
Chapter 95 Mission

Genma immediately realized the importance of the mission, carefully checked the documents in his hand, and asked: "Master Hokage, does anyone else know about this mission?"

Hiruzen Sarutobi took off the pipe in his mouth and replied: "Besides you, only two advisors and I know about this mission. You don't have to worry about information leakage."

Xuanjian collected the information and said, "Please rest assured that Team 7 will definitely complete its mission."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded and suddenly said, "After this mission is completed, you will stay on the battlefield against Kumogakure and command the troops to resist Kumogakure. I will arrange for Orochimaru to be your deputy commander."

Today's high-level combat forces of Konoha include Konoha's top management who stayed behind in the village, Shimura Danzo who has disappeared, and Kushina who cannot leave the village.

Hatake Sakumo and Tsunade on the battlefield against Sunagakure Village.

Nawaki and Namikaze Minato on the battlefield against Iwagakure Village.

The offensive in Hidden Mist Village was the weakest, so they only sent troops to block the attack, and there were no shadow-level experts.

The troops that resisted Kumogakure were led by Orochimaru.

Kumogakure is the most offensive among all the countries.

Third Raikage and the new generation AB combination have come to the frontal battlefield.

The reason why Orochimaru was able to withstand the troops of Kumogakure Village for several months with a thousand troops.

It was because he had used a trick to make the predecessor of the Hidden Cloud Village, Eight Tails Jinchūriki Burubi, go berserk on the battlefield.

Perhaps due to the butterfly effect brought by Genma, Burubi did not die during the Second Ninja War.

But Orochimaru is like Burubi's nemesis. He did not escape the fate of death after all.

On the way to Konoha, the Kumogakure troops set off.

Late one night, Orochimaru sneaked into the army, took advantage of Burubi's weak heart, and fed him a Genjutsu pill to paralyze his body. Then he released the iron armor seal on his body, successfully allowing Eight Tails to break away from Jinchūriki and go on a rampage.

After losing Eight Tails, Burubi, a Jinchūriki, died on the spot.

Cloud Hidden Village sacrificed eight Elite Jōnin before sealing the rampaging Eight Tails into Killer Bee.

Fortunately, Killer Bee has a good compatibility with Eight Tails, and it took several months to establish a good relationship with Eight Tails.

Although it is not a perfect Jinchūriki, it can still be done with the help of Eight Tails Chakra.

And Orochimaru's hard work was rewarded, not only slowing down the advance of Kumogakure's troops, but also harvesting one of Eight Tails' horns.

After leaving the Hokage Building, Genma summoned the members of Class 7 and said to them: "This mission is very important. Everyone, be prepared. We will gather at the entrance of the village and set off in an hour."

Everyone in Class 7 nodded and went home to prepare.

Genjian floated in the air and flew back to the Senju tribe.

In the past few months, almost every time he traveled, he used the ultra-light heavy rock technique to fly.

On the one hand, it is because of the convenience of movement, and on the other hand, it is to improve the proficiency of the ultra-light and heavy rock art.

As for whether anyone would suspect that Genma was using Ninjutsu from Iwagakure Village, Genma had no worries. As a genius recognized by the village, it was quite reasonable for him to create his own Ninjutsu from other villages.

Kushina and others were found in the clan area, and Genma said goodbye to them.

Konoha has already entered a wartime state, and the ninjas in the village are ready to attack at any time.

So not long after, everyone in the seventh class was ready and gathered to set off.

After a long journey of less than two weeks, Genma led Team 7 to arrive at the border of the Land of Fire, close to the side of the Country of Yu.

Standing on a steep cliff, Xuanjian pointed to the woods in the distance and said: "If nothing happens, tomorrow night, the transportation troops from Yunyin Village will pass by here to transport supplies to the Fire. The frontline battlefield within the country."

Genjian squatted down, pointed his finger on the ground, and let go of his senses.

"Without sensing Chakra, the woods should be fine."

Kai asked at this time: "Should we set up a trap, or should we just wait for them to come."

He knew that Xuanjian didn't like to set traps. When performing tasks in the Kingdom of Wind, he refused to let them set traps during many nights of rest, so he asked this question.

Xuanjian chuckled and said: "Of course I do, the situation this time is different from usual."

After spending a day, Xuanjian class completed the trap arrangement in the woods.

Soon, night fell.

The Xuanjian class found a small hidden cave as a temporary campsite.

Everyone sat around the campfire and ate their dry food.

Genjian was keenly aware that something was wrong in the atmosphere. Hong and Lin, who usually kept chattering around him, sat there without saying a word after eating the dry food today, in a daze.

After all, it was my first time to participate in a war, so it was normal to feel stressed.

But the greater the pressure, Kaiyue was more energetic and seemed not to be affected by the war at all. He ate his dry food and continued to exercise as usual.

As the acknowledged eccentric of the village, his energy is not difficult to understand.

He exercises so hard because he is worried that his brain will be bored and think about annoying things.

Kai has not seen his father for three months. The good news is that he is still alive and writes a letter to Kai every month from his comrades who returned to the village.

The bad news is that every time he sends a letter, Matt Dei regretfully tells him that he will continue to shine on the battlefield because the battlefield situation is grim.

Matt Dai's name is Genin, and he is currently active on the battlefield against Kirigakure Village.

Kai was very proud of his father. He learned the Konoha Steel Fist fluidity technique from his father and practiced in the village wearing green tights all day without slacking off.

Even if he found out that his father was a crane tailman who was ridiculed as a "ten thousand year old Genin", he didn't care.

Because he spent time with his father day and night, he understood that his father was a tough guy who praised "youth" with his passionate soul, and regarded it as the goal that he should strive for in his life.

Kai put his hands on his sides and looked at the ground with his head drooped, like a child who had done something wrong.

It seems that Kai's plan to numb himself with exercise failed.

After all, Hong and Lin, two lively girls, couldn't stand this kind of atmosphere, so they started chatting.

Hong said casually: "Have you heard? It seems that two bounty hunters had a conflict in our Country of Fire half a year ago. The two fought, and the battle even changed the local terrain."

After saying that, Hong glanced at Xuanjian.

Changing the terrain in a ninja battle is an exaggeration, but this man can do it easily.

Lin continued: "I know, I know, it is said that the battle caused devastating damage to a mountainous area. These bounty hunters are really too much."

In the past six months, Xuanjian took three people to the underground gold exchange more than once. Lin was not very interested in these things, but she couldn't bear that these things were talked about by the people in the underground gold exchange, even if she didn't want to hear about them.

Kai said worriedly: "We shouldn't encounter those bounty hunters on this mission, right?"

Hong Helin's face sank and she said nothing.

They were originally worried about the safety on the battlefield, but this was good. As soon as these words came out, the two of them became even more worried.