
Chapter 80 The Moon Is Dark And The Wind Is High

Outside the Hokage Building, Genma, who had just finished the meeting, held Tsunade's hand and walked out of the building.

At this Jōnin meeting, only one decision was made: Konoha Hidden Village and Sunagakure Village went to war.

There is no way if there is no war. Sunagakure Village takes the initiative to declare war. Konoha Hidden Village cannot give up the land of Fire Country.

This battle cannot be fought!

The ninja world had been quiet for less than seven years, and the war had so naturally started again.

Tsunade looked at the Hokage Rock on the high cliff. Senju Hashirama's face was vivid in the moonlight. She sighed softly, as if asking herself: "Did Grandpa make a mistake back then?"

"If he hadn't distributed the tailed beasts to other countries, wouldn't there have been so many wars?"

Xuanjian looked at her beautiful face with a sad face and was noncommittal.

Looking at Senju Hashirama from today's perspective, he certainly did something wrong back then.

But this is because of the limitations of the times.

From Hashirama's point of view, he wants to achieve peace in the entire ninja world and reduce wars.

He believes that each village has obtained a tailed beast, which can prevent the Hidden Leaf Village from being isolated after his death, and at the same time allow the villages to restrict each other.

Bring peace.

But what he didn't expect was that as long as there were conflicts of interest between the villages, the war would never subside.

Genma was dressed in a neat black ninja uniform and a Jōnin mail coat. The breeze blew his silver-white hair and he looked around.

There was no one around, the chirping of cicadas and the chirping of birds could be heard all the time, but the night seemed even more silent.

Xuanjian pursed his lips, and after just standing for a while, he felt the coldness of late autumn.

He slowly approached Tsunade and kissed her on the forehead.

"I will one day end war and bring peace to this world."

Tsunade glanced at him, met his eyes, and then embraced him.

Genma has a clear understanding of the current situation in the ninja world, but even if he has something in mind, his expression remains calm and calm.

His eyes were dark, like an ancient well and deep pool, looking towards the Hokage Rock in the distance.

What you haven't done, I will do it!

Genma hugged Tsunade tightly and looked at her with eyes full of love.

The two hugged each other without saying a word for several minutes. The bright moon was in the sky, and the light of the bright moon illuminated the place where they stood, making it white and flawless for a while.

Genma, who had always been as quiet as a sculpture, sighed softly and stroked Tsunade's back, causing Tsunade's body to tremble slightly.

The two walked towards the Senju tribe's land, leaning on each other.

Before leaving, Xuanjian glanced around.

Unexpectedly, Danzo was dishonest again.

There was a sudden commotion among the figures hiding in the dark, and they all took a big step back.

At this moment, two figures appeared on the tall trees around where Xuanjian was standing.

In his dark eyes, the moonlight was blocked by clouds, making his eyes seem to be filled with nothingness.

Looking at the dark night and the dark moon, Jinjiao smiled softly: "The night of the dark moon kills people, the wind is high and the sky is set on fire. It is really a good scene!"

"What do you think, Yin Zun?"

When he said this, all the events before his birth suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

It was also a dark and windy night for a month. He and his younger brother Yinjiao were still revered as the heroes of "Two Rays of Light in the Clouds".

It was that night that Second Raikage Ai and Second Hokage Senju Tobirama signed a peace agreement and alliance treaty at the junction of the Country of Yu and the Country of Frost.

Jin Jiao looked at Second Raikage Ai's back and stretched out his hand.

Why did they kill Second Raikage Ai and destroy the alliance between Konoha Hidden Village and Kumogakure Village?

Jinjiao shook his head. In fact, even he himself didn't know.

Maybe they were dissatisfied with Second Raikage's cowardly performance in praying for peace in Konoha, maybe they were madmen, longing for war and blood from the bottom of their hearts, or maybe they were dissatisfied that Second Raikage did not choose themselves and their younger brothers, but chose a Yeyue clan member as Raikage's heir.

He only remembered that before the coup, he and his brother discussed for a long time and told various reasons, but neither of them knew in their hearts what made them decide.

In short, that night, his body turned dark red, and his palm pierced Second Raikage's body.

Many memories buried deep in my heart came alive at this moment, vividly appearing in front of my eyes.

The brothers Jinjiao and Yinjiao have a tacit understanding. What the elder brother Jinjiao thinks, the younger brother Yinjiao also thinks.

"You are right, Jin Zun." Gin Kaku sighed and said displeased: "But, it is so embarrassing, we actually fell into the Ninjutsu of the defeated Second Hokage."

"But this Ninjutsu seems to be much stronger than the one used by Second Hokage. At least we are not walking zombies who only hide detonating charms in our bodies."

"Really, Jin Zun?"

"Ah, ah, you are right, Yin Zun." Jin Jiao took out a feather fan with red and white patterns and said angrily: "That damn Emperor of Heaven actually dares to give us such an unpleasant code name. I will definitely want. ....."

Before he finished speaking, Jin Jiao was suddenly stunned.

Yinjiao sneered and said: "It seems that the Emperor of Heaven doesn't want us to linger any longer. Let's get rid of those guys called roots first."

Jin Jiao also laughed, and lightning flashed on the two of them, and they threw themselves downwards.


In Yunyin Village.

It was late at night, and a cool breeze blew through the window into Raikage's office.

Third Raikage Ai was half naked, but he didn't feel the slightest chill. Instead, he felt his blood boiling.

Looking at the report sent by Anbu, I felt happy.

In the center of Raikage's office is an equally excited platform.

At this time, I was excited inside, so my face was full of smiles and radiant.

"This moment has finally arrived. The opportunity I have been waiting for has finally come." Third Raikage knocked on his desk excitedly, his long hair hanging behind his back, and his beard, which was slender than seven years ago, kept brushing against his chest.

He turned around and stood in front of the window, letting the cold wind hit his body. He closed his eyes and couldn't suppress the raised corners of his mouth.

Third Raikage Ai looked around and saw most of Cloud Hidden Village at a glance. Looking at the dots of lights, he felt they were so dazzling.

Behind him, the earth platform also felt the cool breeze.

The tight ninja uniform on his body even made him feel hot.

After the two of them thought about it in the cold wind, Third Raikage Ai took the lead to turn around and sit back in the office chair. He spread his hands flat on the table and pressed his palms tightly against the table.

Looking at the think tank in front of him, he said seriously: "Tutai, let's start the war!"

Tutai became solemn and silent for a long time, then slowly said: "But Iwayin Village, we have to guard against it!"

Kumogakure and Iwagakure are old rivals. There was a big battle during the Second Ninja War, and there was a lot of friction in daily life.

If they rashly start a war with Konoha Hidden Village, Iwagakure Village will never be idle.

Third Raikage breathed a sigh of relief silently: "Let's make an alliance with Iwagakure Village!"

He just doesn't like to think, but he's not brainless.

At this moment, he was still willing to use his brain.

"Although I don't want to say this, how can the resources of our Kingdom of Thunder compare with those of the Kingdom of Fire?"

"I believe Onoki knows how to choose!"

Tudai didn't say anything more, turned around and left, preparing to implement the order issued by Third Raikage Ai.