
Chapter 84 Heavenly Daoist People

Da da da--

Rhythmic footsteps came from the passage.

The sound came into a small room outside the laboratory. Xuanjian opened his dry eyelids and thought to himself: "It's one o'clock."

Xuanjian thought for a long time yesterday, and the sense of urgency in his heart made him decide to make more preparations.

Therefore, he, who didn't like to use his brain, felt tired after working hard.

However, after many war experiences, Xuanjian had already developed his steely will.

Facing the crises that may come in the future, this sense of sleepiness is nothing at all.

Dangshi pushed away the blanket that Orochimaru had covered him with and stood up neatly.

At the same time, the room lights turned on, and Golden Horn and Silver Horn entered the room.

The two wore black robes and wore gold and silver ghost masks on their faces.

The breeze blew through the door, and Xuanjian suddenly felt his mind clear, and his sleepiness was driven away.

Xuanjian looked at the two of them without saying a word.

Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao frowned under their masks, but didn't say much.

In their current situation, they can't do anything.

"You are finally back."

"Why did you come to us for something that cannot be communicated directly through the art of reincarnation?" Jinjiao was the first to speak, his heart full of anger, but his words were calm.

Xuanjian said coldly: "This matter is somewhat important. I will inform you that the seals on you will be strengthened in the future, so I let you come back."

"I want you to find a body."

"Remains? This is what we are doing! We just came back from the gold exchange." Jin Jiao replied calmly.

"This is not an ordinary body, but a body with horns on its head."

Even with the restraints of the art of reincarnation, the faces of Jinjiao and Yinjiao began to look ugly.

With horns on our heads, could it be that we are being asked to dig our parents' graves?

Even if the two of us are the biggest sinners in Yunyin Village, asking us to dig our parents' graves is too much.

Genma didn't know what the two of them were thinking, so he said to himself: "The body is that of a man named Ōtsutsuki Shiba. His skin is fair, and it is definitely similar to what you have seen. He has three eyes on his face and long hair. The horns on the head are like crowns."

Jinjiao and Yinjiao breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

This feature has nothing to do with their parents. Apart from anything else, the horns are all different.

As for the surname Ōtsutsuki, the two brothers are completely indifferent to it.

Although they have the blood of Ōtsutsuki in their bodies, they do not know this surname.

Even the two of them don't even have surnames because they are from civilian backgrounds.

However, precisely because they had the blood of Ōtsutsuki in their bodies, Genma specifically asked them to find it.

Maybe the Ōtsutsuki bloodline has some special reaction to the body of Shibaju, the transcendent person.

"that's it?"

Jinjiao and Yinjiao were a little confused. They had never heard of this name.

"Is there no more information? For example, what has he done before, where has he appeared? At least tell us which country he is from, right?"

The corpses they were looking for in the past could at least provide a rough idea of ​​the identity of the other party. Where would they go to find this person who had no clue at all?

Genma shook his head and said sternly: "That's it. You go find Orochimaru. He is already prepared. After the seal on his body is strengthened, he will go and check it immediately."

The two nodded helplessly and exited the room without saying a word.

They have no right to refuse.


In an underground money exchange.

Kakuzu, dressed in black, threw a body to the money exchange boss.

After carefully comparing the body with the reward order, the boss of the money exchange house put the body in the cold storage and said flatteringly: "Kakuzu-sama, please wait a moment, your reward will be sent to you soon."

As a bounty hunter with the highest qualifications and strength, Kakuzu has such high prestige in this industry that the bosses of various money exchanges have become accustomed to calling him "sir."

Within an hour, Kakuzu, who was sitting in the corner counting money, got his own bounty.

Kakuzu just raised his right hand slightly, and the boss of the money exchange understood what he meant and took him into the small room where the reward order was stored.

But as soon as he entered the room, Kakuzu frowned.

He found that there were far fewer reward orders here than before, so he asked, "What's going on?"

After working in the bounty hunter business for so long, others may not know that Kakuzu pursues longevity, but no one knows that he likes money.

This is trying to steal business from him, and there are not many high reward orders left.

Facing Kakuzu's inquiry, the boss smiled flatteringly. This was his big benefactor, and he couldn't hate Kakuzu.

"Kakuzu-sama, you should have heard that an organization called the Tiandaozhong has appeared recently. People in the organization like to wear ghost faces and black robes. Many bounty tasks have been collected by this organization."

Kakuzu was a little suspicious when he heard this: "All the Heavenly Daoists!?"

He had heard a little bit about Tiandaozhong, a mercenary organization that had appeared recently, but as far as he knew, there were only three people in this organization so far. How could they accept so many bounty missions?

The boss was afraid that Kakuzu would be angry, so he said tremblingly: "Yes, it's the Tiandaozhong. The people in that organization are all masters. They only accept high-bounty and difficult tasks, and the task completion efficiency is very high."

Angle snorted coldly, feeling displeased.

To him, all those who prevent him from making money are enemies, especially these peers, who are the enemies among enemies.

Looking at the scattered bounty orders on the wall, Kakuzu frowned.

You must know that reward orders are issued manually and are not created out of thin air.

A group of characters in the bounty order have been eliminated, and a new group will be born.

Moreover, these people also have to annoy the dignitaries, so that the dignitaries will pay to reward them.

This all takes a lot of time.

And the remaining reward orders were not as much as what he usually earned from odd jobs and private jobs, so he really couldn't arouse any interest in them.

Kakuzu looked at the bounty orders on the wall belonging to three people from the Shinra Organization and fell into deep thought.

The bounty missions are not all about killing rebel ninjas and bandits, there are also many assassinations of high-ranking officials.

As long as these tasks are performed, although the bounty is high, many people will be offended.

Since you have offended someone, they will naturally offer a reward.

But that's not what Kakuzu is thinking about. He has been a bounty hunter for so long and has a bounty on his head. It is not strange to be rewarded.

What he was thinking was that the efficiency of this organization in completing its tasks was too high.

This is not something that can be accomplished with strength alone, it also requires strong intelligence capabilities.

Taking himself as an example, he didn't need ten minutes to kill the people on the bounty order, but to find them, if he was unlucky, it might take several months or even longer.

He also has a backlog of tasks in his hands now. It's not that he's worried that he can't kill those people, but that he simply can't find them.

Kakuzu sighed in his heart: "It seems like an organization with unexpected gold-mining potential!"