
Hold Me Tight Honey

WARNING: THIS BOOK HAS MATURE CONTENT ----------- Adia is a simple girl to the surrounding people where she lives and works. Which is not true. She meets a person at an unexpected time in her life. That time she does not know he is going to change her whole life. Aaron is the most powerful one in the country and a famous guy. He never know he will get married to a girl who is unknown to him by himself because of the circumstances. He thought she is nothing to him until one day he realized what she meant to him. How are the two of them going to change their life? ------- "Even if you do not love me, I will love you till the end" ------- The picture in the book is not mine. So, credit goes to the person who created it. I am just editing it after taking it from Google. -------

queen_fly_horse · 都市
34 Chs

I am not reason for that

Aaron came back to his sense when the security guard opened the door for them after seeing his car in his surprised state.

Ivan noticed the same, "if you do not come here often, I am sure no one will remember you in the future," mocked him at his behavior. Who has not had the work, he working on is like he is the only man on this earth working not the others. He even finds the place easy for him to relocate to near his office. Even though that was less than fifteen minutes for him to reach his company. He is angry that he is not coming here sometimes if not frequently...

Aaron ignored him knowing his words were true. But he has more responsibilities, Li corporation is not a small company it is a massive one. It is also, known worldwide. He has to expand the company that he gave him. Also, his mother's other side forces him to get married. This is also one of the reasons why is he not coming here.

Ivan, "What are you thinking? Mr. Li," asked him

seeing him lost in his thoughts...

Aaron, "Let's go in," tells him. When the one the servant came to open the door for him...

Ivan gets down from the car. Walked inside the back of him...

Aaron noticed his father sitting in his royal chair and approached him. "Good evening Father," greets him...

David looks in his sson'sdirection hearing him, "Good evening my son, come," saying it he gets up from his place to welcome his son who came to see them after a long time...

Aaron hugged his father, his father hugged him back warmly.

Both of them break their hug, "Where is mother, father?" Aaron asked his father looking around...

David, "Your mother will soon be at home," tells him before taking his seat...

Aaron sat with him, "does angrier at she went outside?" asked his father getting confused. Knowing that his mother was not at home.

David, "I did not tell her, what we talked about the morning, so she is not at fault," said defending his wife to his son...

Aaron looked at her in a speechless state of his. He is not going to fight with his mother if she ignored him for what is he doing, he has no complaint for it either. Here his father slide to his wife's side when he asked about her absence in their villa. Even though his parents were not married by love. They start to love each other after their marriage, even his grandparents were surprised to see them acting like a loving couple, but they were happy seeing their children grow to love.

Aaron, "You love your wife more. Is not it dad," asked his father...

David, "You do not have to ask since you know," said him back...

Aaron, "Lucky of you both," tells him thinking something inside his mind...

David stared at his son for a moment before speaking to him, "You will be lucky if you listen to your mother. Like us son," said him seriously...

Aaron sighed, "Father," called out to him...

David, "It is not just for your mother's sake my son. She is doing this for your own good. Do not give her a hard time, as your parents it is our duty as well as wish to see their son get settled down with a good partner," said him when his son looked heavy listening to it...

Aaron, "Whatever father, mother and you know well what I want. Either agree with it or else do not force me to marry someone, I do not know," said him in a straight way...

David sighed watching his son, they spoiled him. Whom should he blame now? He started to not care about anyone thinking. He was not like this when he was a child, he does not understand why he changed when he returned from his studies either...

His thoughts are broken when his wife walked in, he was about to say something but stopped looking at his wife's sign...

Aaron faced his father he did not see his mother coming to them...

Grace came and caresses his son's hair lovingly. Aaron does not have to turn to take a look at who is doing it, "Mother," mutters in a low tone...

Grace, "How are you son?" asked him affectionately...

Aaron, "Fine, Mom. What about you? Are you taking care of yourself well?" asked his mother getting up to hug her...

David, "he only loves his mother, not me. He did not even ask me, how am I?' thinks inside his mind looking at the due...

Aaron looked at his father like he heard his thoughts, 'You did not ask me either,'.

Grace smilingly embrace him, "I am fine," said him...

Aaron, "Do not lie to be me. I have seen your reports from the hospital," said her before breaking their hug to look at her face...

David, "Now you seem caring son," voiced out suddenly...

Aaron looked at his father, then return his gaze to his mother, "why are you not keeping her well?" asked his father...

David "I am not the reason for that," retorted him back. His son is the reason for his wife getting high blood pressure sometimes. Not him, he is blaming him...

Aaron, "then am I reason?" asked him...

Grace, "enough," said when her son and her husband start to fight for her, how dare they ignore her presence...

Aaron and David looked at her, and became silent, seeing her angry look...

Grace, "When did you come? Why did not you inform me before that you were coming here? I would have stayed at home and would not have gone outside," asked him...

Aaron, "I talked with father in the morning, I told him I will come," tells her back making his father a scapegoat...

David, "You did not tell me you are coming today. You just told me you will come," fired back...

Aaron smiled seeing his mother's attention fully gone to his father, he walked to his room to get fresh up escaping from his mother...

Grace, "You have not told me that you talked with him?" asked her husband...

David, "I thought to surprise you when he comes, dear" butters her..

But she ignored him and went away from him. He went back to her to calm her...

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