
Chapter 66 This Is Youth

Metkai was full of fighting spirit, gradually changed from walking to running, and rushed towards Xuanjian, "Teacher Xuanjian, let me go first!"

Although his strength is not as strong as Senju Genma, he can still easily deal with some ordinary Chūnin.

"I remember that Akai is a ninja who specializes in physical arts. I also know a little bit about physical arts, so just come here." Genma smiled, putting one hand behind his back and stretching the other hand forward.

Kai's eyes widened and he said in surprise: "That's the starting move of the Steel Fist style. Has Mr. Genma also practiced it?"

Xuanjian smiled and nodded: "I just understand a little bit."

"bring it on!"

Kai was full of energy at the thought of fighting against the legendary ninja, even if the opponent did not use his full strength.

I saw him extending his thumb towards Xuanjian, showing a big white mouth, and said with a big smile: "Teacher Xuanjian, this is youth!"

Xuanjian just waved to him, gesturing for him to attack.

Kai stopped talking nonsense and turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Xuanjian.

Konoha's powerful whirlwind.


Both sides used roundhouse kicks at the same time, and their calves intersected, making a low muffled sound.

"Not bad!" Xuanjian exclaimed in appreciation.

Kai had more power, retracted his left leg, and kicked out his right leg to attack Genma's lower body.

Konoha gale!

Genjian just jumped slightly to avoid the blow, and rotated his body to deliver a bold elbow strike. At this time, Kai had just stood up.

Konoha bad rock rises!

Kai could only raise his arms to block and took a few steps back.

Xuanjian bullied him and came forward, but Kai was the last to arrive.

A straight punch struck Xuanjian's face, the punch was fast and heavy.

Genma's dynamic vision was very good, and he saw Kai's attack route clearly. He turned his fist into a palm to block it in front of him, grabbed Kai's fist, and took advantage of the situation to turn his wrist to lock him.

At the same time, the image of Kai in Genma's eyes changed and turned into a man wearing a black robe, with a pair of horns on his head that resembled a crown.

"Is this... Genjutsu?"

In just a moment, Genjuma got rid of Genjutsu and looked at Yūhi Kurenai, who was forming a seal with his hands not far away.

Magical Narakujō no Jutsu!

Taking this opportunity, Kai kicked off his feet and rotated his body in the direction of his arms.

Asuma's figure appeared behind Kai, holding two kunai with blue light and rushing towards Genma.

Genma let go of Kai's hand, jumped up slightly into the air, and Asuma passed under him.

"What a risk, I almost got hit." Xuanjian raised the bell and said in a relaxed tone.

"Damn it!" Asma gritted his teeth and stood up with his hands on the ground.

Kai looked at him, nodded quickly and rushed towards Genma.

The figures of the three people kept passing each other. Xuanjian held the bell with a relaxed expression, but he was almost snatched away by them every time.

"This can't go on like this, Asuma, Kai, use that formation." Yūhi Kurenai spoke, and Asuma and Kai immediately followed suit.

Yūhi Kurenai also joined the three men's siege, running around Genma at high speed.

"Water Style·Water Waves!"

"Fire Style·Great Fireball!"

Yūhi Kurenai and Asuma stopped in front of and behind Genma, sandwiching Genma in the middle, and the fireballs and water flow attacked Genma.

Xuanjian was a little confused.

Is there something wrong with the coordination? How can I use Water Style and Fire Style at the same time?

Without Xuanjian's obstruction, the fireball and the water dragon collided together, producing a large amount of steam covering the place where the four of them were.

"Are you trying to close my sight? Using these two Ninjutsu is too extravagant." Genma clicked his tongue.

Yūhi Kurenai's voice sounded in the fog: "If you can close the teacher's sight with just two Ninjutsu, it's totally worth it."

"Konoha Tornado!" Genma heard Kai's voice again and felt the movement behind him. He did not choose to directly accept the attack and used the teleportation technique to avoid it.

"It seems a little disadvantageous." Xuanjian murmured in a low voice, turned around and ran out of the mist.

Naturally, Yūhi Kurenai and the others would not let him go so easily, so they approached Genma and used taijutsu to stop him.

Unfortunately, Xuanjian narrowly dodged every attack. He finally broke out of the mist and quickly ran into the woods.

Gai, the fastest of the three, followed closely behind, and Asuma and Yūhi Kurenai also released Ninjutsu from behind to block it.

Xuanjian was suppressed by the three people for a while and was unable to fight back.

Of course, this was also the reason why Xuanjian deliberately did not fight back. He also wanted to see how far his lovely disciple had grown.

In the Hokage Building, Hiruzen Sarutobi, who had the same idea as Genma, was sitting in his office. There was a crystal ball on the table, and his telescope technique allowed him to have a clear view of the situation at the training ground.

After all, it was related to his son, and it was impossible for him not to care.

"Unknowingly, Kurenai's strength has become so powerful!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said with emotion. He also knew that Yūhi Kurenai usually studied with Genma, but he didn't expect that Kurenai was already so much stronger than Asuma.

In this short period of time, Kurenai released several C-level Ninjutsu in succession, and it seemed that there was still enough Chakra left. The average Chūnin did not have this kind of strength.

Moreover, the speed of the teleportation technique performed by Hong was also very fast, and one could tell at a glance that it was the true inheritance from Genma.

Not long after, in the crystal ball screen, Genma dodged another flying attack, and Asuma fell to the ground.

Sarutobi Hiruzen hated the fact that iron could not become steel: "Asuma, this brat, really doesn't live up to expectations."

As his son, Asuma just acts like a gangster every day. He is also rebellious and disobedient, and his strength is not strong enough. The two people in his class are actually stronger than him.

Doesn't he have no respect for being a Hokage?

Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly said: "It seems that Genma is the best candidate to inherit Konoha."

"There's nothing wrong with that." Next to Hiruzen Sarutobi, an unmasked Anbu who looked very similar to Hiruzen Sarutobi said, "Genma is the most suitable candidate."

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed helplessly.

He didn't want his children to succeed, but he knew that his children had limited abilities and were not Hokage material.

Not to mention Genma, even Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru are much better than their own sons.

Hiruzen Sarutobi smiled bitterly and shook his head, continuing to look at the crystal ball in front of him.

Seeing Genma getting closer and closer to the trap he set, Yūhi Kurenai quietly chased after him, and at the same time released Ninjutsu to force Genma to take action, ensuring that he would not stay where he was.

Genjian jumped to a clearing.

"Now." Yūhi Kurenai shouted, and a tree stump turned into smoke. Kai released the transformation technique and appeared behind Genma.

Kai didn't even think about subduing Genma with force, so he went straight for the bell on Genma's waist.

"Idiot." Asuma secretly thought, and transformed from the tree stump back to himself. He rushed towards Xuanjian with two kunai in his hand, and blue Chakra light appeared on the kunai.

"Did you force me here just for this sneak attack?" Xuanjian said suddenly, and then the whole person disappeared on the spot, "You seem to have forgotten that I can also fly the Thunder God Technique."

"Ignoring important information related to the enemy's strength is a taboo for ninjas."

"If this continues, you will all fail."