
Chapter 91 We Exist For This

Kakuzu didn't dare to be careless, raised his arms and used Earth Style Ninjutsu to harden it.

At the same time, the tentacles behind him seemed to have gained life, like dark nematodes, rushing towards him crazily, building a shield just to resist the blow.

"The reaction is very fast, unlike the previous prey."

After sighing deeply in his heart, Jinjiao clapped his hand without any pause.

The powerful force hit Kakuzu, and he could no longer stand on the ground. His feet were forced off the ground, and his body flew backwards quickly, breaking several large trees, and did not stop until he hit a boulder.

A large pit suddenly sunk into the boulder, covered with cracks like tortoise shells.

Just when there was no movement in Kakuzu, Golden Horn thought that everything was over.

Kakuzu's fingers moved slightly, his head slowly raised, and the boulder behind him exploded, revealing the black lines hidden in it.

In just a moment, the black line protected Kakuzu's back, and at the moment of impact, it pierced the boulder, forming an aggregate similar to a flesh pad, which relieved Kakuzu of most of the impact.

The body fell to the ground, and Kakuzu half-knelt on the ground, breathing heavily.

His condition was not good, and the damage inside his body was very serious. If it weren't for the black thread supporting his body with the Earth Resentment Technique, he would have been lying on the ground and could only be slaughtered.

Visible to the naked eye, the arms were twisted and seemed to be broken. In the blink of an eye, a few black threads pulled the arms, and they quickly recovered.

There was a loud noise behind Jin Jiao, and when he looked back, the Lightning Style mask monster appeared behind him.

He raised his huge paw and swung it down with all his strength.

Jin Jiao just raised his left hand to block the blow, remaining motionless.

At this time, the Fire Style mask monster on Kakuzu's shoulder opened its mouth towards Golden Horn, and fired out fireballs like cannonballs.

Golden Horn grabbed the Lightning Style monster's arm with his backhand, and the six tails behind him rushed up to intercept the cannonball, and the explosion resounded through the forest.

At the same time, the Lightning Style mask monster raised its right hand and aimed its claws at the back of the golden horn.

Jinjiao let go of the monster, bent forward, and returned to a posture on all fours, avoiding the attack of the sharp claws.

It uses all four limbs to jump up from the ground, spins in mid-air, and slaps its tail on the Lightning Style monster.

He whipped it out, hoping to kill two birds with one stone and hit Kakuzu in a combo.

During this delay, most of Kakuzu's body was repaired.

Watching the Lightning Style mask monster flying towards him, he took this opportunity to run towards the monster, his right hand flew out with a black thread and inserted it into the monster's body.

The Lightning Style mask monster turned into black lines and melted into Kakuzu's hands like a pool of black liquid.

Jin Jiao's expression was stern, and for the first time he showed a surprised expression.

"You should have been able to kill me just now, why didn't you do it?" Kakuzu shouted loudly in the distance, knowing that the half-tailed beast still had a killing move.

What a troublesome guy.

"Why didn't you take action?"

What a bother! Why do you have to ask me such a thing?

Jinjiao gritted his teeth and shouted: "Didn't I say it? The leader won't let me kill you!"

What kind of fighting is called fighting if you can't kill people?

Kakuzu was silent for a moment, raised his right hand, and said slowly: "This is my strongest blow. If it doesn't work, then I lose."

He stood up in the sunshine, his hair disheveled, and the mask on his shoulders moved to his right hand.

Jin Jiao was stunned for a moment and grinned.


So that's it, is it the end?

It's okay, it's rare to have a little fun, so it's not bad to end like this.

Jinjiao raised his head, his eyes flashing with excitement, like a bloodthirsty beast: "Then let's end with this move!"

Naturally, he squatted on the ground, his six tails stood up, and the blue and black-purple Chakra gathered on his mouth, slowly gathering into a sphere.

Small tailed beast jade!

The three masks on Kakuzu's right hand are opened to the maximum, and the chakra of the three attributes of wind, thunder, and fire gathers in the mouth.

Earthly Resentment: Final Shot!

Although he didn't want to admit it, Kakuzu felt that his blood was boiling in his body.

Having lived for more than seventy years, he has not felt this way for a long time, perhaps because of the influence of Nine Tails Chakra.

The two of them roared in unison, as if they were going to let the flames of war wash over the entire mountain forest, Chakra cannons and tailed beast jade burst out.

This is the purest competition between two ninjas, the confrontation between Ninjutsu and Ninjutsu, the collision between Chakra and Chakra.

Energy and energy intertwined, producing violent explosions. The wind pressure overwhelmed the surrounding trees, a huge pit was sunk in the center of the battlefield, and dust filled the sky.

Even Yinjiao, who was physically strong, had to raise his hands in front of his face to resist the impact of the wind pressure.

After a long time, there was a long silence after the explosion, and the battlefield fell into silence.

In the thick smoke, a strong wind suddenly blew up and blew the smoke away.

Golden Horn stood at the edge of the battlefield. The black robe representing the Heavenly Daoists was in tatters, and the mask was mostly broken. He was holding a red and white feather fan, which was stained with saliva.

Six Paths Ninja Tool·Panana Fan!

"The so-called battle means hurting each other, torturing each other, laughing at each other, and rejoicing at each other.

Death is not terrible, it is just a long sleep.

This is what we want to do when we return to the world, endless battles, endless fights! We It exists for this."

Jin Jiao laughed loudly and wiped the corner of his mouth subconsciously, but found that there was not even a drop of blood.

"I want...more fighting!"

I can't believe that such words would come out of his mouth.

"Brother...did you see through our own nature first? More fighting and endless battles, is this the destination we are waiting for?" Yinjiao looked at him, his black pupils flashing. ...expect.

The killing never ends, I really want to bleed, I really want to fight for my life, maybe this is what we died for in the first place!

It's really delightful!

"Is it over?" Jin Jiao shouted from the air with one ten thousandth of hope.

There was silence, except for his own voice, and there was no other sound. What responded to him was a long silence.

Jinjiao opened his arms, took a deep breath, and exhaled.

Swallowing the banana fan into his belly, he jumped up and came to where Kakuzu was just now.

Jinjiao nodded gently, his voice filled with indifference, as if the madman who just killed him had nothing to do with him.

"It turns out he's not dead yet!"

"You're lucky, I managed to save a heart." Kakuzu on the ground nodded slightly and looked at his own body around him, to be precise, it was broken pieces of flesh.

Black lines stretched out from the pieces of meat and began to connect and pull with each other.

It took several minutes for Kakuzu's body to come together again.

"I lost." He smiled calmly at the result.

Jin Jiao stretched out his hand to him and grinned: "Next time, let's continue to fight happily!"

Kakuzu took Golden Horn's hand, stood up, and answered him with practical actions.

At this moment, even Yinjiao, who was standing far away, reacted and ran towards the two of them.

Take out the robe and mask from the scroll and put them on the golden horn.

Looking at the naked body, Yinjiao also took out a black robe and put it on him.

"From today on, you are a member of the Heavenly Dao people. Your mask will be given to you by the leader."