
Chapter 46 Please Lend Me Your Power

"That guy reminds me of a person, don't underestimate him!" Inside Fenfu's body, a raccoon dog with a curse pattern all over its body reminded him.

"I know." Fenfu seemed to have made up his mind, clasping his hands together and said seriously: "Please, Shukaku, please lend me your power!"

"You're such an annoying guy."

As soon as Shukaku finished speaking, Fenfu felt that his whole body was full of strength.

"Sand shuriken!"

Dozens of protrusions appeared on the sand shield, and then the protruding sand blocks shot towards Senju Genma, and turned into shurikens in flight.

The sand shuriken hit Senju Genma accurately.

Just when Fenfu was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Senju Genjian turned into a wooden dummy.

Fenfu knew that he had been fooled and looked around for Senju Genjian.

"You don't know how to fight at all, I'm here!" Senju Xuanjian stood behind Fenfu and punched Fenfu on the back with a powerful punch.

At the same time, the positions of the two people changed.

The originally noisy battlefield disappeared, and the place turned into a silent desert.

At Senju Genjian's feet, there was a kunai with Flying Thunder God Technique.

Water Style·Hard Vortex Water Blade!

After Fenfu was punched by Senju Genma, before he flew half a meter away, a water vortex appeared in Senju Genma's hand and condensed into a water gun, spinning rapidly in layers and without direction.

As soon as the water gun came into contact with Fenfu's body, it formed a huge waterspout and blasted Fenfu away.

Senju Genma clenched his fists and said excitedly: "I'm such a genius. I can actually think of combining the Substitute Technique, Flying Thunder God Technique, strange power and Water Style."

"Let's name this move the Secret of Taijutsu - Super Water Style, the Speedy Zero-Slashing Style!"

"Where is this?" In the sea of ​​​​sand, a maracas as tall as a person rose and slowly floated to the ground. The sound of sharing blessings came from the maracas.

Desert wave!

"So you're not dead yet!" Senju Xuanjian waved and said easily, "In the desert ten kilometers north of the battlefield, you don't have to worry about forgetting your hometown if you are too far away from home. This place is still within the Kingdom of Wind."

"Really? That's good. This war is the first time I have left the village since I was a child. I don't want to leave the Kingdom of Wind so soon yet." The blessing is in the sand ball, and the sand armor on his body has already Full of cracks, "Do you miss your hometown?"

Senju Genjian smiled and said: "Occasionally! After all, there is still a lover there who is worth missing."

"Hey! Fenfu, you two are enemies, why are you still talking?" Shukaku interjected.

Fenfu whispered: "But I don't think this child looks like a villain."

Shukaku yelled: "But this is war!"

"Okay, Shukaku, stop making trouble and be good, okay?"

"Am I too good to you? Why are you talking to me?!" Shukaku screamed, and his voice became sharper. "Don't think that I won't cut you because you look like an old man!"

Sharing the blessings without saying a word.

"The chat is over, let's continue fighting!" Senju Genjian suddenly said.

Fenfu nodded and sat cross-legged in the sand ball.

The strange wrist of sand!

The sand on the ground suddenly turned into hands of sand like Shukaku's arms and grabbed Senju Genma.

Senju Genma kept swinging his fists to break these sand arms.

"Sage Art Chidori Sharp Spear!" Senju Genma saw the right moment, turned the black and white lightning into the shape of a spear, and shot towards the sand ball where Fenfu was.

Because Chidori is infused with Sage Jutsu Chakra, during use, in addition to the attack range and destructive power far exceeding that of ordinary Chidori sharp guns, the expansion speed is also faster.

It broke through the amazingly defensive sand ball in an instant.

"Don't underestimate us, kid." Shukaku in Fenfu's body shouted, and a giant spear with red lines appeared in front of Fenfu.

Spear of Shukaku!

Chidori's sharp spear, which easily penetrated the desert wave, was blocked by this giant spear and was unable to make any progress.

The sand ball surrounding Fenfu opened the Shikai body, but neither Fenfu nor Shukaku cared about it. This layer of protection that was easily broken through had no meaning in existence.

Fenfu's body underwent obvious changes and was covered in sand.

Instead of forming the armor of sand, Fenfu's appearance was transformed into another creature, like a small Shukaku, but Shukaku's appearance after losing weight.

There is no sense of obesity, but a well-proportioned figure and a sense of strength.

It seems that Shukaku also understands that his body is not in good shape and is not suitable for fighting.

Fenfu threw the Shukaku Spear, and his figure disappeared instantly, moving on the sand at a speed that was difficult for the naked eye to catch.

Senju Genjian turned slightly sideways to avoid the attack of Shukaku's spear, and sighed: "There is no seal, which means it is not a teleportation technique, but relies on physical strength? The power of the tailed beast is really terrifying!"

Although Senju Genma usually does not need to use seals to use Ninjutsu, including the instantaneous technique, this is because of his special physique.

Whether it is an ordinary teleportation technique, water teleportation or sand teleportation, there are seals. Most people need to form a seal if they want to use it, but there is no sealing action at all when Fenfu moves.

"Within Kuowa (so scary)!" He said it was scary, but Senju Xuanjian's face showed nonchalance and no fear at all.

Fenfu appeared on his side, raising his mutated big hand to slap.

"Too slow!" Senju Genjian looked back at him, his eyes turning red.

"This is..." Shukaku exclaimed.

I saw ribs made of silver-white Chakra appearing on Senju Genjian's body. After receiving Fenfu's attack, Senju Genjian flew out.

But he quickly landed on the sand and stabilized his figure. Cracks appeared in Susanoo's ribs, which were quickly repaired.

"I will never waste my life again!" Senju Xuanjian breathed a sigh of relief, but he was a little scared because he almost lost his life just now.

"Shukaku, do you know what this is?" Fenfu was a little confused. He stayed in the village all year round and was strictly guarded by the ninjas in the same village. He didn't know much, but Shukaku's reaction clearly knew what this was.

"You don't have to worry about it!" Shukaku seemed to recall a certain scene he had seen a thousand years ago. He snorted and said angrily, "This guy should not be able to reach the level of that man. Don't be afraid of him. Let him know that I The uncle is so powerful, use that move!"

Fenfu said: "Are you sure you want to use it?"

"Stop talking nonsense, just cooperate with me!" Shukaku's voice was so loud that it made Fenfu's ears uncomfortable, "The Desert Layer Burial Seal!"

Under Shukaku's control, the nearby sand began to flow toward Senju Genma, and a large amount of sand formed a pyramid-shaped high-density burial seal, sealing Senju Genma in it.

"Is it over?" Fenfu swallowed and asked nervously.

This was the first time he saw Shukaku acting so glum. He usually had an indifferent attitude no matter what happened, but now that he saw those strange ribs, he actually chose to use his killing move immediately.

"Of course. With me taking action personally, there is no chance of an accident happening!" Shukaku's voice sounded very proud.

But not long after, this man and beast's eyes widened.