
Chapter 57 Laboratory

Sarutobi Hiruzen stood by the window of the Hokage office, looking at the Hokage Rock in the distance, with his hands behind his back, looking enigmatic.

"Danzo, you have crossed the line!"

Danzo blinked, puzzled: "What did I do?"

Danzo, you have changed. In the past, whenever I asked you, you would only respond with silence at most without speaking. How come you have learned to act stupid now?

"Still pretending, what happened to Yun Ninja was your fault, right?" Hiruzen Sarutobi turned around, sat on the office chair, picked up the pipe on the table and took a puff.

Danzo still looked confused, "What's the matter?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at him suspiciously.

Could it be that I guessed wrong and this matter really has nothing to do with him?

Impossible! Absolutely impossible!!

"Yesterday, the Kumo ninja crossed the village's Barriers and entered the Senju tribe to kidnap Kushina. You dare say you don't know."

Danzo was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

Kidnapping Kushina?

I do not know!

Could it be that I think about things day by day and dream about things at night, and when I dream, I sleepwalk and reach a cooperation with Yun Ren?

Impossible, there are root ninja guards around me 24 hours a day, and no one told me!

And even if Jinchūriki needs to be tied, it should be tied to my hands. How can it be possible to give Nine Tails to Kumo Ninja?

"If I say I didn't do it, I didn't do it. If you want to believe it, just believe it. If you don't want to, forget it."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent, his intuition told him that Danzo did not lie to him.

But now the arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at Shimura Danzo, sighed in his heart, and said at the same time: "You don't have to explain, you went too far this time!"

"Starting from today, the root fund will be halved, and all fund usage will be made into a form and sent to the Hokage office."

"Also, the staff at the base level must also be reduced, from four squads to two."

"Hiruzen..." Danzo was shocked. Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said coldly: "Humph, this is the result you deserve. You should understand that I am the Hokage of Konoha."

"You can only do what I ask you to do. If I don't let you do it, you can't do whatever you want."

Danzang's teeth were almost broken, and his clenched right fist could tell his state of mind at this time.

Looking at the cold-faced Sarutobi Hiruzen with his left eye, he knew that he was determined to correct himself.


Danzo didn't want to say anything more to Hiruzen, so he turned around and slammed the door.


Senju tribe land.

"Punish the root and let Danzo make compensation to the Senju clan?" Senju Genma closed the report in his hand and said to himself.

"Well, that's okay too."

"As for accepting compensation, please let the Fifth Elder assist you."

Xuanjian handed the documents in his hand back to the third elder, got up and walked out of the house.

"Master Patriarch, where are you going? Do you need an escort to accompany you?"

Xuanjian turned his back to the third elder and waved his right hand.

"No, I'm going to see a friend."

After leaving the Senju tribe, Genjian left the village and came to a hidden place in the woods.

"Unsolved!" Xuanjian unlocked a layer of Barriers and entered the passage of the forest.



The sound of water drops echoed in the dark passage, causing Xuanjian to frown.

He hates it here, for no other reason than that the environment is too bad, which always makes him feel disgusted unconsciously.

But for that man, I had to endure it and get over it!

When he reached the end of the passage, Xuanjian opened the door. Behind the door was a laboratory.

Although the overall building is in tatters, the experimental equipment is very complete, and they are all new.

Standing in the center of the laboratory, a figure with long black hair turned around and said, "Xuanjian, you are finally here."

Listening to the hoarse voice, Genma waved his hand in front of him and said unhappily: "I said Orochimaru, I gave you so much money, can't you find a better place?"

Orochimaru looked at Genma and smiled slightly, "This kind of hidden place is not easy to be discovered."

Xuanjian shook his head quickly and retorted: "No, no, no, if you find a place like this, there will be problems at first glance. If an expert passes by and finds that there are barriers in this remote place, do you think they will be curious and want to come in and take a look? look."

"Seeing the gloomy corridor outside, do you think they would have thought there was something shameful here?"

"Besides, you have to leave the village every time you come here. You may be discovered if you are not careful."

"If you ask me, the most dangerous place is the safest place. You might as well move the laboratory to the village and repair it better. Don't let people think you have done nothing good at a glance."

Orochimaru pinched his chin and nodded repeatedly: "What you said seems to make sense."

"It makes sense! Just listen to me, I will give you another sum of money, and you can build a new laboratory."

Seeing that Genma was still going on about the lab issue, Orochimaru hurriedly raised his hand and interrupted: "Did you bring what I want?"

"Tch, you are really impatient!" Xuanjian curled his lips and took out a scroll from his arms, "Here you go."

"You didn't want it in the first place. This is a manuscript."

"It doesn't matter, the manuscript is enough. I just use it for research." Orochimaru took the scroll excitedly, "The art of reincarnation in the dirty earth, Mr. Sarutobi, I still got the Ninjutsu you didn't want to give me."

"Don't be too happy too early. Ninjutsu is for you, but I advise you not to start human experiments yet." Genma breathed a sigh of relief, and then poured cold water on Orochimaru.


Xuanjian spread his hands and said: "If you are just researching forbidden arts, you will be fined and demoted at most if you are discovered. If you are conducting human experiments, it will not be such a simple matter."

"I don't want you to be kicked out of the village before I become Hokage."

Orochimaru first stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, then asked with a half-smile: "Are Genma-kun worried about me?"

Xuanjian admitted openly: "Of course, you are very important to me."

Orochimaru is an important scientific research genius, and his existence is unique in the entire ninja world.

It can be said that apart from himself and his lover, Orochimaru is the person that Genma values ​​the most. Even Naruto and Sasuke cannot compare to him in status.

After hearing this, Orochimaru looked away, pursed his lips and said, "But without conducting human experiments, neither the research on the First Hokage's body nor the art of reincarnation in dirty soil can be carried out."

Xuanjian didn't hesitate at all, "I have already thought of a solution."

Orochimaru was deep in thought for a long time before saying: "Then I'll leave it to you. I will also change the laboratory as soon as possible."

With one last glance at Orochimaru, Genma didn't say anything more and left with a teleportation technique.