
Chapter 65 Grabbing The Bell

The next day, it was dawn.

"Red, do you think Mr. Genma will be late?" Asuma completely ignored Metkai who was doing squats on the side, and followed Yūhi Kurenai and asked with a smile.

"Well..." Asuma responded with a long silence.

To be honest, Yūhi Kurenai was really not sure whether Genjian would be late.

Even though the two of them had been together for more than three years, Xuanjian most of the time arrived on time to train for her as agreed, but sometimes he would use various methods to train her.

Late for strange reasons.

When Xuanma can give a reason, Yūhi Kurenai usually won't pursue it.

But later she discovered that Xuanjian was in two different states, being late and not being late.

how to say.

If you have to describe it, Xuanjian, who is late, seems to have a noble temperament, which makes you feel that he is relaxed physically and mentally, has no desires and desires, and his thoughts have reached a state of selflessness, with a peaceful and peaceful mind, like a saint.

This state is logically a good thing, but Yūhi Kurenai doesn't like it.

"I hope the teacher will not be late, otherwise I will be angry and ignore him for at least ten minutes!" Yūhi Kurenai made a cute voice. If Kurenai was late on such an important day as her teacher, then she would really I'm going to be angry.

Soon, the three of them saw a white-haired figure suddenly appear in the center of Konoha's training ground. A strong wind blew at the training ground at the right time, and the leaves on the ground were blown into the air.

Asuma curled her lips: "What a stinky fart!"

"Don't ridicule the teacher!" Genma's figure disappeared from the center of the training ground, appeared between Kurenai and Asuma, and struck Asuma on the head with a knife.

He touched Yūhi Kurenai's little head again: "I arrived early today."

"Teacher!!" Yūhi Kurenai was a little surprised.

The meeting time was five o'clock. Unexpectedly, Xuanjian didn't check the spot and could come ten minutes early.

Xuanjian smiled slightly.

Although he and Kushina fought fiercely for a long time yesterday, it was during the day. Kushina was already exhausted at night, so he also had time to take a good rest.

At this time, Metkai also stopped squatting, noticed the three people in Xuanjian not far away, and said excitedly:

"It's so fast, I can't see clearly at all. I am worthy of Teacher Xuanjian. This is youth!"

"Hello! Akai." Xuanjian also said hello to this energetic child.

"I didn't expect Teacher Genjian to recognize me, Sai Gao." Kai was so excited that he started stomping on the spot.

Xuanjian was ashamed: "Don't be so excited."

Yūhi Kurenai said proudly: "Of course, the teacher is the hero of the village, and Kai's behavior is nothing short of normal."

"Really? Come on, Kaico! I'm very optimistic about you." Xuanjian said with a gentle smile.

"Ah...ah...ah!!" Kai burst into tears and nodded excitedly: "Teacher, I will try my best."

Asma turned his head and said in a sultry voice, "What a jerk, what a fuss."

Xuanjian was speechless.

How could you, Genin, who graduated at the age of nine, have the nerve to mock Genin, who graduated at the age of seven?


"What does this smell like?" Genma took a sniff and discovered the source of the smell. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Asuma, aren't you secretly smoking?"

Asma, who was standing aside and pretending to be cool, shook her head in panic and said, "How could it be? I'm only nine years old, how can I smoke?"

"It must be the old man. Yes, the smell got on me when the old man was smoking."

Seeing Asuma's fussy performance, Genma knew that Asuma must be smoking.

I didn't expect this guy to be so addicted to smoking. He started smoking when he was only nine years old.

Genma was about to say something about smoking being harmful to health, but then he thought about it.

The Third Hokage who liked smoking in the original novel seemed to have lived to be in his sixties or almost seventy years old.

He was the Hokage who had been in power in Konoha for the longest time.

If Orochimaru hadn't invaded Konoha, he would have died.

He didn't know how long he could live, so he simply kept his mouth shut.

The saying that smoking is harmful to health may not apply in the Hokage world.

Just when Yūhi Kurenai moved slowly and was about to rub against him, Genma said: "Although Master Hokage asked me to be your team leader Jōnin, you also need to pass the screening test.

If you fail the test, you You will still be forced to return to the Ninja School to repeat your studies, so don't be too happy."

Genma took out two bells from his pocket. The assessment of grabbing the bells has become a traditional event in Konoha.

Although it is old-fashioned, it is useful and can best reflect whether a ninja is qualified or not.

It is not an easy task to grab the bell from a Jōnin, even if the Jōnin is released into the sea. The result of grabbing the bell is not important, what is important is their mutual cooperation and unity.

Xuanjian took out an alarm clock and placed it on a wooden stake.

"Okay, set the time at nine o'clock."

"Your task today is to take the bell away from me before nine o'clock in the morning."

"Those who don't grab the bell will not only have no lunch today, but will also be tied to that wooden stake and watch me eat."

Kai asked: "But there are three of us, why only two bells."

Xuanjian narrowed his eyes and smiled: "There are only two, which means that at least one person will be tied to the tree stump. That person will be disqualified because of the failure of the mission, and then be sent back to school."

"At least one, and at most all of them may have to go back."

"You can use ninja tools and Ninjutsu, and grab the bell with the mentality of killing me."

"Next you have two and a half minutes to discuss tactics. Once the time is up, the screening test will begin immediately."

After saying that, Genjian walked slowly to the center of the training ground.

Hong said: "Although there are only two bells, let's work together to grab them first and then distribute them."

Asuma nodded quickly in agreement.

Their backgrounds are there, and they both know what this assessment is about.

The important thing is not whether you can grab the bell, but teamwork. Your personal strength only needs to reach the level of an ordinary Genin.

Kai thought for a moment and said, "No problem."

Yūhi Kurenai said: "Sensei Genma's strongest is Wood Style, but he probably won't be able to use powerful Ninjutsu against us."

"Our plan is this..."

Two and a half minutes passed quickly. As the one being robbed, Xuanjian was certainly not in a hurry.

The three of Yūhi Kurenai were not in a hurry to take action. After all, the three of them could not be Jōnin's opponents in all aspects. In this case, it was better to adjust their status first and then look for opportunities.

The three of them formed a triangle formation, with Metkai standing at the front, and Kurenai and Asuma following him at a distance.

Yūhi Kurenai took out his shuriken.

Sarutobi Asuma took out a pair of kunai and held them in his backhand.

Metkai did not hold a weapon, but raised his fist.