
Hold Me Tight Honey

WARNING: THIS BOOK HAS MATURE CONTENT ----------- Adia is a simple girl to the surrounding people where she lives and works. Which is not true. She meets a person at an unexpected time in her life. That time she does not know he is going to change her whole life. Aaron is the most powerful one in the country and a famous guy. He never know he will get married to a girl who is unknown to him by himself because of the circumstances. He thought she is nothing to him until one day he realized what she meant to him. How are the two of them going to change their life? ------- "Even if you do not love me, I will love you till the end" ------- The picture in the book is not mine. So, credit goes to the person who created it. I am just editing it after taking it from Google. -------

queen_fly_horse · 都市
34 Chs

He helped you

Aaron looked at her getting stunned in his place, no one has ever dared to talk to him in this tone before.

Adia, "he wrongly accused me, yet you are talking to me normally having the file in your hand. Can I file a case on you now," threw another angry word at him...

Aaron grits his teeth in his anger about to yell at her but before he could do that his mobile rings grabbing their attention. He went to pick that up...

Adia stands there not leaving from there to get information from him how does he get that?

Ivan walked inside and sees her standing and Aaron on call. So he walked in slowly...

Adia sees him but turned her head thinking he is also like him. They both called her yesterday about this. She is an idiot to think they are good...

Ivan, "Hey Adia, you are here?" asked her causally...

Adia glared at him and said nothing...

Ivan looked at him not getting why is she glaring at him, "did he say something to upset you?" asked her...

Adia shows him the file. "You both did it right? What did I do wrong? Why? And Mr. Ao saying going to take legal action against me for working with someone not here" tells him having tears in her eyes...

Ivan then only got why that reaction from her. He texted Rossy before talking to her, as she looked hurt by this all...

Ivan, "Adia, we did not do anything," said her softly seeing the years in her eyes...

Adia, "You want me to believe it, here he has the file but has not opened his mouth to say the file is already in his hand. Can I take legal action against him for this," asked him pitifully...

Ivan do not know what to say to her, as she seems so emotional right none of his words going to work there, still, he tried, YouYou'reong Adia, he has not done anything with you. Instead, he, helped you from the trap Manager Ao put for you," tells her...

Adia, "Do not try to save your friend, and put the blame on someone else. Mr. Ao is not like that, he is just angry that is it," refute him...

Ivan, "Adia I am telling the truth only," said her again...

Adia, "I am not believing you," says gripping the file in her hand. About to leave the cabin, but stops seeing Rossy coming in. "Rossy," calls out her name...

Rossy looked at her confusingly, then turned her gaze to Ivan who sighed something, her eyes went to the file in Adia's hand, and she got relieved. But what worried her was Adia crying face, "What is wrong? asked it as she went near them...

Adia told her everything that happened from last night till now...

Rossy remembered Ivan asked her to come but in the mid, he told her to reach the hospital to take care of the situation, so she forgot to ask him why he called her last night, that is because of this. If the file went missing means how did it reach here? Thinks in her mind...

Adia, "They are bad," mumbled to her...

Rossy felt bad for her, "they are bad, but not as much as Manager Ao, Adia," says her back...

Ivan glared at her hearing it...

Adia, "You also misunderstood them like me," tells her thinking she also got fooled by them...

Rossy shook her head, "Ivan pass me a glass of water," saying it takes Adia's hand in hers and went to sit on the couch...

Adia, "I will go to Manager Ao and tell him the file is here with the CEO, leave me Rossy," protest her...

Rossy, "That won't do good for you Adia, sit here," said her showing the coach...

Adia nods her head in no...

Rossy made her sit on it, and Ivan gave her a glass of water. She drank it all in one go...

Rossy and Ivan looked at each other. Cause Rossy and Ivan have no idea what happened in the short time. We were busy looking after the formalities in the hospital and shifting Mrs. Li back home. They barely had sleep, and has no time to talk to each other...

Adia put glass onunsandedoand looked up at them both...

Ivan, "Adia, if we know it was you going to join the finance department. This situation is not meant to happen in the first place," said her before sitting in front of her...

Adia looked at him confusingly what is he trying to say? Are not they know who joined their company? Are they playing? Thinks in her mind...

Rossy, "Manager Ao is not a good person, at least not for our company. He many times did his tricks and blame his employees. You have no idea how the blamed employees suffered due to him," said her softly when she gets Adia to start to listen to them...

Adia looked at her in shock...

Ivan, "We are planning to capture again and again. But we got failed every time. But Mr. Li lost his cool when he crossed the all limits. If he is not on alert this company would be doomed by now," tells her...

Rossy, "We are not lying to you, Adia. Believe us. At first we thought you were his people who want to work for him," said her the truth she hiding from her, she always felt cheated her for not saying it to her. But without knowing what is the truth she can not tell her either...

Adia, "but he never acted like that," tells them bowing down. He never had said anything to her in these two months of periods. Looks like she was the one who fooled him...

Ivan, "Okay let me ask you something, can you answer it?" asked her...

Adia nods her head at him...

Ivan, "Think practically, if the important file went missing what will be your reaction and what will do with the person who has heard you?" asked her...

Adia, "I will punish the person if so," tells him not understanding why is he asking it her...

Ivahere"In that case what did Manager Ao do?" asked her...

Thank you

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