. She is already alone from the start. No one is there to care for her except a few. She was away from them for their betterment.

Why is her life so hard to live? What should she do to make it good? She has no answer to this question. Or say she dare not to think of a way. She has many things to do before she starts to think for herself. She is missing her grandparents badly. She hopes that they are good there.

Soon they both finished their lunch and returned to their places. Adia resumed her readings. After some time Jack comes back, and she has him few doubts she got from the files. Jack cleared her doubts and told her what work she has to do now.

She listened to him and thanked him for guiding her...

Rossy reached the CEO's office as soon as she could. Ivan asked her to come to the CEO's office, once she asked him why is he asking her. Bastard could not he tell her before, CEO asked her. Now what is she supposed to tell him if he asked her why is she late?

Rossy knocked on the CEO's office door nervously...

Aaron, "Come in," orders her...

Rossy came inside and bowed to his show to her respect...

Aaron, "Did not I say do not do it when we are alone," asked looking at her...

Rossy, "I am sorry, but it is our way to show respect to you, Mr. Li," said him back...

Aaron looked at his laptop, "then do it when we are with others," orders her...

Rossy wanted to refuse him.

Ivan, "Listen to him," said her in his low tone...

Rossy, "You idiot, we are working for the Li family. How could we offend them?" asked him glaringly...

Ivan, "Whatever," said her back lazily...

Rossy wanted to smack his head hard for his act...

Aaron, "Did that girl join on her work?" asked her. Watching them talking to themselves...

Rossy, "Yes Mr. Li, she joined today," informed him...

Aaron, "mm," hummed to her back. Thinking what is the plan for Manager Ao, to let a girl work for him. Is it a trap? He suddenly let a girl work for him. That is quite strange. Even his father finds it unbelievable when he told him this.

His father is never interested in this trivial matter, he wanted the result he wants like him. But still, this sounds like something not fitting in the manager Ao's character...

Another while he thinking, Ivan, "Why is late for you to come here?" asked her...

Rossy, "You should have told me Mr. Li want my presence here. I thought it was you who wanted to talk. So I got delayed," mused him...

Ivan, "Even so, what were you doing that took this much time for you to come?" asked her again to know what was she doing?...

Rossy, "I was with the new girl having lunch together with her," tells him...

Ivan, "What? Having lunch with her? What the hell were you doing with her?" asked her in shock. He is not sure if that is the girl from the manager's side or not. Yet she trying to mingle with her...

Rossy, "There is no female staff in the finance department. And she is not even aware of it until I told her," said him back...

Ivan just then realized it, "Tsk," clicked his tongue...

Rossy, " I just with her so that she can depend on me. This way we can get information from the finance department," said...

Ivan, "but" he was about to say something...

Aaron also heard her, thinks it is not bad either, and cuts him off, "fine, but be alert, do not let anyone know your identity," warns her...

Rossy, "got it Mr. Li," said him...

Ivan, "Be safe. We do not know that is also one of the manager people," tells her worriedly...

Rossy, "I will take care," said him before taking the leave from there...

Ivan turns his head to Aaron, "Mr. Li now what should I do?" asked him...

Aaron, "Get me details of the Mr. Chi project," orders him...

Ivan, "Okay sir," saying it he went to get all the details of this project...

Aaron remembered what his father told him, his mother worried for him. And she not taking care of her health because of him. He should visit h er before she gets mad. As it was not impossible for him and his father when his mother got mad. That will be troublesome for him later. He thinks inside his mind, to visit them soon, maybe today...

In the evening, Adia prepared to leave.

Jack, "Should I give you a ride to your place," asked her formally. There is no flirt in his tone...

Adia, "Do not bother yourself, I can go myself," tells him politely...

Jack, "Do not be polite with me, Adia. I am not old enough. Or did you find me old" joked her...

Adia, "No no, I just want to go myself so that I can decide the timings," said him what she has in her mind. She wanted to check how long it takes for her to reach her house. If it was far, she has to change her living place.

Jack, "Oh I see. Are you new here?" asked her...

Adia, "Yes, I am new to this city," tells him...

Jack, "You are brave enough to come here alone," praised her...

Adia blinked her eyes not knowing if he teasing her or praising her...

Jack, "I am not teasing you," tells her seeing the reaction on her face.

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