
Chapter 40 Sister Garuru

On the night after Senju Genma left, the troops in Sunagakure Village discovered that Machima was missing, and immediately sent reinforcements to the base to investigate.

Looking at the Sand Shinobi base that was almost destroyed, and there were corpses all over the ground, they always felt...

The calm and composed Elite Jōnin Asaro of Sunagakure Village was completely furious.

"Wake them both up!"

"Yes!" Two ninjas in the army walked up to the two unconscious guards and injected Chakra into their bodies to break the Genjutsu.

"What is going on here?" Asaro used Sand Escape, and the gravel rolled up the bodies of the two guards and lifted them forward.

"It's a Konoha ninja who invaded the base!"

"One person?!" Asaro was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise.

He knew the strength of this base. There were nearly fifty ninjas, not only Chūnin and Jōnin, but also the Elite Jōnin called Machima, but now it was conquered by a ninja.

"That's right, it's a Konoha ninja wearing red armor and long silver-white hair!" The guard nodded heavily, "Maybe it's Hatake Sakumo!"

The guard frowned after speaking. He felt as if he had forgotten something, but he couldn't remember it.

After hearing this, Asaro put down the two guards, lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

Being able to quietly break through the Barriers outside the base, kill dozens of elite ninjas in an instant, and cause such large-scale destruction. Coupled with the main characteristic of being a Konoha ninja with long silver-white hair... Is this Hatake Sakumo? ?

No, no, Hatake Sakumo's sword skills are powerful, but they will not cause such great damage to the environment.

Then, there is no other possibility except the man at the top of the ninja, the legendary ninja who defeated Hanzo...Shiroyasha...Senju Genma!

Thinking of this, Asaro's palms broke into cold sweat.

He was definitely not wrong. It is said that that man caused serious damage to the battlefield terrain when he dueled with Hanzo. If he was still in the Kingdom of Wind and had not left...

"This man is too dangerous in our Kingdom of Wind. We must report the situation to Mr. Kazekage."

"Lord Asaro, the base has fallen. Just report it to the surrounding troops. They will send support automatically. Why bother Kazekage-sama." His subordinates were puzzled.

"You guys know nothing. That's Shiro Yaksha. Do you know how much damage he can cause to the Kingdom of Wind if he is willing?" Asaro slapped his subordinate on the face and shouted angrily, "This matter Only Kazekage-sama can solve it."

Upon hearing the name Shiroyasha, most Sand Shinobi remained silent.

Only some young Genin are gearing up, looking eager to try.

"But is Lord Kazekage a match for ShiroYasha?" a Sand Shinobi asked.

The surrounding Sand Shinobi immediately glared at him.

Asaro's eyes were dark.

He didn't know who was more powerful, Master Kazekage or ShiroYasha, and he didn't know how he could have such stupid subordinates.

In any case, this question should not be asked in this situation.

"Third Generation Kazekage-sama is the strongest Kazekage. Shiroyasha cannot be Kazekage-sama's opponent. What we have to do is report this matter to Kazekage-sama!" Asaro said solemnly.


In an oasis on the border of the Kingdom of Wind, Senju Genjian was walking slowly on the road.

"After passing through one more town, we will reach the territory of Kawa no Kuni. I don't know if Tsunade is impatient."

The reason why he returned to the Kingdom of Sichuan without resorting to counter-spiritual techniques was to see the unique customs and customs of the Kingdom of Wind, and by the way leave some Flying Thunder God Techniques in various places.

It's no fun to fight and kill all the time.

Senju Genjian looked at the yellow sand outside the oasis and thought of Shukaku who could control the sand.

This is a rare trip to the Kingdom of Wind. Do I want to recycle One Tail?

Forget it, it's useless to get One Tail now, and it's a bit troublesome. When you are strong enough in the future, you can catch them all at once like Madara, so don't worry.

Senju Genjian shook his head and looked back at the town: "Let's continue shopping!"

While walking, something suddenly hit Senju Xuanjian's waist.

But he did not sense the danger, so he said without looking back: "Long time no see, Sister Garura."

"Karura-sama, don't you even have the strength to hold a kunai now?"

"Or maybe my sister couldn't bear to do anything to me, so she didn't use any force?"

Saying that, Senju Genma quickly turned around and grabbed Garura's hand holding the kunai.

Senju Genma also wanted to make fun of him, but what he saw was Garura's lonely face.

"It seems that my sister is in a very bad situation right now. As an important sand escape blood successor ninja in Hidden Suna Village, you are allowed to wander around alone."

"And your body..."

Garuruo shook his head and said in a gentle tone: "It's Hanzo. The legendary ninja is well-deserved. I heard that you have defeated him, but I am no match for him."

"I am no longer a ninja in Sunagakure Village, and I can't continue to be a ninja in the future!"

"My body is completely broken."

Senju Genjian was stunned for a moment.

Doesn't Hanzo at this age still have a feeling of cherishing talents?

Why would you deal such a harsh blow to Garuru, who is a genius?

Could it be that I struck too hard last time, which caused his mentality to change?

"Then you are just a piece of meat on the chopping board now? Now that the two countries are at war, why do you still dare to appear in front of me?"

"I'm here for a trip." There was no trace of fear on Garura's face. Instead, he smiled, "I am an ordinary person now. As a legendary ninja, you should not take action against an ordinary little girl like me. ?"

"Besides, our Sunagakure Village started the war in the first place, so even if you take action against me, it's appropriate."

Traveling or something, it just sounds like an excuse.

Garura's mental state is very bad at first glance.

This town is close to the battlefield. Maybe she was hit too hard and her spirit was stimulated. She wanted to die in an "accident".

"Sister Garura, you are facing me with this kunai without any threat, are you deliberately trying to get me to kill you?!" Senju Genma asked, while removing the kunai from her hand.

"I can't do that kind of thing."

Garuruo's eyes began to dodge, as if something was pricking his mind.

"If you don't want to, forget it, I'm leaving." Senju Genma grabbed her hand, and the two were in a stalemate for a while. Kaura was defeated first and said.

"where are you going?"

"I'm thirsty and want to drink."

Senju Genjian said forcefully: "It's not that easy to leave. It just so happens that I have time now, so let me accompany you. You don't have the ability to refuse now!"

"But you are still a child now and cannot drink." Garuruo refused, his tone sincere, as if he really cared about Genma's health.

Senju Genjian raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect Garura to be like this and still thinking about himself.

But who are you looking down on? Even though I am still young in this life, my health is not much worse than that of adults like you.

Sister Tsunade can testify for me!